node js text-to-image use ios emoji instead of default emoji - node.js

I'm using text-to-image package to write text on images obviously, but I want to use google or ios emoji instead of my font default emoji. does anybody know how can I do this?


How to create animation compatible for Android App using Blender3D

In wanting to implement a Splash Screen for my app I was thinking that it could be interesting to create the animation in blender and then insert it in Android Studio.
What I would like to understand is which format could I use for android studio to read the animation correctly?
For example, if I created a gif, could it be read or not?
is there maybe a way to convert videos to xml format?
I don't find any documentation on this.
I definitely wouldn't want to use Lottie
Thanks in advance

How to send markdown or HTML message via Viber bot

Is it possible to send formatted message from Viber Bot with Markdown or HTML tags?
If yes - then how? What attributes to specify?
Response from Viber Developer Support:
formatting text with our API is only possible for keyboard or rich media buttons, not for text messages.
Good news from future, add a character on both sides without space:
bold with *,
italic with _,
wasted with ~,
monospace with ```.
But the formatted view is rendered only in the mobile version.

Register all system-fonts kivy

So simce kivy has only 2 or 3 fonts by default I want to add all system fonts to it.
Do i have to parse all fonts in C://windows/fonts manually via LabelBase.register or is there any function for that?

How to get currently selected text from within electron desktop application?

I am building a desktop application with electron. As a part of its functionality I want to get text that is currently selected, when a particular event fires. This text can be any where - webpage, pdf, sublime etc.
Is there any way I can do this?
For text in the DOM,
you can use:
selectedText = window.getSelection().toString()

j2me Emoji Keyboard support for textfield

want to integrate Emoji character support in Textfield in j2me application. Can anyone suggest me, how can I achieve it?
For example, In whatsapp and wechat application, TextField does support Emoji keyboard characters, but in my application it shows ? for each character I type using Emoji keyboard.
It seems that the Native Font installed on your device doesn't include those emoji characters, so it's displayed as question mark.
You still can display it by embed your own Font (Bitmap Font) to your application, then draw it manually to the screen :
Alternatively, you can use LWUIT library to create & incorporate Bitmap Font :
