Unable to inject Captor with QuarkusTest - mockito

I am trying to write integration tests for Quarkus using Mockito, but I fail using Argument captor.
Here is a minimal (not) working example :
public class SimpleTest {
private ArgumentCaptor<Context> contextArgumentCaptor;
public void testOne() {
contextArgumentCaptor is "null".
If I remove #QuarkusTest, contextArgumentCaptor is created.
It also works with #QuarkusTest and direct Argument creator :
public class ConfigTest {
private ArgumentCaptor<Context> contextArgumentCaptor;
public void setup() {
contextArgumentCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Context.class);
public void givenValidCloudEvent_whenHandleHandoverFunction_ThenHandoverStarted() {
So it is really the combinaison of #QuarkusTest with #Captor that doesn't work.
Any idea?

Yes, using #QuarkusTest along with the #Captor will not work correctly. You must create the captor yourself


mockmvc: when I use mockMvc to test a controller, how to deal with the parameter Authentication?

I am going to test my controller using springsecurity.
public String xx(Authentication auth){
String userId = (String)auth.getPrincipal();
I have no idea how to mock Authentication object. Or is there other way to deal with it?
My test shown below
public class MyControllerTest{
private XxController xxController;
private MockMvc mockMvc;
public void setUp() {
mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(xxController).build();
public void xxtestMethod() throws Exception {
MvcResult mvcResult = mockMvc.perform(MockMvcRequestBuilders.post(/xx))
For basic auth, after trying different ways to do it, I found this worked for me :
.principal(new MyAuthentication())
Notice that MyAuthentication class implements the Authentication interface

how to convert return type of method within when().thenReturn method of Mockito

Below is my code snippet. This is giving me compilation error, as env.getProperty will return String. How do I get integer value. Interger.ParseInt is not working.
Below is my test class
public class MyclassTest {
Myclass myObj=new Myclass();
#Mock Environment env=Mockito.mock(Environment.class);
public void init() {
public void testTenantIdentifierCutomerTypeCUSTOMER_ACCOUNT() {
assertEquals("Expecteddata",myObj.testMethod(new StringBuilder(inputData),anotherData).toString);
Below is the Method needs to be tested
public StringBuilder testMethod(StringBuilder inputData, String anotherData)
if (anotherData.equals(env.getProperty("StringKey1"))) {
First, you should mock your env, this way:
Second, pay attention to the method itself, should be
Instead of
myObj.setEnvironment(this.env); in init() method try:
Myclass myObj = new Myclass();
Also remove assignment for
#Mock Environment env=Mockito.mock(Environment.class);
it should look
#Mock Environment env;

#SpringIntegrationTest annotation does not load context as expected

Normally, when I use #SpringBootTest I get the full context of beans. I can the #Autowire all kinds of beans that are available after the application has started.
Now, in the scope of spring-integration-test libary, the #SpringIntegrationTest does not do this.
As the testing module promises, you can use
private MockIntegrationContext mockIntegrationContext;
However, after inspecting the bean map on that instance, I found out there are no beans!
Example test:
public class AppTest {
private MockIntegrationContext mockIntegrationContext;
public void contextLoads() {
// put breakpoint to inspect field
When I however run the following code, I get a complete context:
public class App2Test {
private ListableBeanFactory beanFactory;
public void contextLoads() {
Assert.isTrue(beanFactory.getBeanDefinitionCount() > 0)
Why is that? How can I achieve a similar result with spring-integration-test?
Reading materials: https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/docs/current/reference/html/testing.html
They are independent annotations; you need both.
This works fine for me:
public class So52297757ApplicationTests {
private MockIntegrationContext mockIntegrationContext;
private String foo;
public void contextLoads() {
public class So52297757Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(So52297757Application.class, args);
public String foo() {
return "foo";

How to use PowerMock invoke private method and get return value?

I use PowerMockito mock a class instance that contains private method. And I want to verify private method return value is correct, So how to use PowerMock invoke private method and get return value?
This is demo:
class Demo {
public publicMethod1ReturnClass publicMethod1() {
// do something...
private privateMethod1ReturnClass privateMethod1() {
// do something
class DemoTest {
public void test() throws Exception {
Demo demo = PowerMockito.spy(new Demo());
privateMethod1ReturnClass result = demo.privateMethod1();
You can do it using Whitebox like this,
privateMethod1ReturnClass s = Whitebox.invokeMethod(demo, "privateMethod1");
assertEquals(s, "yourExpectedResult");

MS TEst: Method not executed when base class is generic

Not duplicate of: Inherited test class from generic base is ignored in MSTest
In my case, the test classes are in the same namespace/assembly.
When unittesting classes which have a lot in common, I would like to use a base test class with a generic parameter. I have boiled the problem down to the following, where my base test method is not being executed, but ONLY in the generic case.
Non-generic: Base test method is EXECUTED:
public class DerivedTestClass : BaseUnitTest
protected override string ReturnMeSomething(object obj)
return "test1" + obj.ToString();
public void derived_test()
// This is executed
public abstract class BaseUnitTest
public void base_test()
// This is executed
protected abstract string ReturnMeSomething(object obj);
Generic: Base test method in generic base class is NOT EXECUTED:
public class DerivedTestClass : BaseUnitTest<string>
protected override string ReturnMeSomething(string s)
return "test1" + s;
public void derived_test()
// This is executed
public abstract class BaseUnitTest<T>
public void base_test()
// This is NOT executed
protected abstract string ReturnMeSomething(T t);
Can anyone tell me the reason for this?
After a few days, this suddenly works (!!). If anyone ever experiences this same, odd behavior, please write a comment here. I would suggest anyone to reboot and clean+rebuild everything and try again.
