IIS 10 Manager Showing only start page, Not showing site - iis

I have add feature for IIS web server in windows server 2019. and installation successfully completed. but it show only start page and local connection. Default site is missing. How I recover it.
I have run IIS with both "Run As Administrator" and normally.
For reference I have attach the screen shot of my IIS.
Windows Server Role Configuration


.NET Website hosted on Azure Windows VM - IIS Web Server fails to work after Server (VM) restart

Hosted a .NET 6 basic Web App in IIS Web Server inside the Azure Virtual Machine (Windows 2016 Data Center)
dotnet new webapp
dotnet run
dotnet publish -c Release
3rd command is used for placing release folder files in the Site Physical Path created in IIS Web Server:
It shown the result as welcome page. After VM Stop and Start action, it is showing the localhost as "The Site can't be reached"
If I create new site on Connections of the IIS Manager, then it is working.
Every time after restarting the VM, Creating New Site is not the solution.
Why previously created Site is showing me "The Site can't be reached" error.
What I have tried:
Tested by creating new Site in Connections of the IIS Manager, it worked for the new site but after restarting the VM, it also stopped working and showing above mentioned error.
Checked VM Status, it is Healthy
All required tools are installed in the VM (VS Code, .NET 6 SDK, Runtime, and Hosting Bundle)
Note: It is working successfully after I clear the cache in the browser after server restart (stop and start) but why I have to clear the browser cache every time after VM stop and start?
Forgot to mention this:
I have given HTTPS binding to the IIS Manager Website Hosted so if do localhost with port 80, it will shows IIS Web Served Home Page and localhost with Https (443), it will show the hosted website content.
After Server Stop and Start, localhost with port 80 gives the IIS Web Served Home Page and localhost with Https is not giving the website content, here it is giving error "The site is not reached".
I have found the fix to this issue which is:
Hosting works with particular time period.
Every time when you launch the Website hosted in VM through IIS Web Server after Server restart (several hours), you need to re-host or create new site in IIS Manager Pool.
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and I got the results like below:
I have created sample website and when I tried Stop and Start action, localhost reached successfully:
As suggested by samwu you can check event viewer like below:
In start -> select event viewer -> click Windows Logs node
Select application Event Log and Search for errors associated with the failing app like below
You can make use of Debug Diagnostics tool.

Cannot access IIS manager on my server 2019 through windows 10

I created a VM server 2019 and I don't want my employees to have remote access to the server. But I want them to be able to access the IIS on the server through a windows 10 machine. I went to the IIS manager in the server and added the users to the IIS manager permission through active directory. On my windows 10, I went to control panel-Programs-Turn Windows Feature on or off and enabled the IIS. So what's happening is that they can find the IIS Manager app under the start menu on windows 10, but when they try to open it there's a pop-up asking if want to allow changes to the device, then it asks for their passwords. And after they enter the password a new pop-up comes up saying I need to be an Administrator to use IIS manager. They are not admin to windows 10 and I don't want for them to be admin. Any idea how I can fix this?
Remote administration 1.2 no longer available for download.
Make sure the WinRM IIS Extension is checked and installed on Win Server 2019 (Under "Feature" selection. (Add Roles and Features Wizard)
This is the missing piece that took me an hour to figure out in the latest version.
It sounds like you need to delegate IIS administration to non-admin user.
Then you need to install IIS manager for remote administration 1.2 as lex said. Once you install it, IIS will no longer as for administrator prevelige.
The next you need to do is install IIS management and create IIS manager user. Then you could add your win10's IP to management service IP restirction, so only your win 10 have permission to connect the server.
PS:Please remember to allow 8172 in windows firewall.

Web Deploy unable to validate connection

I am trying to learn how to setup Web Deploy functionality on both sides Server and host/client computer. Created a Windows Server 2012 Web Server in Hyper-V and able to access default web page in host/client computer. On server installed Web Maintenance Service, Web Deploy 3.5 and performed all the required steps e.g. "Configure Web Deploy Publishing" and added Administrator to IIS Manager Permission for the website in IIS. I disabled Firewall totally to make it work for the first time.
On client computer I created a dummy MVC Application in Visual Studio and trying to create publish profile for this app. As soon as I hit the Validate Connection I got the option to receive and save the security certificate from server but after that in gives me following warning (snapshot):
Tried doing all the steps all over but no luck.
I am open to all feedback. Thanks in advance.
Found the solution. Instead of adding publish information manually, I am suppose to use publishsetting file generated in server through "Configure Web Deploy Publishing" feature of IIS. Server address ends with file name which ends with .axd

Remote Web Access is turned off

I am using windows server 2012 R2. After installing IIS. my website page still shows remote web access is turned off please tell me how to turn it on.

Running ASP.NET MVC 4 app on IIS 7.5 Locally

I have an MVC 4 application that I can run using IIS 7.5. In the application properties there is an option to create virtual directory I click that button and nothing happens. When I open IIS Manager I do not see my application under Default WebSite.
UPDATE: I think I am able to setup the virtual directory. But now when I browse the web site it says "A default document is not configured for the requested URL and directory browsing is not enabled on the server".
You should change the path to your default website in IIS to see if it goes to the right place where your solution is.
