How Do I Use Susy 2 $map? - susy-compass

I have been fairly comfortable with Susy and decided to install susy 2.0.0.rc.1 and sass 3.3.0.rc.4. When I tried to set up $map, exactly as per the Settings documentation, in my _base.scss, liveReload gave me error message after error message with the usual expected after ")" got etc. etc. So I can't even get started. Isn't $map the new way of setting up the grid?

FYI, LiveReload will not use sass 3.3.0.rc.1 and that is why my $susy won't work. LiveReload uses its own sass. Reverting to compass watch in the Terminal solves the initial problem. So now I know where the problem lies.
I should really delete this question. I found that LiveReload has a plugin for sass 3.3.0 and with a bit of tweaking of folders (in response to LiveReload error message re: compass/gem/compass) I now have it working. So it's possible to compile with LiveReload, CodeKit and Terminal (compass watch).
Now that I can see what's going on, I've returned to susy (now ver 2.1.1) full time. Singularity has released Version 1.2.0, but the documentation is as limited as before.


Can't use Color Picker Extension in VS Code. [processBridge]: Error: Cannot get NPM

Windows 10 Home 21H2
CPU Intel i7-8700k
Motherboard ASUS Prime Z370-P II
Visual Studio Code v1.65.2
Node v16.14.2.
npm v8.5.0
The Problem:
When I run Pick Color ...
This happens
How I got here:
I installed node (and npm) as part of a course, from the official website, to use a TypeScript compiler.
In the process Chocolatey and something about Python was also installed. I think I remember seeing some errors in the script, but I'm very new to all of this. Despite that, both are in paths, as shown later.
Also had to use PowerShell and run
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
I checked the installation
Node version
Now this is what happens when I try to use the Color Picker extension. First, the installation guide says
PATH is ok, as shown in the following pictures.
Node Version Manager? Don't remember using that.
Command Pallete, ext install, "Color Picker" not on the list.
User Variables Path and
System Path
VS Code:
Trying ext install in the command pallete
I'm very sorry for this last screenshots in spanish.
Lastly I found this old issue on GitHub but I couldn't solve my problem with it:
(Gonna leave link in the comments as I can't go beyond 8 links in my post.)
Do you need this extension? Probably something buggy that will cause you problems with every upgrade. You already have a similar and cleaner solution as a VSCode default:
Just hover over a color and the little square icon next to it in a CSS or SASS/SCSS file, and you'll see the picker pop up. For changing from RGB(A) to HEX and other types, just click the header where you see rgba(84, ...) in the screenshot.

I have vs-code installed on a Mac and since a few hours it won't underline errors in Rust

Yeah due to Christmas I went over to my mother but still wanted to improve my skills in rust. For one day everything just worked fine, but now vscode doesn't underline the errors.
here a pic how it looks, I have rust-analyzer installed. It should underline something because the method doesn't return. anything.
Do you have any idea how to get rid of the Issue I already reinstalled twice.
Are you in
If you are in a module file or you need to import the files with use.
Other than that, I don't know, you could try enabling
"rust-analyzer.trace.extension": true,
In your settings.json file and checking your log output.
I had some issues after installing the latest version so you may want to head to the rust-analyzer extension page, click the drop-down arrow next to Uninstall and selecting Install older version, I just used a version that was 11 days old and it seemed to fix things.
EDIT: There is an issue showing VSCode downloads the wrong/old version.

nodejs syntax highlighter to terminal in nodejs

For this new nodejs debugger I am working on I would like to colorize the source-code lines that are displayed. Any recommendations on a npm to use?
There are a lot of syntax highlighters out there, but what makes this situations a little different is
The output is a to a terminal; it is not rendered in a browser
I only need to colorize nodejs; so although handling 20 million other languages as well may be cool, it is not needed here and it adds code bloat. (I can handle adding code bloat very well enough on my own, thank you.)
I see node-syntaxhighlighter but the lack of links to a github page or documentation kind of troubles me.
Starting with release 0.1.5 I use consolehighlighter.
I had the same need to colorize some programs in the terminal, and I fell upon the following package cli-highlight.
Here is the github link:

Eclipse tab color setting not working (GUI options)

I updated Eclipse to 4.2.0 (I'm running Archlinux). Eclipse seems to be not taking its own parameters:
Note how the preview is showing correctly, but the main interface is showing this:
Any advice on how to solve this?
I'm using a dark theme in my GTK. It used to show correctly before the update.
If you run into this trouble, try this little command:
#rename .css .not /usr/share/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.platform_4.2.2.v201302041200/css/*.css
You will need to replace 4.2.2.v201302041200 with your Eclipse version number.
What I'm saying is, remove or rename the theme CSS files, you will be surprised of the neat, clean and simple interface Eclipse gets, and it will follow YOUR colour settings.
Notice how even the sidebar buttons got cleaner/non-bloated.
For Ubuntu 13.10 the location of the CSS files is different:
As Greg Kramida suggested, the command should be:
#rename -v 's/\.css/\.css\.not/g' /opt/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.platform_4.3.1.v20130911-1000/css/*.css
Updated 2014-09-19
For those running the new version "Luna" 4.4.0 the directory has changed (platform became ui.themes) so the new command is:
#rename .css .not /usr/share/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.themes_1.0.0.v20140604-1608/css/*.css
Updated 2015-05-23
As the version of eclipse keeps changing (at least in my linux distro) I found this command to be more useful:
# rename .css .not /usr/share/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.ui.themes*/css/*.css
The UI look like the Eclipse 3.X stream. Did you switch the Preferences>Apparence Theme to classic? Try the GTK one to see if it's better.
However, there is still some issues with the Eclipse 4 css rendering.
If the first solution came out with no luck, what you can do is to create a plugin like this one :
Then focus on the following properties on your css file
CTabItem {
CTabItem:selected {
Where you can adjust the tabs colors.
Here are some resources:
You may also find the Eclipse 4 CSS spy useful.
Appearently Eclipse is listening to the stylesheet of winxp. Try adjusting that one:

Issue running firefox built from source (on Ubuntu 9.10)

The title of the question sums it up pretty well. I've downloaded the source for firefox 3.6 and built it (no errors), but when I try to run it, I get a warning that says:
(firefox-bin:2857): GLib-WARNING **: g_set_prgname() called multiple times
I'm not sure what to try now. Any suggestions? Or even a better place to ask this question?
*EDIT - It's not that I only get a warning, that wouldn't bother me. The problem is that the warning is the only thing that ever happens (no firefox windows show up or anything). When I run it from the terminal, that warning shows up twice and then nothing else happens (it just hangs and I have to Ctrl-C it).
Bug in Glib introduced while trying to fix and, as discussed in that bug, later backed out because of the issue you're seeing. The warning will go away once you get a newer version of Glib.
Quick comments:
It's a warning, not an error. This is not a problem but looks like the library wanted to be used differently. So why worry?
Why did you build it from source? If you want newer packages, I usuaully start with Debian sources and turn those into local packages -- as this incorporates whatever the package maintainers deemed worthy and will be closer to the package you will get at the next Ubuntu upgrade.
