MS TEst: Method not executed when base class is generic - c#-4.0

Not duplicate of: Inherited test class from generic base is ignored in MSTest
In my case, the test classes are in the same namespace/assembly.
When unittesting classes which have a lot in common, I would like to use a base test class with a generic parameter. I have boiled the problem down to the following, where my base test method is not being executed, but ONLY in the generic case.
Non-generic: Base test method is EXECUTED:
public class DerivedTestClass : BaseUnitTest
protected override string ReturnMeSomething(object obj)
return "test1" + obj.ToString();
public void derived_test()
// This is executed
public abstract class BaseUnitTest
public void base_test()
// This is executed
protected abstract string ReturnMeSomething(object obj);
Generic: Base test method in generic base class is NOT EXECUTED:
public class DerivedTestClass : BaseUnitTest<string>
protected override string ReturnMeSomething(string s)
return "test1" + s;
public void derived_test()
// This is executed
public abstract class BaseUnitTest<T>
public void base_test()
// This is NOT executed
protected abstract string ReturnMeSomething(T t);
Can anyone tell me the reason for this?

After a few days, this suddenly works (!!). If anyone ever experiences this same, odd behavior, please write a comment here. I would suggest anyone to reboot and clean+rebuild everything and try again.


Unable to inject Captor with QuarkusTest

I am trying to write integration tests for Quarkus using Mockito, but I fail using Argument captor.
Here is a minimal (not) working example :
public class SimpleTest {
private ArgumentCaptor<Context> contextArgumentCaptor;
public void testOne() {
contextArgumentCaptor is "null".
If I remove #QuarkusTest, contextArgumentCaptor is created.
It also works with #QuarkusTest and direct Argument creator :
public class ConfigTest {
private ArgumentCaptor<Context> contextArgumentCaptor;
public void setup() {
contextArgumentCaptor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Context.class);
public void givenValidCloudEvent_whenHandleHandoverFunction_ThenHandoverStarted() {
So it is really the combinaison of #QuarkusTest with #Captor that doesn't work.
Any idea?
Yes, using #QuarkusTest along with the #Captor will not work correctly. You must create the captor yourself

Creating anonymous object with inline function. Does it contain a leak of Enclosing Class?

As you know each anonymous object in java contains hidden reference to enclosing class.
But with kotling things get more complicated.
Lambda is another representation of anonymous class, but in kotlin it compiles not straightforward, because if lambda didn't capture a reference of enclosing class explicitely than it would be compiled like nested, not inner class (anonymous class) and is safe from the leak.
But what about inline functions. Consider the code below
class A {
fun test(){
val it = withReference {
//todo make sth
inline fun withReference(crossinline action: () -> Unit) = object: Reference {
override fun method1() {
override fun method2() {
interface Reference {
fun method1()
fun method2()
As i know inline function would be compiled like non-wrapped code to the A class, so the question is open.
Does the anonymous object: Reference contain a link to enclosing class A, which could lead to a memory leak?
PS: i have read this article, but it doesn't contain an answer to my case
I used the decompiler of IntelliJ and there is no reference to the outer A
public final class A$test$$inlined$withReference$1 implements Reference {
public void method1() {
public void method2() {
If the lambda references a variable from the outer class A like this:
class A {
val valFromA = 10;
fun test(){
val it = withReference {
println("use $valFromA")
Then the decompiler shows the reference to the A object:
public final class A$test$$inlined$withReference$1 implements Reference {
// $FF: synthetic field
final A this$0;
public A$test$$inlined$withReference$1(A var1) {
this.this$0 = var1;
public void method1() {
String var1 = "use " + this.this$0.getValFromA();
public void method2() {
If you think about it, the withReference function has no way of referring to the outer scope that it gets inlined into, therefore it has no reason to contain a reference to the scope that it's called from. You don't even know what class it's being called in, or if it's even called inside a class, for that matter.
For this specific case, here's the decompiled and simplified bytecode of the withReference function:
public static Reference withReference(final Function0 action) {
return new Reference() {
public void method1() {
public void method2() {
At the places where it gets inlined, there's of course no call to this function, this one is for Java interop only. Kotlin call sites all get their own class generated to represent this object depending on what code you pass into the action parameter. For your call of the test function, a class like is generated:
public final class A$test$$inlined$withReference$1 implements Reference {
public void method1() {
//todo make sth
public void method2() {
And this is what's instantiated in the test method:
public final class A {
public final void test() {
Reference it = new A$test$$inlined$withReference$1();

Mono.Cecil: How to replace base class

I have some classes Like the following:
public class MvxEventSourceActivity : Activity
protected override void MethodA()
public class MvxActivity : MvxEventSourceActivity
There are a bunch of different subclasses of Activity and right now I have to make an MvxEventSource/MvxActivity pair for each one (Example: MvxEventSourceListActivity/MvxListActivity that wraps the class ListActivity which inherits from Activity. If I was using C++ I could use CRTP to do something like the following:
public class MvxEventSourceActivity<TActivity> : TActivity
where TActivity : Activity
protected override void MethodA()
public class MvxActivity : MvxEventSourceActivity<Activity>
But this is C# and I can't do that. How would I go about using Fody to do something like that?

Trying Decorator Design Pattern, what's wrong with this code?

I have this code that explains the decorator pattern:
public abstract class IBeverage {
protected string description = "Unknown beverage";
public virtual string getDescription() {
return description;
public abstract class CondimentDecorator : IBeverage {
public abstract string getDescription();
public class Espresso : IBeverage {
public Espresso() {
description = "Espresso";
public class Mocha : CondimentDecorator {
IBeverage beverage;
public Mocha(IBeverage beverage) {
this.beverage = beverage;
public override string getDescription() {
return beverage.getDescription() + ", Mocha";
I should use it like:
static void Main(string[] args) {
IBeverage b = new Espresso();
b = new Mocha(b);
When I create the beverage (Beverage b = new Espresso();) _description is updated to "Espresso", when I decorate b with Mocha (b = new Mocha(b)), then _description takes the original value "Unknown Beverage". It should be "Espresso, Mocha". What's wrong?
This code was originally written in Java (the book was written with Java), but I translated it into C#. I guess Java works a little different from C#.
Because GetDescription() is not virtual.
public virtual string GetDescription() { ... }
virtual is the companion keyword to override, it's what allows subclasses to override methods. This is a key difference in C# from Java. In Java all methods are implicitly virtual.
You've actually got a few issues here (perhaps differing designs from Java). Even after sorting all of the naming issues, you will not get what you expect.
public abstract class CondimentDecorator : IBeverage {
public abstract string GetDescription();
The CondimentDecorator class will actually hide the IBeverage version GetDescription() method (you technically should use public new abstract string GetDescription();.
You are classifying the Mocha class as an IBeverage by assigning it to the b variable (which you earlier defined as an IBeverage via IBeverage b = new Espresso(), the IBeverage version of the GetDescription() method is what actually fires (totally ignoring the Mocha override of the CondimentDecorator GetDescription() method)
You can see this if you step through the code. Try using
CondimentDecorator m = new Mocha(b);
and you will get what you expect.
However, this kind of defeats the purpose of using a decorator in my opinion. A better option would be to change the design a bit and get rid of the CondimentDecorator. It is not providing anything other than confusion and unexpected behaviour. Instead try this:
This is your only needed abstract Beverage class:
public abstract class Beverage
// c# convention is to use properties instead of public fields.
// In this case I've used a private readonly backing field.
private readonly string _description = "Unknown Beverage";
protected string Description
get { return _description; }
set { _description = value; }
// Make this method virtual so you can override it, but if you
// choose not to, this is the default behaviour.
public virtual string GetDescription()
return Description;
This is a standard beverage class (can be decorated):
public class Espresso : Beverage
public Espresso()
// Setting the Beverage class Description property.
// You can use base.Description if you prefer to be explicit
Description = "Espresso";
This is a Beverage class that decorates another Beverage class:
public class Mocha : Beverage
// store an instance of the Beverage class to be decorated
private readonly Beverage _beverage;
// Beverage instance to be decorated is passed in via constructor
public Mocha(Beverage beverage)
_beverage = beverage;
// Override Beverage.GetDescription
public override string GetDescription()
// Calls decorated Beverage's GetDescription and appends to it.
return _beverage.GetDescription() + ", Mocha";
And now to get the behaviour you expect, you can run the same code as above:
static void Main(string[] args)
Beverage b = new Espresso();
Console.WriteLine(b.getDescription()); // "Espresso"
b = new Mocha(b);
Console.WriteLine(b.getDescription()); // "Espresso, Mocha"
As a side note. You can avoid using Console.ReadKey(); when debugging by using Ctrl + F5 This will automatically put in "Press any key to continue..." for you.
Since you want to include the CondimentDecorator class (as mentioned in your comment), you can create the following class:
public abstract class CondimentDecorator : Beverage
private readonly Beverage _beverage;
protected Beverage Bevy
get { return _beverage; }
protected CondimentDecorator(Beverage beverage)
_beverage = beverage;
Then you would change your Mocha class to the following:
// override CondimentDecorator instead of Beverage
public class Mocha : CondimentDecorator
// Pass the Beverage to be decorated to the base constructor
// (CondimentDecorator)
public Mocha(Beverage beverage)
: base(beverage)
// nothing needed in this constructor
public override string GetDescription()
// Now access the CondimentDecorator's Beverage property
// (which I called Bevy to differentiate it)
return Bevy.GetDescription() + ", Mocha";

Postsharp - Adding OnMethodBoundaryAspect to abstract Method - Aspect Not Firing

I'm trying to implement an OnMethodBoundary aspect on an abstract method in an abstract class so that all types that inherit from this class will automatically have the aspect applied. There are no compilation errors or warnings, but the OnEntry method doesn't fire. Note: If I apply the aspect to a non-abstract method, everything works fine
here's the aspect example:
[MulticastAttributeUsage(MulticastTargets.Method, Inheritance = MulticastInheritance.Multicast)]
public sealed class DoSomethingAttribute : OnMethodBoundaryAspect
public override void OnEntry(MethodExecutionArgs args)
//Do work
// here's the abstract class
public abstract class Job
public abstract void Run();
Updated answer: it doesn't matter where anything is, as long as both projects have Postsharp referenced then you're good to go.
It works just fine. Which version of PostSharp are you using?
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Job1 j = new Job1();
[MulticastAttributeUsage(MulticastTargets.Method, Inheritance = MulticastInheritance.Multicast)]
public sealed class DoSomethingAttribute : OnMethodBoundaryAspect
public override void OnEntry(MethodExecutionArgs args)
public abstract class Job
public abstract void Run();
public class Job1 : Job
public override void Run()
Console.WriteLine("Run method");
Run method
