What is the purpose of ankhSVN? - tortoisesvn

It appears that tortoiseSVN can do all the neccessary version control managment (adding, commiting etc). If one has tortoiseSVN what is the purpose of ankhSVN?


svn commandline options to check in all files and not open the gui

Tortoise svn commandline tool is there a switch or an argument to check All files and to suppress the gui. I am working on source control automation.
TortoiseProc.exe /command:commit /path:"C:\SVN" /url:"http://mysvnserver/trunk" /closeonend:2
As Ken White alluded to in his comment, TortoiseSVN is not designed to be automated in a completely "silent" fashion. If that's your requirement, you should use svn.exe (which is installed with TortoiseSVN as an optional component, or you can get it standalone).
If there's a module/library for the environment you're working in (like SVNKit for Java, SharpSVN for .NET, PySVN for Python and SVN::Client for Perl), try to use that.
If you're using the command-line client, you'll use svn commit c:\svn but I'd suggest including a commit message too. See svn help commit for full details (ci is an alias for commit).

Is it possible to svn checkout in a database

I a writing a little webapp, which allows the users to browse through a Visual SVN server. I would like to add an online editor like github in this webapp, so users can edit the files online, leave a message and the changes appear in the repository.
For that I need to checkout the files locally. My idea was to check them in a mongodb out, so I can save the changes per user like a local working copy.
Is there a way (without reimplementing the svn protocol) to make a checkout in a database or even just the memory and then write it in the database.
If there are any questions, just ask :)
Btw. if someone is interested, here is the code https://bitbucket.org/Knerd/svn-browser
There is no way to do svn checkout to directly to database. But there is some options.
First of all, you can simple create virtual disk that resides in memory and perform checkouts to that disk. Than you can store checked out files to database.
Another option is to use rich Subversion API directly. Note, that Subversion is written in C, so you will need to build bridge between Node.js and SVN (as far as I can remember, there is no official Subversion bindings for Node.js, but there is for Python and Java and there is unofficial nodesvn package available for Node.js). Using the API you can implement your own 'in-database' working copy.
Also you can use svnmucc utility (which is shipped with VisualSVN Server) to make commits directly in the repository (without even making a working copy). If you combine it with svn ls, svn info etc. you can implement repository browsing and editing of files.

What is the best solution for strictly local version control?

I am using Visual Studio 2012 on my home PC and I have been looking for a way to implement version control locally. I use Team Foundation Server at work, and have never used anything else. I am not trying to connect to my work server, I just want version control for my home projects.
I tried Git Tools for Visual Studio, which works ok - but it doesn't support reverting to a previous commit. Every time I've needed to revert, I've had to go to the Git repository website, download that commit, and replace the files on my machine.
Is there anything out there that supports similar version control to TFS?
Git is a good option because it keeps a complete copy of the repository version history locally-- you never need to push changes to an external server. You can read about setting up a local repository here.
Once you have a repository set up and some changes committed, you can use git reset --hard <commit> to reset to that commit. See documentation here. Note that this will wipe out any pending AND committed changes on top of the referenced commit.

"branch/tag" through Tortoise SVN dialog is forbidden

I am facing a problem with TortoiseSVN (my client version is 1.6.16 and the SVNversion is
The projectA project has the classical architecture, with three folder: trunk, branches and tags.
I have rights to Read and Write from a projectA folders (tags,branches and trunk).
While working in the trunk, there is no issue, everything works fine. The only problem is that when a release time comes (or branching time comes), and I want to create a tag (a branch), I want to use the TortoiseSVN dialog "branch/tag". Then I choose the origin from the trunk or the revision o nthe trunk i need, and choose the "To URL" like "http://..../projectA/tags/v2.0".
After clicking "OK", it will let me know that the access to "http://...../projectA/" is forbidden.
The only solution right now, is to checkout the "projectA/tags" folder to a local folder. Then in this "projectA/tags" folder I will create one new folder with the name of the tag I want to create, and I am able to commit it without any problem.
I don't want to manually create the folder of the tag/branch like this, andwould rather like to use the "branch/tag" feature of TortoiseSVN.
Anyone has an idea about this issue ?
There is a recommendation in Subversion (at least on Windows with TortoiseSVN) to use the same major version as the server. You are allowed to ignore that recommendation, and most of the time, it does not hurt, but here you may have a case where it makes a difference. You should at least check if
the server could be upgraded to 1.6.x XOR
the client (your installation) could be downgraded to 1.4.x
However, your client will ( in the second case ) no longer work with your checkout directories. Branching has changed a lot from version 1.4.x to 1.6.x, so you will face a hard time if you have to use a 1.6.x client with a 1.4.x server.

Drupal: do you use SVN for websites development?

Do you use Subversion while developing a website with drupal ?
I'm not talking about modules development, but websites development (i.e. adding hook functions, modifying template file.. etc)
Anything that's got any kind of ongoing development or is going to change over time should be version controlled.
Even if you're just doing a very small project, the value of having a version history is indesputable, and being able to make changes without worrying about overwriting someone else's updates is priceless.
Yes, its's good keep a SVN repository synced with your local instance.For that purpose you can use Eclipse.
Yes, but we are moving to git in the near future because it offers a better feature set (distributed SCM ftw) and more options for managing our code base (git submodules, stashing, better hook integration, better merging support, rebasing, and so much more). For the time being we've got our repos setup like so:
Each branch is a svn copy of the trunk repo (where we do most of our development) and each tag is a svn copy of it's corresponding branch. The core branch is the primary distro that we distribute to all of our sites that share the university's look and feel, and each subsite is a site with special modules, custom theme, or any other functionality that isn't part of the primary distro. It makes moving between drupal releases a lot easier, but you can start to run into problems merging occasionally. Also you run into performance issues when the repo starts to grow, which is part of the reasoning behind moving to git.
Yes. Version control is critical. Distributed version control systems such as Git, Mercurial, and Bazaar are particularly nice, and let you start committing immediately, without the need to push those changes to a central server.
My Drupal workflow: use Mercurial and its sub-repositories feature to create independent repositories for 1) Drupal + contributed modules, 2) theme, and 3) custom modules. That way, I can clone from a single URL, get my entire project, and be able to track changes to each distinct piece independently.
