Any reason one Linux server affect speed of another Linux server - linux

I have two Linux server, and MATLAB is installed independently on each server.
One day, we have found that running many MALTAB jobs using SLURM on one machine(1) somehow slows down MATLAB on the other machine(2).
First, I thought it might be caused by SLURM, so I turned off SLURM on second machine. However, it did not help. I have checked CPU usage, but CPU usage for second machine has not changed while first machine is running. The two servers don't share memory or CPU. They do have some shared mounted directories, but I'm not sure if it can reduce speed of MATLAB this much.
Would there be any idea about what is going on and how I can examine this?
Thank you.
Added: There are a bit of updates. I have checked bench for MATLAB of second machine again with even more jobs running on first machine. The 2-D and 3-D worktime greatly increased on second machine. I hope this helps to find out the reason.
After many MATLAB jobs are running on first machine


Unable to Run Multiple Node Child Processes without Choking on DigitalOcean

I've been struggling to run multiple instances of Puppeteer on DigitalOcean for quite some time with little luck. I'm able to run ~5 concurrently using tools like puppeteer-cluster, but for some reason the whole thing just chokes with little helpful messaging. So, I switched to spawning ~5 child processes without any additional library -- just Puppeteer itself. Same issue. Chokes with no helpful errors.
I'm able to run all of these jobs just fine locally, but after I deploy, I hit these walls. So, my hunch is that it's a resource/performance issue, but I can't say for sure.
I'm running a droplet with 1GB and 3CPUs on Digital Ocean.
Basically, I'm just looking for ways to start troubleshooting something like this. is there a way I can know for sure that I'm hitting resource walls? I've tried pm2 and the DO dashboard graphs, but I feel like those are all leaving a lot of information out, or else I'm missing something else altogether.
Author of puppeteer-cluster here. You are right, 1 GB of memory is likely not enough for running 5 browser windows (or tabs) in addition to your operating system and maybe even other background tasks.
Here is a list of resources you should check:
Memory: Use a tool like htop to check your memory usage while your application is running.
CPU: Again, you can use htop for that, 3 vCPUs should be more than enough for 5 windows.
Disk space: Use a tool like df to check if there is enough space on the disk. I know of multiple cases in which there was not enough space on the disk (like some old kernels filling the disk), and Chrome needs at least some space to run.
Network throughput: Rarely the problem, but sometimes the network just does not have the bandwidth to support many open browser. Use a tool like nload to check the network throughput.
To use htop or nload, you start your script in the background (node script.js &) or use a terminal multiplexer (like tmux). Resource problems should then be easy to spot.
Most probably you're running out of memory, 5 puppeteer processes are a lot for a 1GB VM.
You can run
grep -i 'killed process' /var/log/messages
to confirm that the OOM killer terminated your processes.

OS specific build performance in Java

We are currently evaluating our next-generation company-wide developer pc-configuration and have noticed something really weird.
Our rather large monolith has - on our current configuration a build time of approx. 4.5 minutes (no test, just compile).
For our next generation configuration we upgraded several components. A moderate increase in frequency and IPC with the processor, doubling the number of CPU cores and a switch from a small SATA SSD towards a NVMe SSD rated at >3GBps. Also, the next generation configuration switches from Windows 7 to Windows 10.
When executing the first tests, we noticed an almost identical build time (4.3 Minutes), which was a lot less improvement than we expected.
During our experiments we tried at one point to run the build process from within a virtual Linux machine running on the windows host. On the old configuration (Windows7) we saw a drop in build times from 4.5 to ~3.7 Minutes, on the Windows 10 Host, we saw a decrease from 4.3 to 2.3 minutes. We have ruled out things like virus scan.
We were rather astonished with these results and have tried to find another explanation than some almost-religious and insulting statements about different operation systems.
So the question is: What could we have possibly done wrong in configuring the Windows machine such that the speed is almost half of a Linux running virtualized in the very same windows host? Especially as all the hardware advancements seem to be eaten up by the switch from windows 7 to 10.
Another question is: How can we ace the javac process use up more cores, because right now, using Hotspot JDK 8 we can see at most two cores really used by the build. I've read about sjavac but that seems a rather experimental feature only available to OpenJDK9 onward, right?
After almost a year in experimenting we came to the conclusion, that it is indeed NTFS which is the evil-doer. If you have a ntfs user-partition with a linux host, you get somewhat similar results compared to an all-windows-setup.
We did benchmarks of gradle-build, eclipse internal build, starting up wildfly and running database-centered tests on multiple devices. All our benchmarks showed consistently a speedup of at least 100% when switching from Windows to Linux (sometimes, Windows takes 3x the amount of time in real world benchmarks than Linux, some artificial benchmarks had a speedup of 60!). Especially on notebooks we experienced much less noise, as the combined processor load of a complete build is substantial less than with windows.
Our conclusion was, to switch from Windows to Linux over the course of the last year.
Regarding the parallelisation thing, we realized, it was some form of code-entanglement. Resolving this helped gradle and javac to parallelise the build a lot (also have a look into gradle-composite-builds)

node.js(meteor.js), multi-core usage with multi-program(process)

I know there are so many multi-core thread here,
but I want to clear this simple subject.
If I run a lot of node.js or meteor.js project on single linux machine,
the each process is using each core automatically?
i.g. if run 3 process in 4 core machine, each process would be running on each core?
I'm sure this job scheduling is run by OS properly, but I have no idea how to see this running status visually.
Because if OS allocates two or three processes to single core, that would be so waste of resources.
(P.S. please note some way to check this CPU usage status (not performance))
Thanks you.

Node.js Clusters with Additional Processes

We use clustering with our express apps on multi cpu boxes. Works well, we get the maximum use out of AWS linux servers.
We inherited an app we are fixing up. It's unusual in that it has two processes. It has an Express API portion, to take incoming requests. But the process that acts on those requests can run for several minutes, so it was build as a seperate background process, node calling python and maya.
Originally the two were tightly coupled, with the python script called by the request to upload the data. But this of course was suboptimal, as it would leave the client waiting for a response for the time it took to run, so it was rewritten as a background process that runs in a loop, checking for new uploads, and processing them sequentially.
So my question is this: if we have this separate node process running in the background, and we run clusters which starts up a process for each CPU, how is that going to work? Are we not going to get two node processes competing for the same CPU. We were getting a bit of weird behaviour and crashing yesterday, without a lot of error messages, (god I love node), so it's bit concerning. I'm assuming Linux will just swap the processes in and out as they are being used. But I wonder if it will be problematic, and I also wonder about someone getting their web session swapped out for several minutes while the longer running process runs.
The smart thing to do would be to rewrite this to run on two different servers, but the files that maya uses/creates are on the server's file system, and we were not given the budget to rebuild the way we should. So, we're stuck with this architecture for now.
Any thoughts now possible problems and how to avoid them would be appreciated.
From an overall architecture prospective, spawning 1 nodejs per core is a great way to go. You have a lot of interdependencies though, the nodejs processes are calling maya which may use mulitple threads (keep that in mind).
The part that is concerning to me is your random crashes and your "process that runs in a loop". If that process is just checking the file system you probably have a race condition where the nodejs processes are competing to work on the same input/output files.
In theory, 1 nodejs process per core will work great and should help to utilize all your CPU usage. Linux always swaps the processes in and out so that is not an issue. You could start multiple nodejs per core and still not have an issue.
One last note, be sure to keep an eye on your memory usage, several linux distributions on EC2 do not have a swap file enabled by default, running out of memory can be another silent app killer, best to add a swap file in case you run into memory issues.

How to log data on all running processes to use in scheduler simulation?

I need to create a process scheduling simulation to test various tweaks of linux's completely fair scheduler, and I need to run it using a log of all the processes running on a system, including how much time they spend using the CPU and in I/O. My textbook said that the way to do this is to produce a "trace tape" and use this in the simulation, but I can't find any information on how to do this. How can I log as much information as possible about running processes, including arrival time, resource usage, and time spent waiting for resources? I'm currently running ubuntu on the machine that this will be used on, but will gladly install whatever flavor of linux would make this easiest.
Sounds like an interesting project!
Lots of information about each running process can be found in the virtual directory /proc/[pid]. A lot of the information you're after can be found in /proc/[pid]/stat. Perhaps you could write a simple script to read and save the contents of /proc/*/stat?
For more info on /proc, see
