Is there any way to see cstat in P4V? - perforce

I just wonder if the UI (P4V) can provide the information from this command?
Thanks for anything

P4V used this feature at one point for a "workspace overview" tab that showed, among other things, what changelist you were synced to, but that no longer exists AFAIK. You can, however, run cstat from a "custom tool" and see its output in the log pane.


How do I remove my changes on OpemCms 10.0.1?

I'm currently working with OpenCms 10.0.1 and have just created a "sub-sidemap" under "Sidemap" for a "Content page". How do I undo this? Nothing is published yet, so it is not published and only visible to people who can edit the page.
Question formulated differently: How can I delete / reuse my change?
I'm using FireFox.
it is not easy to answer your question, because I am not sure what you really want to do.
If you just want to delete your newly created folders you can easily delete them by right-clicking on the folder icon and choose "Delete". As your folders have never been published, they are deleted instantly. You could also change the folder type by selecting "Advanced" --> "Change type" in the context menu.
In case of an already published file or folder you can choose "Undo changes". This will undo all changes since the last publish.
If you are unsure, what kind of changes where made, you can compare versions by choosing "History" from the context menu.
Last but not least you can as well restore already deleted files by choosing "Advanced" --> "Restore deleted".
Have a nice day!
Best regards

Using local workspaces with TFS2012/VS2012: can I change the default lock type for checkouts?

Our team is using local workspaces. I know server workspaces provide better locking functionality, but the "check in lock" that is possible with local workspaces is sufficient for us. It's a bit of a hassle though, because for non-source files (typically, .rpt files) we have to:
Get the latest version of the file.
"Check Out For Edit".
Change the lock type to "Check in - Allow other users to check out but prevent them from checking in".
Is it possible to, at least, change the default lock type for certain file types (.rpts) so that #3 above is done automatically? Ideally, it would be nice if this applied to automatic check-outs as well, if VS is configured to check out automatically when editing/saving.
Now I know this is an old post and I'm not sure of the differences between VS2012 with TFS2012 and VS2015 with TFS2015, but I thought I'd share my solution, in case it help you or anyone else.
While there is not an option to completely automatically "Check-in lock" a file when you edit it that I can find, I did find that you could have it prompt for the check-in lock with that lock already selected.
You go Tools > Options then select the Source Control > Environment and under Editing select "Prompt for lock on checkout"
Now when ever you open a file and begin editing it, the moment you make a change it will pop up a window like this:
Note: that it has the lock type set to the check-in lock
automatically. If you had selected the "Prompt for check out" selected
in the options form, it would pop up the same for, but with the
"Unchanged" option selected.
One other important thing to note, is if you hit cancel in the Check
Out form, it will proceed to edit the file, but without checking it
out, which may be undesirable.
That covers your Points #2 and #3
As for point #1
Again, I don't know about VS2012 and TFS2012, but with 2015 you go to:Team Explorer > Settings > Source Contol (under the team project node)
You then check "Enable Get Latest on Check Out"
After both settings have been changed:
You can check out a file just by starting to edit it
The program will get the latest file when you check it out.
And it will show a prompt confirming the check-in lock before check out.
Again I'm aware that this answer is coming a little late, and it is done using 2015 software not 2012, but I hope it applies for you, and perhaps this post will help someone else.

Eschew advanced reconcile in P4V

When I try to reconcile, I'm sometimes interrupted by this alert. How can I just do a normal reconcile?
Also sometimes I see this same alert when I'm trying to cancel a reconcile. Why doesn't P4V take me straight back to the main window?
Direct Answer: Normally you can ignore that popup by clicking on cancel. It will do an "un-Advanced" reconcile. But behavior may depend on your client/server versions...
This page describes "Advanced Reconcile" as an "optional" step, but does not explain wtf (why the f) they had to add it.
I never had a problem with the reconcile before they introduced Advanced, but now it seems that a reconcile can fail to actually reconcile everything and you need to do an advanced reconcile to get the files it missed.
Lesson learned... After a "normal" reconcile (by click on "Cancel" the first time), do the reconcile again and select advanced (which does a folder diff), it shouldn't produce anything, but if it does, then you need to review those files.
Can you post an example of what the 'Advanced Reconcile' dialog looks like when you bring it up? That'll help diagnose why the basic reconcile doesn't work. As one example, if you tell P4V you're going to add a file, then delete it from disk, the basic reconcile doesn't work.
FWIW, I usually drop to the command line and run p4 reconcile as a faster option.

How to add binary diff viewer to tortise SVN & recommendations

I use tortiseSVN and frequently check in changes to binary files, does anyone know of a good diff visualizer and how to add it.
To answer the question in your title, there's information on such settings over at the TortoiseSVN site.
Open settings
Expand 'External Programs'
Select 'Diff Viewer'
Configure in the right-hand pane.
As I commented, you have two different questions here, and the one asking for suggestions for binary diff tools has already been covered here on SO. I'd suggest you reference the the answers to that question to see if they are useful and target this question in one direction only.

Perforce: P4V option to 'add to client view'? (It exists in P4Win)

In the Perforce realm, the P4Win GUI is now "legacy" and the new P4V is supposed to fill in the void (and it does, most of the time).
There was one very useful (albeit rather hidden) option in P4Win that allowed adding a depot path to the client specification in a few clicks.
Is there a similar option available in P4V? ... because I can't find it.
(I know I can do it manually.)
Here is the P4Win feature, in all its glory:
This is typical for the P4 GUI (old and new) - it can do lots of things, if only you knew where to look (hint: usually not where you'd expect to find it).
There IS an option in P4V similar to the old 'Add Files to client view' from P4Win, only a lot more powerful! (it's a bit hidden and IMO not as streamlined as the original)
You can't find it in the depot view, where you probably ARE when you need it. Instead, go to Workspaces view, right-click the workspace definition and 'Edit' it (or dbl-click it then click 'Edit').
Notice the tabs on top of the 'Workspace editor' window that just opened. Select the 'View' tab. There is a lot going on here, including (apparently) information on the new 'Offline' mode.
To get to the point: in this window, find the piece of depot you need and right-click it.
Nirvana! There are no less than 6 menu options (!) that allow you to specify how and what to add OR remove to/from the workspace definition.
There's even an 'advanced' mode that looks a bit scary :-&
For P4V version : Rev. Perforce Visual Client/LINUX26X86_64/2012.1/490402
Released on 2012 July 02
Do as follows
Go to Connections -> Edit Current Workspace
In the Basic tab , Workspace Mappings , Right click on the tree and Include Tree.
I don't think that there is, you need to open the Workspace view and make your changes there.
Edit your workspace and change the view to include the relevant directory. Although I use P4V everyday and 'Add to client view' seems to ring a bell....
Of note, they added this feature into the P4V client at some point. You can now right click on a path in the depot tab and choose "Map to Workspace View...". It will bring up the workspace editor with the path added.
