How to add binary diff viewer to tortise SVN & recommendations - tortoisesvn

I use tortiseSVN and frequently check in changes to binary files, does anyone know of a good diff visualizer and how to add it.

To answer the question in your title, there's information on such settings over at the TortoiseSVN site.
Open settings
Expand 'External Programs'
Select 'Diff Viewer'
Configure in the right-hand pane.
As I commented, you have two different questions here, and the one asking for suggestions for binary diff tools has already been covered here on SO. I'd suggest you reference the the answers to that question to see if they are useful and target this question in one direction only.


Visual Studio Code: Search Within Files but Exclude Folder

In Visual Studio Code (not to be confused with Visual Studio) there is a search interface (click the mag glass at top left).
It has a "files to include" field, and a "files to exclude" field.
I know that I can include or exclude a file from my search by entering the name of the file, or using a wildcard like *.js.
Is there a way to specifically include or exclude a directory by using these fields? If not, how would I do that?
Some have said that this question may be similar to How can I choose folders to be ignored during search?
I think it is fundamentally the same question, but as I said in a recent comment on that question:
"There is nothing in the title of this question to indicate that you are asking a question about a specific tool (Visual Studio Code). And while you do have it tagged visual-studio-code - making it appear in searches about that tool - the searcher will not necessarily know that this question is about VS Code. Also, you use a Mac specific keyboard command that is not really relevant to the question at hand, and makes the question seem non-relevant to non-Mac users."
So, yes, I guess it's the same question. But I don't think it's reasonable to expect me to have found it.
You could either change the global settings (CTRL + , by default), for example to ignore anything in node_modules
"search.exclude": {
"**/node_modules": true
Or if you don't want to set a global setting, you can just add the foldername\* to the "files to exclude" field. So in our example
files to exclude node_modules\*
Hope this helps anyone searching for it in the future.
For reference:
you can exclude or include a folder by using the files to include/exclude text boxes.
Update 1.73.1 finally addresses this issue and provides an easy way to include/exclude folders in the tree view

Any way to apply an exclude list to the Visual Studio "Navigate To"-list?

I'd like to exclude code-generated files from the Edit > Navigate To-list which appears when hitting Ctrl+, in Visual Studio 2013, as these files are never to be modified by me manually and in those rare cases where I want to see the contents of them, I'll use the solution browser. Is there any way to do this? They produce a lot of noise in my search and greatly reduces the value of the Navigate to-function.
Edit Nov 2016: added an image for illustration in VS 2015. Very much an issue still. The first search hit is a .g.cs file in the obj-folder:
I assume that by "code-generated files" you are referring to files such as .designer that are also part of the solution (and found in solution explorer). After quite a bit of research into Navigate To I was unable to find any reference to such a configuration option. Currently there appears to be only 3 options for configuration (discussed in the MSDN blog below). A possible work around would be to leverage the built in filtering features of Navigate To (#, Capitalization and Whitespace) that are new to VS2013 as outlined in this MSDN blog:
Another article I found in my research:
UPDATE: I use the ReSharper plugin and only after posting this answer realized there is a Filter results from generated files feature to exclude generated files and is discussed at the link below. Though it does not pertain to Navigate To, it may provide a satisfactory alternative:
UPDATE (12/1/2015): Now that some time has passed I decided to do a little more research and found a similar request posted on SO here. I found this to work pretty well, and VS will even save the list for you.

Is the Visual Studio 2012 RC Diff Utility Compare-Only?

I swear that in earlier versions of the preview/beta/whatever I was not only able to view the difference between two files, but also merge/update. Now I'm looking at a diff window and as far as I can tell there is no way to move lines from left to right, or right to left.
The window has a "Help" link at the bottom, leading to this page which, unfortunately has no coverage of any kind of merge. The only way I can do it at the moment is to manually copy and paste, or type the text on the left into the pane on the right.
Did Microsoft remove these features opting for a "compare-only" diff utility?
Are these tools available somewhere I'm not looking?
Is it possible my installation is corrupted? Can anyone confirm that they can not only compare, but also update using the RC.
The compare tool (I believe) doesn't have any merge options. However, if you right-click on a file in source control explorer and go to Branching & Merging > Merge you can perform a baseless merge between any two files (you have to browse for the file), and resolve conflicts within the merge tool. Hope that helps.

Checking in Files via AnkhSVN not prompting to enter FogBugz Case Number

So I followed the fogbugz guidelines to add some properties to my project repository. The only SVN property I changed was bugtraq:warnifnoissue. In the documentation mentioned above, it's set to false. I set it to true. If I use TortoiseSVN, when I go to check in a file, I will see the Fogbugz case number textbox to the above right of the checkin comments textbox. If I check-in without putting a FogBugz case number it says something along the lines of "Are you sure you want to check in without specifying a case number?". I put this on to give a friendly nudge to developers to enter a case number. It's just a prompt, doesn't force a case number to be entered. This all works great.
However, in AnkhSVN, all the above works as described, with the SVN propeties I've set, but I do not get the friendly prompt. Is this just AnkhSVN not supporting prompts like TortoiseSVN or is there some AnkhSVN setting I need to set or an additional SVN property that needs to be set for AnkhSVN?
Thanks in advance.
Indeed that's the case. AnkhSVN does not support that property (yet). Feel free to suggest/vote for it at uservoice

Can Vim/GVim Show Other Files within the Same Project while Editing a File? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
Questions asking us to recommend or find a tool, library or favorite off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.
Closed 8 years ago.
Improve this question
While I am editing a file in Vim, I need to see other available files to edit within the same project. Are there any project management features for Vim (GVim actually, if it makes any difference), either natively or in plugin form?
I'm not looking for anything extravagant, just something which will keep my files under one project name, and some sort of buffer which will display what files go under what project. You know what I mean, you see it in every IDE.
NERDTree with bookmarks does the job for me. It's popular and has been updated recently, whereas Project hasn't been updated in a few years.
:Bookmark proj1 " to bookmark a directory
:NERDTree proj1 " opens NERDTree with bookmarked directory set as tree root
Even has handy filesystem commands for creating/deleting files/directories etc
I have used the Project plugin for quite sometime. I've been fairly happy with it. I did make one modification to mine, so that I can generate tags over a whole project. It's fairly easy to add a new project to the Project window with the "\C" command inside the window. It will prompt you for certain parameters such as path, target directory, project name, and file types to include, then it will recurse the path to find all your files and then display them in the window. Be sure to save it!
The downside of Project plugin is that it only keeps track of files and does not track certain environment variables related per project. Not a big deal if you only have one project. The Project plugin can keep track of multiple projects in it's window by adding more, but you can't really "switch" between project environments seamlessly.
That is why I find SessionMan indispensable for project session management. Comes in handy when jumping back and forth between different code projects. I basically give each session a name similar to my project name. With each session, I map the project plugin command (:Project YourProject)) to a key where I can retrieve the project in each session. Also, it helps to keep your paths saved on a per session basis. This facilitates tag lookup for omnicomplete and tag navigation as well as the "gf" key combo for opening header files.
Those two plugins work great together.
There is a newer plugin called MyProjects, but the last I tried it had some window and buffer issues that I'm not used to. It also didn't work well with my session management plugin. It's still in early development.
EDIT: I also just found exVIM online. It looks interesting and might be up your alley. I may have to try it out myself. Note that there are multiple install options.
The exVim may fulfill your demand. It have a project window can browse a specific directory, also some useful plugin to ease the develop.
Here is the link:
Found an interesting link here. It's primarily Python-focused, but I think it'll get you started.
