Pass data from Excel sheet to a DatagridView VB VSTO - excel

Help, I want to pass the data from sheet1 (Home) of excel, to my datagridView Content in Form1.
Sub LoadDataGridView()
Dim sSheet As Excel.Worksheet = Globals.ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Home")
Dim MyRegionSelected As Excel.Range = sSheet.Range("A1")
Dim ultFila As Long = MyRegionSelected.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
Dim i As Long
For i = 2 To ultFila
dgvlist.Columns(0).HeaderText = "Name"
dgvlist.Columns(1).HeaderText = "Number"
dgvlist.DataSource = sSheet.Cells(i, 1).ToString
dgvlist.DataSource = sSheet.Cells(i, 2).ToString
Exit For
End Sub


VBA resizes table causes a copy of data validation un the entire workbook

I'm trying to make a resize table VBA and that one worked but when I use it it copies also the data validation in another part of the file. These are not in a table. And are copied along with along.
I think that is has someting to do with the fact that 1 table has a data validation in it.
How can I prevent this from happening?
Sub Resize_Table()
Dim aSheetname As Worksheet
Dim bSheetname As Worksheet
Dim cSheetname As Worksheet
Dim aaSheetname As Worksheet
Dim aTableName As String
Dim bTableName As String
Dim cTableName As String
Dim aaTableName As String
Dim aTable As ListObject
Dim bTable As ListObject
Dim cTable As ListObject
Dim aaTable As ListObject
Dim aRows As Integer
Dim bRows As Integer
Dim cRows As Integer
Dim aaRows As Integer
aTableName = "PS_Calc"
bTableName = "Prices"
cTableName = "Handling"
aaTableName = "Testing"
Set aSheetname = Sheets("PS Calc")
Set bSheetname = Sheets("Prices")
Set cSheetname = Sheets("Handling")
Set aaSheetname = Sheets("Tests")
'Define tabel
Set aTable = aSheetname.ListObjects(aTableName)
Set bTable = bSheetname.ListObjects(bTableName)
Set cTable = cSheetname.ListObjects(cTableName)
Set aaTable = aaSheetname.ListObjects(aaTableName)
'Looking up rows
aRows = aTable.Range.Rows.Count
bRows = bTable.Range.Rows.Count
cRows = cTable.Range.Rows.Count
aaRows = aaTable.Range.Rows.Count
'Add how many rows
aNewRows = Worksheets("PS Calc").Range("N20")
aTable.Resize aTable.Range.Resize(aRows + aNewRows)
bTable.Resize bTable.Range.Resize(bRows + aNewRows)
cTable.Resize cTable.Range.Resize(cRows + aNewRows)
aaTable.Resize aaTable.Range.Resize(aaRows + aNewRows)
End Sub

How to write to excel from vba

I am trying to create a button on my Access form that takes the current entry and writes the information to an Excel doc
Public Sub ExportExcel()
Dim ObjEx As Object
Dim WhatIsThisVariableFor As Object
Dim Selec As Object
Dim Column As Integer
Dim Row As Integer
Dim CustName As String
Dim Org As String
Dim Contact As String
Dim Product As String
Dim Quantity As Integer
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set ObjEx = CreateObject("EXCEL.APPLICATION")
Set WhatIsThisVariableFor = ObjEx.Workbooks.Add
'Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select") <---- This will be used when I get the code working
Column = 1
Row = 1
CustName = "Test" '<---- This is only used for the test
Cells(Row, Column) = CustName
ObjEx.Visible = True
Set Selec = ObjEx.Selection
End Sub
This code creates the Excel doc, but leaves it blank. I think that the Cells(Row, Column) command isn't working because it would have to be called from within excel? I'm not sure (I am very new to VBA)
How can I write to the spreadsheet cells from within Access?
You need to qualify your Cells() function to Excel's application object.
ObjEx.ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, Column).Value = CustName
I would recommend that you also choose the worksheet object explicitly:
Dim ws As object
Set ws = ObjEx.Worksheets("Sheet1")
ws.Cells(row, column).value = CustName

VBA Reaching Active Excel Workbook from Another Applicatiom

I am trying to make program to see the excel workbook that is already open, but it doesn't. Controlling with xlApp.Visible = True line creates a new excel document instead making the open one visible. Any suggestions please?
Edit: I added the rest of the code here. Using catia, I am trying to reach the open excel worksheet and make modifications on it. In this case I am trying to select A1:E5 cells one by one and clear their contents
Sub CATMain()
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
'On Error Resume Next
Set xlApp = VBA.GetObject("", "Excel.Application")
Dim exlBook As Workbook
Set exlBook = xlApp.ActiveWorkbook
Dim exlSheet As Worksheet
Set exlSheet = xlApp.ActiveSheet
xlApp.Visible = True
Dim cell1 As Integer
Dim cell2 As Integer
Dim cell3 As Integer
Dim cell4 As Integer
Dim myRange As Range
cell1 = 1 'InputBox("Tablo Başlangıç Satırını Girin: ")
cell2 = 1 'InputBox("Tablo Başlangıç Sütununu Girin: ")
cell3 = 5 'InputBox("Tablo Bitiş Satırını Girin: ")
cell4 = 5 'InputBox("Tablo Bitiş Sütununu Girin: ")
Set myRange = exlSheet.Range(Cells(cell1, cell2), Cells(cell3, cell4))
End Sub

VBA-Excel 2010 Macro Error "memeber or data method not found"

I know this is a super generic error but I am new to VBA / Macros and cant get past this.
I have an and excel workbook that has data I need to copy to another excel workbook.
The excel workbook that the data is copied to is on a network share and will be written to frequently.
here is my macro code:
Sub export()
Dim exportFile As String
Dim importSheet As String
Dim rowData As String
exportFile = "\\<server>\spd\_Spec_ParaData\data_import.xlsx"
importSheet = "OutPutValues"
importRange = "A2:ZZ2"
' Get the row from the workbook that we are running in
rowData = Workbooks().Worksheets(importSheet).Range(importRange)
' Not sure if this will work, or always overwrite the last row. May need to be .Row+1
newRow = Workbooks(exportFile).Worksheets(1).Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
exportRange = "A" & (newRow + 1) & ":ZZ" & (newRow + 1)
' Assuming Workbooks() gets the current workbook.
Workbooks(exportFile).Sheets(exportSheet).Range(exportRange) = Workbooks().Sheets(importSheet).Range(importRange)
End Sub
My error is poping up on the rowData=Workbooks(exportFile).Worksheets
Can someone help me figure out what I am doing wrong?
Thank you,
Try your code with the following modifications, I'm just opening the workbook and referencing the worksheet (I guess the problem is that). I'm closing the workbook straight after.
Sub export()
Dim exportFile As String
Dim importSheet As String
Dim rowData As String
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet
exportFile = "\\<server>\spd\_Spec_ParaData\data_import.xlsx"
importSheet = "OutPutValues"
importRange = "A2:ZZ2"
'Open your workbook and point to your spreadsheet
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(exportFile)
Set ws1 = wb.Sheets(importSheet)
' Get the row from the workbook that we are running in
rowData =
' Not sure if this will work, or always overwrite the last row. May need to be .Row+1
newRow = wb.Worksheets(1).Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
exportRange = "A" & (newRow + 1) & ":ZZ" & (newRow + 1)
'NOTE: consider definying the variable "exportSheet", I will do it just for example purpose
Dim exportSheet As String: exportSheet = "InputValues"
Set ws2 = wb.Sheets(exportSheet)
' Assuming Workbooks() gets the current workbook.
wb.ws2.Range(exportRange) = wb.ws1.Range(importRange)
End Sub

looping read excel data

I need to loop the read data from excel to and when I reach the last row/column "!##$%^&*()" the excel data will stop read. How can I do that?
Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Public Class Form1
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlWorkBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlWorkSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim xRange As Excel.Range
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
Private Sub cmdGenerate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdGenerate.Click
'Dim row As String
Dim empty_cell_ctr As Integer = 0 '5
Dim end_of_xlsheet As Boolean = False
Dim sRow As Integer 'start row
Dim col_end As Integer 'col W
'loading excel(open and read)
xlApp = New Excel.ApplicationClass
xlWorkBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("c:\sample.xls")
xlWorkSheet = xlWorkBook.Worksheets("Timesheet")
xlApp.Visible = True
While Not end_of_xlsheet
If sRow = "'!##$%^&*()_+" Then
xRange = xRange.Cells(sRow, col_end)
end_of_xlsheet = False 'end of sheet
Continue While
End If
sRow += 1
End While
End Sub
End Class
You seem to be overthinking this, you can get all of the data in the spreadsheet by accessing the UsedRange property, and then load this into a 2D array variable by accessing the Value2 property of this object like so:
Dim application = New Excel.Application()
Dim workbook As Excel.Workbook = application.Workbooks.Open("C:\aaa\bbb.xlsx")
Dim worksheet As Excel.Worksheet = workbook.Sheets(1)
Dim usedRange = worksheet.UsedRange
Dim usedRangeAs2DArray As Object(,) = usedRange.Value2
You may use LIKE operator :)
'Not sure why you are trying to check Row number for set of characters...
Excel.Range range = sheet.UsedRange;
Int rows_count = range.Rows.Count;
For (int sRow = 1; sRow <= rows_count; sRow++)
If (sheet.Cells[sRow, col_end].value Like "*'!##$%^&*") Then
'-- input the data to where ever you want. It is best to store it into an array first..
xRange = sheet.Cells[i, col_end].value;
End If
Please take a look the following reference for better understanding your options.
import data from Excel to VB.Net
read data from Excel to VB.Net
