I am coding with React.js in VS coding.
But I am feeling sorrow so ESlint & Prettier setting is not as required.
What should I do to make it work like the picture below when an error occurs?
I'm using VS Code to write Angular apps in TypeScript. I have the Prettier and ESLint extensions installed and I want to configure ESLint to not remove unnecessary parentheses. ESLint has a "no-extra-parens" and I'd like to turn it off.
As a background, the Angular projects have very low test coverage. With unit tests and integration tests I need to be sure not to break existing functionality. My company would have greater confidence in the formatting changes if the unneeded parentheses are left intact.
I am using the Mac Classic in Sublime & VS Code and I am trying to get JSON object colors to match. Does anyone know how I can achieve this?
VS Code
I installed the Javascript Babel editor and it ended up working.
I'm utilizing WebStorm IDE for node.js development and I'm trying to cleanup all the WebStorm warnings and errors.
The remaining error is a 'Unresolved variable webServ' warning, but the use of the req.params.webServ is correct.
I don't want to just remove the WebStorm 'Unresolved variable...' warning.
How do I resolve this WebStorm IDE warning?
As webServ is not defined anywhere in your code (except for root path string passed to delete()), it can't be resolved using static code analysis. You can suppress such warnings for statement using comments (hit Alt+Enter, then hit Right, choose Suppress for statement).
See also https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-17419#comment=27-1058451, https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/206349469-disable-unresolved-variable-on-json-object-received-by-ajax-call for other possible workarounds
WebStorm is highlighting my server setup file as having syntax errors that definitely aren't. This is a nodeJs file...
Is there something I can do to help WebStorm to understand better?
Here is a screen shot of what I'm seeing:
Check your JavaScript language version in Preferences -> Languages & Frameworks -> JavaScript. Be sure it's set to ECMAScript 6, since you are using ES2015 syntax.
I have been fairly comfortable with Susy and decided to install susy 2.0.0.rc.1 and sass 3.3.0.rc.4. When I tried to set up $map, exactly as per the Settings documentation, in my _base.scss, liveReload gave me error message after error message with the usual expected after ")" got etc. etc. So I can't even get started. Isn't $map the new way of setting up the grid?
FYI, LiveReload will not use sass 3.3.0.rc.1 and that is why my $susy won't work. LiveReload uses its own sass. Reverting to compass watch in the Terminal solves the initial problem. So now I know where the problem lies.
I should really delete this question. I found that LiveReload has a plugin for sass 3.3.0 and with a bit of tweaking of folders (in response to LiveReload error message re: compass/gem/compass) I now have it working. So it's possible to compile with LiveReload, CodeKit and Terminal (compass watch).
Now that I can see what's going on, I've returned to susy (now ver 2.1.1) full time. Singularity has released Version 1.2.0, but the documentation is as limited as before.