How to write to excel from vba - excel

I am trying to create a button on my Access form that takes the current entry and writes the information to an Excel doc
Public Sub ExportExcel()
Dim ObjEx As Object
Dim WhatIsThisVariableFor As Object
Dim Selec As Object
Dim Column As Integer
Dim Row As Integer
Dim CustName As String
Dim Org As String
Dim Contact As String
Dim Product As String
Dim Quantity As Integer
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set ObjEx = CreateObject("EXCEL.APPLICATION")
Set WhatIsThisVariableFor = ObjEx.Workbooks.Add
'Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select") <---- This will be used when I get the code working
Column = 1
Row = 1
CustName = "Test" '<---- This is only used for the test
Cells(Row, Column) = CustName
ObjEx.Visible = True
Set Selec = ObjEx.Selection
End Sub
This code creates the Excel doc, but leaves it blank. I think that the Cells(Row, Column) command isn't working because it would have to be called from within excel? I'm not sure (I am very new to VBA)
How can I write to the spreadsheet cells from within Access?

You need to qualify your Cells() function to Excel's application object.
ObjEx.ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, Column).Value = CustName
I would recommend that you also choose the worksheet object explicitly:
Dim ws As object
Set ws = ObjEx.Worksheets("Sheet1")
ws.Cells(row, column).value = CustName


VBA resizes table causes a copy of data validation un the entire workbook

I'm trying to make a resize table VBA and that one worked but when I use it it copies also the data validation in another part of the file. These are not in a table. And are copied along with along.
I think that is has someting to do with the fact that 1 table has a data validation in it.
How can I prevent this from happening?
Sub Resize_Table()
Dim aSheetname As Worksheet
Dim bSheetname As Worksheet
Dim cSheetname As Worksheet
Dim aaSheetname As Worksheet
Dim aTableName As String
Dim bTableName As String
Dim cTableName As String
Dim aaTableName As String
Dim aTable As ListObject
Dim bTable As ListObject
Dim cTable As ListObject
Dim aaTable As ListObject
Dim aRows As Integer
Dim bRows As Integer
Dim cRows As Integer
Dim aaRows As Integer
aTableName = "PS_Calc"
bTableName = "Prices"
cTableName = "Handling"
aaTableName = "Testing"
Set aSheetname = Sheets("PS Calc")
Set bSheetname = Sheets("Prices")
Set cSheetname = Sheets("Handling")
Set aaSheetname = Sheets("Tests")
'Define tabel
Set aTable = aSheetname.ListObjects(aTableName)
Set bTable = bSheetname.ListObjects(bTableName)
Set cTable = cSheetname.ListObjects(cTableName)
Set aaTable = aaSheetname.ListObjects(aaTableName)
'Looking up rows
aRows = aTable.Range.Rows.Count
bRows = bTable.Range.Rows.Count
cRows = cTable.Range.Rows.Count
aaRows = aaTable.Range.Rows.Count
'Add how many rows
aNewRows = Worksheets("PS Calc").Range("N20")
aTable.Resize aTable.Range.Resize(aRows + aNewRows)
bTable.Resize bTable.Range.Resize(bRows + aNewRows)
cTable.Resize cTable.Range.Resize(cRows + aNewRows)
aaTable.Resize aaTable.Range.Resize(aaRows + aNewRows)
End Sub

VBA code working when I step through it, but not when it's run

I have some basic VBA that is allowing a user to take a field from one table and use it to update another table. It works fine when I step through it, but nothing happens when I run it using F5. I don't get any errors, just nothing happens.
I think it could possibly be that the value hasn't been assigned to one of the variables before the next step occurs, but I've never had that problem before, and I've always assumed VBA wouldn't move to the next step until it had completed the one it's on?
My code is below:
Option Explicit
Sub acceptDateComp()
'set data type
Dim dtType As String
dtType = "opportunity"
'declare sheets
Dim wsComp As Worksheet
Set wsComp = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(dtType & "Comp")
Dim wsBCE As Worksheet
Set wsBCE = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(dtType & "Snapshot")
Dim wsOffline As Worksheet
Set wsOffline = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(dtType & "Database")
'declare tables
Dim bce As ListObject
Set bce = wsBCE.ListObjects(dtType & "Snapshot")
Dim offline As ListObject
Set offline = wsOffline.ListObjects(dtType & "Database")
Dim dateComp As ListObject
Set dateComp = wsComp.ListObjects(dtType & "DateComp")
'declare heights and areas
Dim offlineRange As Range
Set offlineRange = offline.ListColumns(1).DataBodyRange
'check for acceptance, then change values
Dim i As Long
Dim dateID As Long
Dim offlineRow As Long
Dim bceDate As String
For i = 2 To dateComp.ListRows.Count + 1
If dateComp.ListColumns(6).Range(i).Value = "Yes" Then
dateID = dateComp.ListColumns(1).Range(i).Value
offlineRow = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(dateID, offlineRange, 0)
bceDate = dateComp.ListRows(i - 1).Range(5).Value
offline.ListRows(offlineRow).Range(12).Value = bceDate
End If
Next i
Call opportunityComp
End Sub

Trying to count the number of matching items in a table column

I am trying to determine the number of items in a column that match a specific string. I want to be able to use this number to size an array later.
I have been trying various ways to use the countif function.
Sub testMatrix()
Dim nm1 As String
Dim nm2 As String
Dim tbl As ListObject
Dim nm1Count As Double
Dim nm2Count As Integer
nm1 = "teleport 1"
nm2 = "user2"
Set tbl = ActiveSheet.ListObject("Table1")
nm1Count = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("Table1[username]"), nm1)
End Sub
I would like to end up with the variable nm1Count being equal to the number of times string "teleport 1" occurs in the username column of my table. So for my specific sheet it should say 4.
Currently, when it gets to the nm1Count = line it errors out and says
Object doesn't support this property or method
I dumbly forgot the s at the end of ListObjects. Here is the corrected code.
Sub testMatrix()
Dim nm1 As String
Dim nm2 As String
Dim tbl As ListObject
Dim nm1Count As Long
Dim nm2Count As Long
nm1 = "teleport 1"
nm2 = "user2"
Set tbl = ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Table1")
nm1Count = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(tbl.DataBodyRange.Columns(1), nm1)
nm2Count = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(tbl.DataBodyRange.Columns(1), nm2)
End Sub

How to export comma delimited data to excel sheet, but each row is a new excel sheet

i have a comma delimited text file as follows
ZTEST01,50.00,11/15/2018,ROBERT R SMITH,12345 SOME STREET,60046,,,2224
ZTEST02,100.00,11/15/2018,ROBERT JONES,5215 OLD ORCHARD RD,60077,,,2223
ZTEST03,75.00,11/15/2018,JAMES B MCDONALD,4522 N CENTRAL PARK AVE APT 2,60625,,,2222
ZTEST04,80.00,11/15/2018,JOHN Q DOE,919 W 33RD PL 2ND FL,60608,,,2221
ZTEST05,60.00,11/15/2018,SAMANTHAN STEVENSON,123 MAIN ST,60610,,,2220
I need to export this to excel so that each value between a comma is inserted into a column in excel
ZTEST01 is in A1,
50.00 is in B1
11/15/2018 in C1 ...
The thing is i need each row to be inserted into a newly created excel worksheet.
The code i have is as follows:
Dim xlApp As New Excel.Application
Dim xlWorkbook As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlWorksheet As Excel.Worksheet
Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_DoWork(sender As Object, e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles BackgroundWorker1.DoWork
'xlWorkbook = xlApp.workboos.Add() using this later once i have the parsing figured out
Dim columns As New List(Of String)
Dim ccPayment = "C:\Users\XBorja.RESURGENCE\Downloads\Payments_Credit.txt"
Using MyReader As New Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser(ccPayment)
MyReader.TextFieldType = Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FieldType.Delimited
MyReader.Delimiters = New String() {","}
Dim currentRow As String()
'Loop through all of the fields in the file.
'If any lines are corrupt, report an error and continue parsing.
While Not MyReader.EndOfData
currentRow = MyReader.ReadFields()
' Include code here to handle the row.
For Each r In currentRow
Next r
Catch ex As Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.MalformedLineException
MsgBox("Line " & ex.Message & " is invalid. Skipping")
End Try
End While
'Dim index0 = columns(0)
'Dim index1 = columns(1)
'Dim index2 = columns(3)
'Dim index3 = columns(3)
'Dim index4 = columns(4)
'Dim index5 = columns(5)
'Dim index6 = columns(6)
'Dim index7 = columns(7)
'Dim index8 = columns(8)
'Console.WriteLine(index0 & index1 & index2 & index3 & index4 & index5 & index6 & index7 & index8)
End Using
For Each r In columns
end sub
As you can see I was trying to see if i could index these so that i could possibly equate each one to a cell in excel.
The other problem is that this text file changes daily. The columns are always set (9 columns) but the rows change dynamically daily based on how many transactions we get.
I would recommend using the EPPlus package which is available via NuGet. It removes the COM challenges of working with Excel and works by reading and writing the XLSX spreadsheet files.
The following sample does what you where asking:
Private Sub btnStackOverflowQuestion_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnStackOverflowQuestion.Click
Dim ccPayment As String = "C:\temp\so.csv"
Using pkg As New ExcelPackage()
Using MyReader As New Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser(ccPayment)
MyReader.TextFieldType = Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FieldType.Delimited
MyReader.Delimiters = New String() {","}
Dim sheetCount As Integer
While Not MyReader.EndOfData
sheetCount += 1
Dim newSheet As ExcelWorksheet = pkg.Workbook.Worksheets.Add($"Sheet{sheetCount}")
Dim currentRow As String() = MyReader.ReadFields()
Dim columnCount As Integer = 0
For Each r In currentRow
columnCount += 1
newSheet.Cells(1, columnCount).Value = r
Next r
Catch ex As Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.MalformedLineException
MsgBox("Line " & ex.Message & " is invalid. Skipping")
End Try
End While
End Using
Dim fi As New FileInfo("C:\temp\so.xlsx")
End Using
End Sub

Runtime Error 9 on Loop

I have three workbooks; all with information on the same policies, but come from different documents. I'm trying to copy the value of the same cell from each worksheet that has the same worksheet name in workbooks 1 & workbook 3. This is the code that I have:
Sub foo()
Dim wbk1 As Workbook
Dim wbk2 As Workbook
Dim wkb3 As Workbook
Dim shtName As String
Dim i As Integer
Set wkb1 = Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\lliao\Documents\Trad Reconciliation.xlsx")
Set wkb2 = Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\lliao\Documents\TradReconciliation.xlsx")
Set wkb3 = Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\lliao\Documents\Measure Trad Recon LS.xlsx")
shtName = wkb2.Worksheets(i).Name
For i = 2 To wkb2.Worksheets.Count
wkb2.Sheets(shtName).Range("D3").Value = wkb1.Sheets(shtName).Range("D2")
wkb2.Sheets(shtName).Range("E3").Value = wkb1.Sheets(shtName).Range("E2")
wkb2.Sheets(shtName).Range("F3").Value = wkb1.Sheets(shtName).Range("F2")
wkb2.Sheets(shtName).Range("D4").Value = wkb3.Sheets(shtName).Range("D2")
wkb2.Sheets(shtName).Range("E4").Value = wkb3.Sheets(shtName).Range("E2")
wkb2.Sheets(shtName).Range("F4").Value = wkb3.Sheets(shtName).Range("F2")
Next i
End Sub
I don't understand how I'm using the subscript wrong. This is my first time coding VBA (first time in 5+ years), so I'm unfamiliar with coding errors.
Thank you!
Dim i As Integer
Set wkb1 = Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\lliao\Documents\Trad Reconciliation.xlsx")
Set wkb2 = Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\lliao\Documents\TradReconciliation.xlsx")
Set wkb3 = Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\lliao\Documents\Measure Trad Recon LS.xlsx")
shtName = wkb2.Worksheets(i).Name
Variable i is declared, but used before it's assigned - its value is therefore an implicit 0.
With VBA collections being 1-based, that makes wkb2.Worksheets(i) be out of bounds.
Dim i As Integer
i = 1
shtName = wkb2.Worksheets(i).Name
Will fix it.
You probably want to move it inside the loop though.
may be you're after this:
For i = 2 To wkb2.Worksheets.Count
wkb2.Sheets(i).Range("D3:F3").Value = wkb1.Sheets(i).Range("D2:F2")
wkb2.Sheets(i).Range("D4:F4").Value = wkb3.Sheets(i).Range("D2:F2")
Next i
