Onelogin Token Unauthorized error saying InvalidClaim - onelogin

While trying from Apigee, I am getting below error for validate Token API.
{"fault":{"faultstring":"Invalid Claim: policy(VerifyJWT.OneLogin) claim(iss)","detail":{"errorcode":"steps.jwt.InvalidClaim"}}}
Anyone has any idea what settings I am missing in my onelogin or application setting?
I resolved it as found that clientId at the API gateway was not same what was being used at Front end.

Review the value inside the token once decoded with the public key, they value encoded of ISS is incorrect.
"iss": "" this value is incorrect.


Azure to Auth0 connection - Invalid client secret is provided

I'm using Azure AD as my Identity Provider (IdP) and trying to connect Auth0 to it as a client. I've followed all the steps mentioned in
Redirection from Auth0 to Azure AD is working as expected. Login on Azure AD side is also showing a success in its log, however I'm getting and error at Auth0 side which says,
"Invalid client secret is provided"
I've double checked the client secret. Freshly generated it to eliminate possiblity of its expiry but still gettting this error.
Below is an error message payload.
"error": {
"message": "failed to obtain access token",
"oauthError": "invalid_request",
"type": "request-error",
"payload": "{
"error":"invalid_client","error_description":"AADSTS7000215: Invalid client secret is provided.
Trace ID: 52ea6301-3da2-46c7-b355-865dfff34c01
Correlation ID: 69415f95-1430-45eb-b653-3c76f934ccc0
Timestamp: 2021-11-29 05:11:57Z",
"timestamp":"2021-11-29 05:11:57Z",
Make sure you have copied client secret value and not the client secret ID.
Gave wrong value of client secret getting the same error as you.
Would Suggest you try with following parameter as I have set for authorization type OAuth2.0.
URL :{tenantid}/oauth2/v2.0/token
Given the correct value of Client Secret and getting the access token.
Also, check that the Azure AD Client secret is not expired. Otherwise, generate a new one, then update it in the enterprise connection configured with Auth0.

Setting additionalLoginParams with auth v2

I've followed this guide to configure access to my backend app, but I use Node backend and React frontend. However I'm unable to perform the step Configure App Service to return a usable access token. I get the error "Cannot execute the request for site x because the site is running on auth version v2.". To handle this I tried instead editing the sheet authsettingsV2, and I believe I found that the property properties.identityProviders.azureActiveDirectory.login.loginParameters in v2 equals properties.additionalLoginParams in v1 as editing this v2 property according to the tutorial shows the desired property in the v1 authsettings sheet.
However accessing my frontend app with this setting I get the error AADSTS901002: The 'resource' request parameter is not supported. before even being able to enter my credentials.
I've also tried without the additionalLoginParams setting completely, this gives me the error {"code":401,"message":"IDX10511: Signature validation failed. Keys tried: '[PII is hidden]'. \nkid: '[PII is hidden]'. \nExceptions caught:\n '[PII is hidden]'.\ntoken: '[PII is hidden]'."} on the API call, and upon inspecting my token, I find that the audience is the Microsoft Graph API. But I guess that is expected with this setup.
How can I proceed to enable access to my backend app? / How do I set the additionalLoginParams in auth version v2?
I am not sure if you have a correct access token. Please note that I am not talking about id token. Because from your response_type=code id_token, there should be only one id_token returned, but obviously the id_token cannot call your api, because what you need is an access token.
If you have not obtained a correct access token, then you should request an access token in the next step, refer to this link.
In addition, I must explain that all 401 errors are caused by api audiences. Therefore, make sure that your Application ID URI is set in the scope parameter.
When requesting an access token, you need to set the scope to: scope=openid api://{back-end api client id}/.default. Set response_type to: response_type=token.

How to check error when validating jwt token using validate-jwt (Previously: How to use a custom built jwt in validate-jwt?)

I try to limit access to a REST API using a JWT token using the validate-jwt policy. Never did that before.
Here's my inbound policy (taken from the point Simple token validation here):
<validate-jwt header-name="Authorization" require-scheme="Bearer">
Using this generator I created a claim (I'm not sure whether I understood issuer and audience correctly):
"iss": "MyCompanyNameNotDns",
"iat": 1572360380,
"exp": 2361278784,
"aud": "CustomerNameNotDns",
"sub": "Auth"
In the section Signed JSON Web Token I picked Generate 64-bit key from the combo box. The key that was generated I put in the place of {{jwt-signing-key}}.
Now, I'm trying to call the API using Postman. I add an "Authorization" header, and as the value I put "Bearer {{ JWT created by the linked generator }}".
I get 401, JWT not present. What am I doing wrong?
According to my research, If you use HS256 signing algorithms, the key must be provided inline within the policy in the base64 encoded form. In other words, we must encode the key as base64 string. For more details, please refer to the document
My test steps are as below
Create Jwt token
a. If I directly provide the key in the policy, I get the 401 error
b. If I encode the key as base64 string in the policy, I can call the api
Jim Xu's answer to encode the key as base64 string in the policy allowed me to get this far :-)
I set the Ocp-Apim-Trace parameter to true in order to debug it more closely. I followed the link provided in the response under ocp-apim-trace-location, and in the "on error" section I found the following message:
JWT Validation Failed: IDX10225: Lifetime validation failed. The token is missing an Expiration Time. Tokentype: 'System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt.JwtSecurityToken'..
Which is funny, because I have set the Expiration Time... to 2099.
I changed it to a month from now and it worked just fine.

"Bad Request" message in JWT OAuth authentication flow

i've followed all the instructions at the doc for generate JWT Token, but only receive "Bad Request" as response...
when i try to run eg-01-php-jwt the same occurs. i'm using DocuSign demo environment and simulating requests using Postman and curl
the steps i'm doing are:
generating authorization uri as
fill login and password for different docusign sandbox account
at the redirected uri i get the code parameter and decode at, getting kid value from header
use kid value at sub to generate a new jwt token
sign jwt token with my private key
try to obtain access token and receive "Bad Request" as response message
my (updated) generated token is
UPDATE # 2019-02-26:
to achieve what i want i needed to complete the authorization code flow, get the user account id from step 4 (retrieve user data) and finally generate the jwt token with that info as sub at payload!
That assertion previously only included the signature scope. JWT Authentication requires signature impersonation.
Now that that has been updated, there are a couple of other possible issues:
Invalid user ID. The JWT assertion requires an active User ID in the
sub field. If the user is closed or the ID is incorrect this will
Invalid signature. The JWT assertion must be signed with an RSA
private key associated with the iss / Client ID in use. If there
are any invalid/encoding characters or trailing spaces, the signature
may not be valid.
I'd recommend opening a case with DocuSign Support. On your side, you'll only receive the error invalid_grant. Support-side logging will have a more specific error. To assist with resolution, when opening a case please provide the following:
Integrator key
Demo account ID
JWT Assertion
x-DocuSign-TraceToken header value

Access Token missing or malformed when calling Graph API

Following this guide:
I've reached the stage where I call to Get the ObjectId of the service principal in user Azure AD.
When I do the call, however, I'm getting the following message:
{"odata.error":{"code":"Authentication_MissingOrMalformed","message":{"lang":"en","value":"Access Token missing or malformed."},"values":null}}
I've already tried replacing the clientId with the '' address too (so, still got the same message.
To extend on my comment, we have seen this when the app secret contains characters that need encoding. Such as "+" and "="
If you are not using some of the client helpers available or are testing with Fiddler or Postman you will need to URL encode the secret before calling the graph api, so it looks it becomes:
