How does one align all lines into the same position in VIM? - vim

So in VIM, I do select all the lines demanded using V (visual-line mode).
Then I want to align all the lines into she same position, how do you do that?
If you look at a the screen, you will notice that I have selected the lines and then I can possibly do < but that will only align some of the lines to the very beginning and then I have to press > in order to align them outwards.
Can I align all the lines into the same position?

From :left:
:le :left
:[range]le[ft] [indent]
Left-align lines in [range]. Sets the indent in the
lines to [indent] (default 0).

Have you tried?
Because the = in normal mode reindents lines based on your settings


What is the opposite of the indent block Ctrl-V + I .... <ESC>? To unindent a block of few characters by removing few contiguous columns on lines?

I'm found of Ctrl-V select your block I type yours characters ESC
with vim, that helps a lot to indent a block by adding few characters on its left.
Very useful to put > when you forgotten them, for example!
But how to do the opposite?
Unindent a block, but the same way I've indented it: by removing few contiguous columns of selected lines?
# I have this text:
I want to shift left my text for two columns for some of its lines.
Remove the:
characters that are disturbing me on columns 7 and 8 on three of the four lines of data.
Starting with the caret on the % of my text,
what block command and other command should I type to achieve the result I'm willing? This one:
# I have this text:
Visual-block mode is just a special case of visual mode: once you have selected the text you want to delete, well… press d to delete it.
The various visual modes are introduced in chapter 4 of the user manual, :help usr_04, with the example for visual-block mode being pretty much exactly what you want to do:
I would suggest you take the time to learn Vim properly instead of trying random commands found on the web:
:help user-manual

Empty lines are coloured differently from lines which have text on them and the current line in vim

As you can see in the image the selected line is black and the empty lines in the buffer are a different colour is there a way I can use the highlight command in order to make empty lines completely black like the selected line?
I solved this by highlighting this field:
hi EndOfBuffer guibg=black

VIM column operation

In gVim under Windows i have to replace insert and mod in each string of file some character in a specifics position.
QWAER;PA 0X000055;123WAAAA
TYUIO;PA 0Y000056;123VAAAA
need to become
modify char 5 in #
delete char 9,10
insert ; in original pos 22 or after delete in pos 20
More Info
Usually I do
Put cursor and beginning of text to select
Press CTRL-V (CTRL-Q in gVim) to begin select of the column
keep press SHIFT and selecte the interested area
the go at the end of file
then do the replace insert or modification.
(This is where I learn about Keyboard-only column block selection in GVim Win32, or why does Ctrl-Q not emulate Ctrl-V when mswin.vim is included?
and here i learn how to do the insert(
It's not a correct way to do the things.
In vim i can do the replaceof a fange of rows, and so on using commands.
I think that should be possible to use commands to replace a portion of each string but i have no Knoledge about those command.
this is the main idea
Replacing alternate line in vi text file with a particular string
Is there a way to do the operations using commands with absolute position and not selection.
:{range}normal 5|r#9|2x20|i;
Does what you want on the lines covered by {range}:
5|r# " go to column 5 and replace the character with #
9|2x " go to column 9 and cut 2 characters
20|i; " go to column 20 and insert a ; to the right
:5,25norm 5|r#9|2x20|i; would apply that transformation to lines 5 to 25,
:.,$norm 5|r#9|2x20|i; would apply that transformation from the current line to the last,
:'<,'>norm 5|r#9|2x20|i; would apply that transformation to the current (or last) visual selection,
:'{,'}norm 5|r#9|2x20|i; would apply that transformation to the current "paragraph",
:%norm 5|r#9|2x20|i; would apply that transformation to the whole buffer,
and so on…
You could also record it, let's say in register q:
and play it back on {range}:
Or spend 30 minutes trying to come up with the right :s// command…
:help range
:help :normal
:help |
:help r
:help x
:help i
:h recording

How do I indent entire file by n spaces in VIM?

I want to indent an entire text file with n spaces in VIM.
My current method is:
Go to the beginning of the file
Type Ctrl + V
Press the down key ↓ or the j key to select the lines to indent
Type Shift + I
Type the Space Bar key n times
Press Esc
Is there a way to accomplish this without using visual mode and having to manually go through the entire file?
Use a Global Substitution
Assuming you want to indent four spaces, you can do this:
:%s/^/ /
This will effectively insert four spaces at the start of each line. Adjust the number of spaces on the right-hand side of the substitution expression to suit your indentation needs.
Using Visual Mode
Alternatively, you can go into normal mode and then:
to indent the entire file by the value of shiftwidth.
how about:
:%s/^/(you count n spaces here)/
A :normal variant that adds two spaces at the beginning of every line:
:%norm 0i<space><space><CR>
Another :normal variant that adds two spaces before the first printable character of every line:
:%norm I<space><space><CR>
You can indent a set of lines like this:
If you press ctrl-g, it will give you the last line of the file.

Delete n lines in the up direction in vim

Is there a command in vim which will delete n lines in the up direction.
I know I can use 4dd which will delete 4 lines downwards.
In VIM, 3dk would delete 4 lines in the upward direction. Further documentation can be found at
V3kd would do it.
Thats "V" to enter visual line select mode, "3k" to move up 3 lines, and then "d" to delete the 4 lines you have selected.
You can do it with a backwards range.
Deletes from minus 4 lines to current. But this is an ex mode command.
Position the cursor where you want to begin cutting.
Press v (or upper case V if you want to cut whole lines).
Move the cursor to the end of what you want to cut.
Press d.
Move to where you would like to paste.
Press P to paste before the cursor, or p to paste after.,_cut_and_paste
stand at the end of the last line
hold Backspace and wait until the last character of the first line is deleted
