Mockito verify doesn't match multiple stub - mockito

It seems that, when I use thenReturn like this:
I expect:
verify(abc, times(2)).call()
instead, the method seems only get called once, I am a little confused(my test work as expected, the mock seems return the value I expected), but for the invocation times, I don't know if I am getting the wrong result, or it's a expected behavior of the Mockito?

when() is mocking the method which has to produce a certain return type. If the method is called once, it will return the value also once, so the stubbing for method invocation is done only once hence the verify only recognizes one call.
You need to customize your function so that the stub( gets called more than once.
You can follow this thread for implementing multiple stubs


Does verifying the mock is need in minitest

I'm reading the mocking capability of minitest.
require "minitest/autorun"
mock =
mock.expect(:use_any_string, true, [String])
## mock.use_any_string(1)
## MockExpectationError: mocked method :use_any_string called with unexpected arguments [1]
## I do not understand the purpose for this
So I do not understand the purpose of using mock.verify since the trying to pass any another type(to use_any_string) other than String result in mock expectation error.
So why should one use assert mock.verify then?
You are right, you cannot set anything else to the configured mock, but if your mock is not called at all, then you can find out with mock.verify. So if your method under test should call the mocked method, you should verify that it was called at all.
You are correct, mock.expect(:use_any_string, true, [String]) will cause the test to fail if the expected call is not made on the mock.
However using mock.verify depends on how you compose your test. In your example you are explicitly calling the method you are testing with mock.use_any_string("foo") so there is no need to also call mock.verify.
You could get into a scenario where you are not making this call explicitly, or are expecting the mock to have had calls made at a certain time. These scenarios would take advantage of mock.verify calls.
(Another note, minitest has recently introduced assert_mock which can be used instead of mock.verify)

Jest how to assert that function is not called

In Jest there are functions like tobeCalled or toBeCalledWith to check if a particular function is called.
Is there any way to check that a function is not called?
Just use not.
See the jest documentation
not did not work for me, throwing a Invalid Chai property: toHaveBeenCalled
But using toHaveBeenCalledTimes with zero does the trick:
Recent versions of Jest (22.x and onwards) collect quite decent statistics of mock functions calls, just check out their docs.
The calls property shows you the number of calls, the arguments passed to the mock, the result returned out of it and whatnot. You can access it directly, as a property of mock (e.g. in a way how #Christian Bonzelet suggested in his answer):
// The function was called exactly once
// The first arg of the first call to the function was 'first arg'
expect(someMockFunction.mock.calls[0][0]).toBe('first arg');
// The second arg of the first call to the function was 'second arg'
expect(someMockFunction.mock.calls[0][1]).toBe('second arg');
I personally prefer this way as it gives you more flexibility and keeps code cleaner in case if you test for different inputs that produce a different number of calls.
However, you can also use shorthand aliases for Jest's expect since recently (spy matchers aliases PR). I guess .toHaveBeenCalledTimes would suit fine here:
test('drinkEach drinks each drink', () => {
const drink = jest.fn();
drinkEach(drink, ['lemon', 'octopus']);
expect(drink).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); // or check for 0 if needed
In rare cases, you might even want to consider writing your own fixture that'd do the counting. It could be useful if you're heavy on conditioning or working with state, for example.
Hope this helps!
Please follow the documentation from jest:
All mock functions have this special .mock property, which is where data about how the function has been called and what the function returned is kept. The .mock property also tracks the value of this for each call, so it is possible to inspect this as well: [...]
These mock members are very useful in tests to assert how these functions get called, instantiated, or what they returned:
// The function was called exactly once
// The function was not called

How to execute original method in Mockito after Answer on Spy object

I would like to know is the thing in the description possible and how to do it.
I know you can call original method and then do the Answer like this:
when(presenter, "myMethod").doAnswer(<CUSTOMANSWER>)
but I would like to order them differently, first do CUSTOMANSWER and then call the original method.
For followers, it's actually possible to doAnswer and callRealMethod at the same time...
doAnswer(new Answer<Object>() {
public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocationOnMock) throws Throwable {
invocationOnMock.callRealMethod(); // this one
return null;
You won't ever see when(...).doAnswer() in Mockito. Instead, you'll see either of the following, which includes the "call real method" behavior you're describing. As usual with Mockito stubbing, Mockito will select the most recent chain of calls that matches the method call and argument values in the invocation, and do each action in the chain once until the final action (which it will do for all calls afterwards.
// Normal Mockito syntax assuming "myMethod" is accessible. See caveat below.
// ...or...
That said, there's a deficiency in the PowerMockito API that makes this difficult, because after the first doAnswer call all subsequent calls you get a normal Mockito Stubber instance rather than a PowerMockitoStubber instance. The bug 599 was misinterpreted, so for the time being you'll still have to make the cast yourself.
((PowerMockitoStubber) doAnswer(customAnswer).doCallRealMethod())
.when(presenter, "myMethod");

Mockito and Mockito.any(Map.class)

Using Mockito I got in trouble with the following:
The problem was the method wasn't intercepted because I was using Mockito.any(Map.class) instead of Mockito.anyMap() and I was passing as a parameter a HashMap. What are the differences between Mockito.any(Map.class) and Mockito.anyMap()?
There is only one small difference between any(Map.class) and anyMap(): Starting with Mockito 2.0, Mockito will treat the any(Map.class) call to mean isA(Map.class) rather than ignoring the parameter entirely. (See the comment from Mockito contributor Brice on this SO answer.) Because takes an Object vararg, you may need anyMap to catch a case where a non-Map object is being passed, or no object at all is passed.
(I'd previously put that as a "dummy value" to return, Mockito can return an empty Map for calls to anyMap(), but can only return a null for calls to any(Map.class). If delegates to a real implementation during stubbing, such as if it were a spy or unmockable method (final method, method on a final class, etc), then that dummy value may be used in real code. However, that's only true for any(); anyMap() and any(Map.class) both give Mockito enough information to return a dummy Map implementation, where any() has its generics erased and only knows enough to return null.)

Wanted but not invoked: However, there were other interactions with this mock:

Wanted but not invoked: However, there were other interactions with this mock:
This is a mockito error you would catch when trying to verify the invocation on an object on specific method, but what happens is you have interacted with other method of that object but not the one mentioned.
If you have an object named CustomerService and say it has two methods named saveCustomer() and verifyExistingCustomer(),
and your mockito looks something like verify(customerService, atleast(1)).verifyExistingCustomer(customer), but in your actual service you called the saveCustomer() at least one.
Any idea how to resolve this ?
From what you are describing, it looks like you are telling your mocks that you are expecting verifyExistingCustomer() to be called but you are not actually calling it.
You should probably look at your test design, specifically ensuring that you can (via mocking) isolate your tests to test each method individually.
If there is something in your code that decides whether to call saveCustomer() or verifyExistingCustomer() then you should try to mock the data that the code inspects so that you can test each individually.
For example if your code looked like this:
if (customer.getId() == 0) {
} else {
Then you could have two separate tests that you could isolate by setting a zero value and non-zero value for the id in customer.
If you'd like to share your code I could probably give you a better example.
