Draw NFA for regular language - regular-language

Here I found a example for a regular language.
L = { a^n | n>=2 } is regular. Clearly, we can draw a finite automaton with 3 states.
I was asking myself how this graph would look like. If I choose n=11, this means, that the language contains all words with a sequence of 11 a's. This can't be solved with a graph with 3 states, or am I wrong?

given language is L = { a^n | n>=2 }.
here the minimum number of a's is 2, so the finite automata contains 3 states(2+1)
Similarly if the minimum number of a's required is 11(n>=11),so the finite automata contains 12 states (11+1).
Therefore L = { a^n | n>=11} cannot be solved using 3 states

The given language L cannot be solved using 3 states for your condition i.e, 11a's. For every word to contain a sequence of 11 a's, there should be a minimum of 11 a's. So the graph should contain (11+1)=12 States. Therefore it can't be solved using 3 states.


Why sum of products can be viewed as normal form in algebraic data types?

I am reading a haskell book (page 412). In this book, there is an explanation about normal form for sum of products:
All the existing algebraic rules for products and sums apply in type systems, and that includes the distributive property. Let’s take a look at how that works in arithmetic:
2 * (3 + 4)
2 * (7)
We can rewrite this with the multiplication distributed over the addition and obtain the same result:
2 * 3 + 2 * 4
(6) + (8)
This is known as a “sum of products.” In normal arithmetic, the expression is in normal form when it’s been reduced to a final result. However, if you think of the numerals in the above expressions as representations of set cardinality, then the sum of products expression is in normal form, as there is no computation to perform.
I've known that a normal form indiciates that an expression is fully reduced. In the above description, author of the book explains that sum of products can be seen as in normal form when we think of expression as representations of set cardinality. I don't understand that.
Cardinality of types means how many different values can be included in that type (like set). For example, Bool type in haskell has cardinality of 2, which is addition of 1 for False and 1 for True each.
Is sum of products (2 * 3 + 2 * 4) a normal form? This expression can be reduced furthre more because fully reduced expression would be 14. I don't understand why sum of products and cardinality of it are related to be normal form.
Let's declare ourselves some types to represent the numbers:
data Two = OneOfTwo | TwoOfTwo
data Three = OneOfThree | TwoOfThree | ThreeOfThree
data Four = ... (similar)
Now we can see that the number of possible values of type Two is, in fact, 2. Same for Three, Four, and Seven.
Now if we construct a sum type:
data A = A Two
This type just straight up wraps a value of Two, so the number of possible values of A is also 2. So far so good?
Now let's construct a more complex one:
data B = B1 Three | B2 Four
Now, this type wraps either a value of type Three or a value of type Four (but not both at the same time!) This means that the number of possible values would be 3 + 4. Following so far?
Now, going further:
data C = C Two B
This type wraps two values at the same time - one value of type Two and one value of type B. This means that the number of possible values of C is the number of possible combinations of Two and B, which, as we know from middle-school mathematics, would be their product, or 2 * (3 + 4) = 2 * (7) = 14.
But here's the trick: we can write down an equivalent type in a different way:
data CNew = C1 Two Three | C2 Two Four
See what I did there? For CNew, the set of all possible combinations between values of Two, Three, and Four is the same as for C. Look: in both cases it's either a value of Two combined with a value of Three, or it's a value of Two combined with a value of Four. Except in CNew they're combined directly, but in C they're combined via B.
But the formula for CNew would be different: 2 * 3 + 2 * 4 = (6) + (8) = 14. This is what the book means.
Now to answer this bit more directly:
Is sum of products (2 * 3 + 2 * 4) a normal form? This expression can be reduced further more because fully reduced expression would be 14
This would be true if we were dealing with integer numbers, but we're not. We can rewrite C in the form of CNew, because that gives us all the same possible combinations of values. But we cannot rewrite them as a type that has straight up 14 possible values without combining 2, 3, and 4. That would be a completely new, unrelated type, as opposed to a combination of Two, Three, and Four.
And a possible terminology misunderstanding:
Is sum of products (2 * 3 + 2 * 4) a normal form?
The term "normal form" doesn't mean "the shortest". This term is usually used to denote a form that is very regular, and therefore easier to work with, and, crucially, that can represent all possible cases in the domain. In this case, normal form is defined as a "sum of products".
Could it be a "product of sums" instead? No, it couldn't, because, while a product of sums can always be converted to a sum of products, the reverse is not always possible, and this means that not every possible type would be representable in the normal form defined as "product of sums".
Could it be "just the number of possible values", like 14? Again no, because converting to such form loses some information (see above).

Algorithm to form a given pattern using some strings

Given are 6 strings of any length. The words are to be arranged in the pattern shown below. They can be arranged either vertically or horizontally.
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
The pattern need not to be symmetric and there need to be two empty areas as shown.
For example:
Given strings
The pattern can be
where dot represent empty areas.
The other example is
Pattern is
If multiple patterns are possible then pattern with lexicographically smallest first line, then second line and so on is to be formed. What algorithm can be used to solve this?
Find strings which suits to this constraint:
strlen(a) + strlen(b) - 1 = strlen(c)
strlen(d) + strlen(e) - 1 = strlen(f)
After that try every possible situation if they are valid. For example;
There will be 2*2*2 = 8 different situation.
There are a number of heuristics that you can apply, but before that, let's go over some properties of the puzzle.
c f
f d
Let us call the length of the string with the same character as appeared in the diagram above. We have:
a + b - 1 = e
c + d - 1 = f
I will refer to the 2 strings for the cross in the middle as middle strings.
We also infer that the length of the string cannot be less than 2. Therefore, we can infer:
e > a, e > b
f > c, f > d
From this, we know that the 2 shortest strings cannot be middle strings, due to the inequality above.
The 3 largest strings cannot be equal also, since after choosing any of 3 string as middle string, we are left with 2 largest strings that are equal, and it is impossible according to the inequality above.
The puzzle is only tricky when the lengths are regular. When the lengths are irregular, you can do direct mapping from length to position.
If we have the 2 largest strings being equal, due to the inequality above, they are the 2 middle strings. The worst case for this one is a "regular" puzzle, where the length a, b, c, d are equal.
If the 2 largest strings are unequal, the largest string's position can be determined immediately (since its length is unique in the puzzle) - as one of the middle string. In worst case, there can be 3 candidates for the other middle string - just brute force and check all of them.
Try to map unique length string to the position.
Brute force the 2 strings in the middle (taken into consideration what I mentioned above), and brute force to fill in the rest.
Even with stupid brute force, there are only 6! = 720 cases, if the string can only go from left to right, up to down (no reverse). There will be 46080 cases (* 2^6) if the string is allowed to be in any direction.

Counting quantifiers - how

Let's say, I have to model a checkerboard and I want to say that at least 5 squares on the "A" vertical are empty. How do I do that in Alloy? Any other example with numbers different from 0 or 1 would be good. In other words, what do I do when "some" is not precise enough?
You can use the cardinality operator (#) to make assertions about the number of tuples in a relation, e.g.,
#r >= 5
says that the relation r must have at least 5 tuples.
You can also use the cardinality operator with an arbitrary expression, e.g.,
#board.cells >= 5
#{c: Cell | c in board.cells and ...} >= 5

Given string s, find the shortest string t, such that, t^m=s

Given string s, find the shortest string t, such that, t^m=s.
s="aabbb" => t="aabbb"
s="abab" => t = "ab"
How fast can it be done?
Of course naively, for every m divides |s|, I can try if substring(s,0,|s|/m)^m = s.
One can figure out the solution in O(d(|s|)n) time, where d(x) is the number of divisors of s. Can it be done more efficiently?
This is the problem of computing the period of a string. Knuth, Morris and Pratt's sequential string matching algorithm is a good place to get started. This is in a paper entitled "Fast Pattern Matching in Strings" from 1977.
If you want to get fancy with it, then check out the paper "Finding All Periods and Initial Palindromes of a String in Parallel" by Breslauer and Galil in 1991. From their abstract:
An optimal O(log log n) time CRCW-PRAM algorithm for computing all
periods of a string is presented. Previous parallel algorithms compute
the period only if it is shorter than half of the length of the
string. This algorithm can be used to find all initial palindromes of
a string in the same time and processor bounds. Both algorithms are
the fastest possible over a general alphabet. We derive a lower bound
for finding palindromes by a modification of a previously known lower
bound for finding the period of a string [3]. When p processors are
available the bounds become \Theta(d n p e + log log d1+p=ne 2p).
I really like this thing called the z-algorithm: http://www.utdallas.edu/~besp/demo/John2010/z-algorithm.htm
For every position it calculates the longest substring starting from there, that is also a prefix of the whole string. (in linear time of course).
a a b c a a b x a a a z
1 0 0 3 1 0 0 2 2 1 0
Given this "z-table" it is easy to find all strings that can be exponentiated to the whole thing. Just check for all positions if pos+z[pos] = n.
In our case:
a b a b
0 2 0
Here pos = 2 gives you 2+z[2] = 4 = n hence the shortest string you can use is the one of length 2.
This will even allow you to find cases where only a prefix of the exponentiated string matches, like:
a b c a
0 0 1
Here (abc)^2 can be cut down to your original string. But of course, if you don't want matches like this, just go over the divisors only.
Yes you can do it in O(|s|) time.
You can search for a "target" string of length n in a "source" string of length m in O(n+m) time. Build a solution based on that.
Let both source and target be s. An additional constraint is that 1 and any positions in the source that do not divide |s| are not valid starting positions for the match. Of course the search per se will always fail. But if there's a partial match and you have reached the end of the sourse string, then you have a solution to the original problem.
a modification to Boyer-Moore could possibly handle this in O(n) where n is length of s

Explanations about the mechanics of a simple factorial function

I'm new to Haskell, so I'm both naive and curious.
There is a definition of a factorial function:
factorial n = product [1..n]
I naively understand this as: make the product of every number between 1 and n. So, why does
factorial 0
return 1 (which is the good result as far as my maths are not too rusted)?
Thank you
That's because of how product is defined, something like:
product [] = 1
product (n:ns) = n * product ns
or equivalently
product = foldr (*) 1
via the important function foldr:
foldr f z [] = z
foldr f z (x:xs) = f x (foldr f z xs)
Read up on folding here. But basically, any recursion must have a base case, and product's base case (on an empty list) clearly has to be 1.
The story about empty product is long and interesting.
It has many sense to define it as 1.
Despite of that, there is some more debate about whether we are justified to define 00 as 1, although 00 can be thought of also as an empty product in most contexts. See the 00 debate here and also here.
Now I show an example, when empty product conventions can yield a surprising, unintuitive outcome.
How to define the concept of a prime, without the necessity to exclude 1 explicitly? It seems so unaesthetic, to say that "a prime is such and such, except for this and that". Can the concept of prime be defined with some handy definition which can exclude 1 in a "natural", "automatic" way, without mentioning the exclusion explicitly?
Let us try this approach:
Let us call a natural number c composite, iff c can be written as a product of some a1, ..., ⋅ an natural numbers, so that all of them must be different from c.
Let us call a natural number p prime, iff p cannot be written as a product of any a1, an natural numbers each differing from p.
Let us test whether this approach is any good:
6 = 6 ⋅ 1 3 ⋅ 26 is composite, this fact is witnessed by the following factorisation: 6 can be written as the product 3 ⋅ 2, or with other words, product of the ⟨3, 2⟩ sequence, notated as Π ⟨3, 2⟩.
Till now, our approach new is O.K.
5 = 5 ⋅ 1 1 ⋅ 55 is prime, there is no sequence ⟨a1, ... an⟩ such that
all its members a1, ... an would differ from 5
but the product itself, Π ⟨a1, ... an⟩ would equal 5.
Till now, our new approach is O.K.
Now let us investigate 1:
1 = Π ⟨⟩,
Empty product is a good witness, with it, 1 satisfies the definition of being a composite(!!!) Who is the witness? Where is the witnessing factorization? It is no other than the empty product Π ⟨⟩, the product of the empty sequence ⟨⟩.
Π ⟨⟩ equals 1
All factors of the empty product Π ⟨⟩, i.e. the members of the empty sequence ⟨⟩ satisfy that each of them differ from 1: simply because empty sequence ⟨⟩ does not have any members at all, thus none of its member can equal 1. (This argumentation is simply a vacuous truth, with members of the empty set).
thus 1 is a composite (with the trivial factorization of the Π ⟨⟩ empty product).
Thus, 1 is excluded being a prime, naturally and automatically, by definition. We have reached our goal. For this, we have exploited the convention about empty product being 1.
Some drawbacks: although we succeeded to exclude 1 being a prime, but at the same time, 0 "slipped in": 0 became a prime (at least in zero-divisor free rings, like natural numbers). Although this strange thing makes some theorems more concise formally (Goldbach conjecture, fundamental theorem of arithmetic), but I cannot stand for that it is not a drawback.
A bigger drawback, that some concepts of arithmetic seem to become untenable with this new approach.
In any case, I wanted only to demonstrate that defining the empty product as 1 can yield formalizing unintuitive things (which is not necessarily a problem, set theory abounds with unintuitive things, see how to produce gold for free), but at the same time, it can provide useful strength in some contexts.
It's traditional to define the product of all the elements of the empty list to be 1, just as it's traditional to define the sum of all the elements of the empty list to be 0. That way
(product list1) * (product list2) == product (list1 ++ list2)
among other convenient properties.
Also, your memory is correct, and 0! is defined to be 1. This also has many convenient properties, including being consistent with the definition of factorials in terms of the gamma function.
Not sure I understand your question, are you asking how to write such a function?
Just as an exercise, you could use pattern matching to approach it like this:
factorial :: Int->Int
factorial 0 = 1
factorial n = product [1..n]
The first line is the function declaration/type signature. The second two lines are equations defining the function - Haskell pattern matching matches up the actual runtime parameter to whichever equation is appropriate.
Of course as others have pointed out, the product function handles the zero case correctly for you.
