Getting current context error formatting function - haskell

I am using Megaparsec to get tree representation of the code, which is later evaluated by separated functions. I would like to add to the nodes of the tree representation the parsec function with the current context to format the error.
Why? Eg. the syntax might be okey, but some variable from the code might not exist which will be found out only by later separeted functions processing the tree. The functions will have to throw error, that variable don't exist and I would be glad, if I could use Megaparsec nicely formatted errors for this (with line number, context,...).
Is there some way how to do this please?

I believe you can get the current position via getSourcePos. For example, in the open-recursion style of tree generation, you might write
data Annotated f = Annotated
{ start :: SourcePos
, term :: f (Annotated f)
, end :: SourcePos
annotated :: (MonadParser e s m, TraversableStream s) =>
m (f (Annotated f)) -> m (Annotated f)
annotated p = liftA3 Annotated getSourcePos p getSourcePos
(N.B. I haven't tried it or even type-checked it; only done my best to interpret megaparsec's documentation with an expert eye. Caveat lector.)


What are Prisms?

I'm trying to achieve a deeper understanding of lens library, so I play around with the types it offers. I have already had some experience with lenses, and know how powerful and convenient they are. So I moved on to Prisms, and I'm a bit lost. It seems that prisms allow two things:
Determining if an entity belongs to a particular branch of a sum type, and if it does, capturing the underlying data in a tuple or a singleton.
Destructuring and reconstructing an entity, possibly modifying it in process.
The first point seems useful, but usually one doesn't need all the data from an entity, and ^? with plain lenses allows getting Nothing if the field in question doesn't belong to the branch the entity represents, just like it does with prisms.
The second point... I don't know, might have uses?
So the question is: what can I do with a Prism that I can't with other optics?
Edit: thank you everyone for excellent answers and links for further reading! I wish I could accept them all.
Lenses characterise the has-a relationship; Prisms characterise the is-a relationship.
A Lens s a says "s has an a"; it has methods to get exactly one a from an s and to overwrite exactly one a in an s. A Prism s a says "a is an s"; it has methods to upcast an a to an s and to (attempt to) downcast an s to an a.
Putting that intuition into code gives you the familiar "get-set" (or "costate comonad coalgebra") formulation of lenses,
data Lens s a = Lens {
get :: s -> a,
set :: a -> s -> s
and an "upcast-downcast" representation of prisms,
data Prism s a = Prism {
up :: a -> s,
down :: s -> Maybe a
up injects an a into s (without adding any information), and down tests whether the s is an a.
In lens, up is spelled review and down is preview. There’s no Prism constructor; you use the prism' smart constructor.
What can you do with a Prism? Inject and project sum types!
_Left :: Prism (Either a b) a
_Left = Prism {
up = Left,
down = either Just (const Nothing)
_Right :: Prism (Either a b) b
_Right = Prism {
up = Right,
down = either (const Nothing) Just
Lenses don't support this - you can't write a Lens (Either a b) a because you can't implement get :: Either a b -> a. As a practical matter, you can write a Traversal (Either a b) a, but that doesn't allow you to create an Either a b from an a - it'll only let you overwrite an a which is already there.
Aside: I think this subtle point about Traversals is the source of your confusion about partial record fields.
^? with plain lenses allows getting Nothing if the field in question doesn't belong to the branch the entity represents
Using ^? with a real Lens will never return Nothing, because a Lens s a identifies exactly one a inside an s.
When confronted with a partial record field,
data Wibble = Wobble { _wobble :: Int } | Wubble { _wubble :: Bool }
makeLenses will generate a Traversal, not a Lens.
wobble :: Traversal' Wibble Int
wubble :: Traversal' Wibble Bool
For an example of this how Prisms can be applied in practice, look to Control.Exception.Lens, which provides a collection of Prisms into Haskell's extensible Exception hierarchy. This lets you perform runtime type tests on SomeExceptions and inject specific exceptions into SomeException.
_ArithException :: Prism' SomeException ArithException
_AsyncException :: Prism' SomeException AsyncException
-- etc.
(These are slightly simplified versions of the actual types. In reality these prisms are overloaded class methods.)
Thinking at a higher level, certain whole programs can be thought of as being "basically a Prism". Encoding and decoding data is one example: you can always convert structured data to a String, but not every String can be parsed back:
showRead :: (Show a, Read a) => Prism String a
showRead = Prism {
up = show,
down = listToMaybe . fmap fst . reads
To summarise, Lenses and Prisms together encode the two core design tools of object-oriented programming: composition and subtyping. Lenses are a first-class version of Java's . and = operators, and Prisms are a first-class version of Java's instanceof and implicit upcasting.
One fruitful way of thinking about Lenses is that they give you a way of splitting up a composite s into a focused value a and some context c. Pseudocode:
type Lens s a = exists c. s <-> (a, c)
In this framework, a Prism gives you a way to look at an s as being either an a or some context c.
type Prism s a = exists c. s <-> Either a c
(I'll leave it to you to convince yourself that these are isomorphic to the simple representations I demonstrated above. Try implementing get/set/up/down for these types!)
In this sense a Prism is a co-Lens. Either is the categorical dual of (,); Prism is the categorical dual of Lens.
You can also observe this duality in the "profunctor optics" formulation - Strong and Choice are dual.
type Lens s t a b = forall p. Strong p => p a b -> p s t
type Prism s t a b = forall p. Choice p => p a b -> p s t
This is more or less the representation which lens uses, because these Lenses and Prisms are very composable. You can compose Prisms to get bigger Prisms ("a is an s, which is a p") using (.); composing a Prism with a Lens gives you a Traversal.
I just wrote a blog post, which might help build some intuition about Prisms: Prisms are constructors (Lenses are fields).
Prisms could be introduced as first-class pattern matching, but that is a
one-sided view. I'd say they are generalised constructors, though maybe
more often used for pattern matching than for actual construction.
The important property of constructors (and lawful prisms), is their
injectivity. Though the usual prism laws don't state that directly,
injectivity property can be deduced.
To quote lens-library documentation, the prisms laws are:
First, if I review a value with a Prism and then preview, I will get it back:
preview l (review l b) ≡ Just b
Second, if you can extract a value a using a Prism l from a value s, then
the value s is completely described by l and a:
preview l s ≡ Just a ⇒ review l a ≡ s
In fact, the first law alone is enough to prove the injectivity of construction
via Prism:
review l x ≡ review l y ⇒ x ≡ y
The proof is straight-forward:
review l x ≡ review l y
-- x ≡ y -> f x ≡ f y
preview l (review l x) ≡ preview l (review l y)
-- rewrite both sides with the first law
Just x ≡ Just y
-- injectivity of Just
x ≡ y
We can use injectivity property as an additional tool in the equational
reasoning toolbox. Or we can use it as a easy property to check to decide
whether something is a lawful Prism. The check is easy as we only the
review side of Prism. Many smart constructors, which for example
normalise the input data, aren't lawful prisms.
An example using case-insensitive:
-- Bad!
_CI :: FoldCase s => Prism' (CI s) s
_CI = prism' ci (Just . foldedCase)
λ> review _CI "FOO" == review _CI "foo"
λ> "FOO" == "foo"
The first law is also violated:
λ> preview _CI (review _CI "FOO")
Just "foo"
In addition to the other excellent answers, I feel Isos provide a nice vantage point for considering this matter.
There being some i :: Iso' s a means if you have an s value you also (virtually) have an a value, and vice versa. The Iso' gives you two conversion functions, view i :: s -> a and review i :: a -> s which are both guaranteed to succeed and lossless.
There being some l :: Lens' s a means if you have an s you also have an a, but not vice versa. view l :: s -> a may drop information along the way, as the conversion isn't required to be lossless, and so you can't go the other way if all you have is an a (cf. set l :: a -> s -> s, which also requires an s in addition to the a value in order to provide the missing information).
There being some p :: Prism' s a means if you have an s value you might also have an a, but there are no guarantees. The conversion preview p :: s -> Maybe a is not guaranteed to succeed. Still, you do have the other direction, review p :: a -> s.
In other words, an Iso is invertible and always succeeds. If you drop the invertibility requirement, you get a Lens; if you drop the success guarantee, you get a Prism. If you drop both, you get an affine traversal (which is not in lens as a separate type), and if you go a step further and give up on having at most one target you end up with a Traversal. That is reflected in one of the diamonds of the lens subtype hierarchy:
/ \
/ \
/ \
Lens Prism
\ /
\ /
\ /

Extracting Information from Haskell Object

I'm new to Haskell and I'm confused on how to get values out of function results. In my particular case, I am trying to parse Haskell files and see which AST nodes appear on which lines. This is the code I have so far:
import Language.Haskell.Parser
import Language.Haskell.Syntax
getTree :: String -> IO (ParseResult HsModule)
getTree path = do
file <- readFile path
let tree = parseModuleWithMode (ParseMode path) file
return tree
main :: IO ()
main = do
tree <- getTree "ex.hs"
-- <do something with the tree other than print it>
print tree
So on the line where I have the comment, I have a syntax tree as tree. It appears to have type ParseResult HsModule. What I want is just HsModule. I guess what I'm looking for is a function as follows:
extract :: ParseResult a -> a
Or better yet, a general Haskell function
extract :: AnyType a -> a
Maybe I'm missing a major concept about Haskell here?
p.s. I understand that thinking of these things as "Objects" and trying to access "Fields" from them is wrong, but I'd like an explanation of how to deal with this type of thing in general.
Looking for a general function of type
extract :: AnyType a -> a
does indeed show a big misunderstanding about Haskell. Consider the many things AnyType might be, and how you might extract exactly one object from it. What about Maybe Int? You can easily enough convert Just 5 to 5, but what number should you return for Nothing?
Or what if AnyType is [], so that you have [String]? What should be the result of
extract ["help", "i'm", "trapped"]
or of
extract []
ParseResult has a similar "problem", in that it uses ParseOk to contain results indicating that everything was fine, and ParseFailed to indicate an error. Your incomplete pattern match successfully gets the result if the parse succeeded, but will crash your program if in fact the parse failed. By using ParseResult, Haskell is encouraging you to consider what you should do if the code you are analyzing did not parse correctly, rather than to just blithely assume it will come out fine.
The definition of ParseResult is:
data ParseResult a = ParseOk a | ParseFailed SrcLoc String
(obtained from source code)
So there are two possibilities: either the parsing succeeded, and it will return a ParseOk instance, or something went wrong during the parsing in which case you get the location of the error, and an error message with a ParseFailed constructor.
So you can define a function:
getData :: ParseResult a -> a
getData (ParseOk x) = x
getData (ParseFailed _ s) = error s
It is better to then throw an error as well, since it is always possible that your compiler/interpreter/analyzer/... parses a Haskell program containing syntax errors.
I just figured out how to do this. It seems that when I was trying to define
extract :: ParseResult a -> a
extract (ParseResult a) = a
I actually needed to use
extract :: ParseResult a -> a
extract (ParseOk a) = a
instead. I'm not 100% sure why this is.

Why can't I use the type `Show a => [Something -> a]`?

I have a record type say
data Rec {
recNumber :: Int
, recName :: String
-- more fields of various types
And I want to write a toString function for Rec :
recToString :: Rec -> String
recToString r = intercalate "\t" $ map ($ r) fields
where fields = [show . recNumber, show . recName]
This works. fields has type [Rec -> String]. But I'm lazy and I would prefer writing
recToString r = intercalate "\t" $ map (\f -> show $ f r) fields
where fields = [recNumber, recName]
But this doesn't work. Intuitively I would say fields has type Show a => [Rec -> a] and this should be ok. But Haskell doesn't allow it.
I'd like to understand what is going on here. Would I be right if I said that in the first case I get a list of functions such that the 2 instances of show are actually not the same function, but Haskell is able to determine which is which at compile time (which is why it's ok).
[show . recNumber, show . recName]
^-- This is show in instance Show Number
^-- This is show in instance Show String
Whereas in the second case, I only have one literal use of show in the code, and that would have to refer to multiple instances, not determined at compile time ?
map (\f -> show $ f r) fields
^-- Must be both instances at the same time
Can someone help me understand this ? And also are there workarounds or type system expansions that allow this ?
The type signature doesn't say what you think it says.
This seems to be a common misunderstanding. Consider the function
foo :: Show a => Rec -> a
People frequently seem to think this means that "foo can return any type that it wants to, so long as that type supports Show". It doesn't.
What it actually means is that foo must be able to return any possible type, because the caller gets to choose what the return type should be.
A few moments' thought will reveal that foo actually cannot exist. There is no way to turn a Rec into any possible type that can ever exist. It can't be done.
People often try to do something like Show a => [a] to mean "a list of mixed types but they all have Show". That obviously doesn't work; this type actually means that the list elements can be any type, but they still have to be all the same.
What you're trying to do seems reasonable enough. Unfortunately, I think your first example is about as close as you can get. You could try using tuples and lenses to get around this. You could try using Template Haskell instead. But unless you've got a hell of a lot of fields, it's probably not even worth the effort.
The type you actually want is not:
Show a => [Rec -> a]
Any type declaration with unbound type variables has an implicit forall. The above is equivalent to:
forall a. Show a => [Rec -> a]
This isn't what you wan't, because the a must be specialized to a single type for the entire list. (By the caller, to any one type they choose, as MathematicalOrchid points out.) Because you want the a of each element in the list to be able to be instantiated differently... what you are actually seeking is an existential type.
[exists a. Show a => Rec -> a]
You are wishing for a form of subtyping that Haskell does not support very well. The above syntax is not supported at all by GHC. You can use newtypes to sort of accomplish this:
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
newtype Showy = forall a. Show a => Showy a
fields :: [Rec -> Showy]
fields = [Showy . recNumber, Showy . recName]
But unfortunatley, that is just as tedious as converting directly to strings, isn't it?
I don't believe that lens is capable of getting around this particular weakness of the Haskell type system:
recToString :: Rec -> String
recToString r = intercalate "\t" $ toListOf (each . to fieldShown) fields
where fields = (recNumber, recName)
fieldShown f = show (f r)
-- error: Couldn't match type Int with [Char]
Suppose the fields do have the same type:
fields = [recNumber, recNumber]
Then it works, and Haskell figures out which show function instance to use at compile time; it doesn't have to look it up dynamically.
If you manually write out show each time, as in your original example, then Haskell can determine the correct instance for each call to show at compile time.
As for existentials... it depends on implementation, but presumably, the compiler cannot determine which instance to use statically, so a dynamic lookup will be used instead.
I'd like to suggest something very simple instead:
recToString r = intercalate "\t" [s recNumber, s recName]
where s f = show (f r)
All the elements of a list in Haskell must have the same type, so a list containing one Int and one String simply cannot exist. It is possible to get around this in GHC using existential types, but you probably shouldn't (this use of existentials is widely considered an anti-pattern, and it doesn't tend to perform terribly well). Another option would be to switch from a list to a tuple, and use some weird stuff from the lens package to map over both parts. It might even work.

Using a lens twice

I'm struggling with using the lens library for a particular problem. I'm trying to pass
an updated data structure
a lens focussed on part of that updated structure
to another function, g. I pass both the lens and the data structure because g needs some shared information from the data structure as well as a piece of information. (If it helps, the data structure contains information on a joint probability distribution, but g only works on either marginal and needs to know which marginal I'm looking at. The only difference between the two marginals is their mean with the rest of their definition being shared in the data structure).
My first attempt looked like this
f :: Functor f => Params -> ((Double -> f Double) -> Params -> f Params) -> a
f p l = g (l %~ upd $ p) l
where upd = ...
g p x = go p p^.x
but that fails during compilation because f gets inferred as being Identity for the update and Const Double for the getter.
What's the best way to accomplish what I want to do? I can imagine being able to do one of the following:
make a copy of the lens so that the type inference can be different in each case
rather than passing the updated structure and the lens, I pass the original structure and a lens which returns a modified value (if I only want to update the part of the structure that the lens looks at).
making a better design choice for my functions/data structure
something completely different
Thanks for any help!
András Kovács answer shows how to achieve this with RankNTypes. If you wish to avoid RankNTypes, then you can use ALens and cloneLens:
f :: a -> ALens' a Int -> (Int, a)
f a l = (newvalue, a & cloneLens l .~ newvalue)
where oldvalue = a^.cloneLens l
newvalue = if oldvalue == 0 then 0 else oldvalue - 1
Control.Lens.Loupe provides operators and functions that work on ALens instead of Lens.
Note that in many cases, you should also be able to use <<%~, which is like %~ but also returns the old value, or <%~, which returns the new value:
f :: a -> LensLike' ((,) Int) a Int -> (Int, a)
f a l = a & l <%~ g
where g oldvalue = if oldvalue == 0 then 0 else oldvalue - 1
This has the advantage that it can also work with Isos or sometimes also with Traversals (when the target type is a Monoid).
You want your type signature to look like this:
f :: Params -> Lens Params Params Double Double -> ...
-- alternatively, instead of the long Lens form you can write
-- Lens' Params Double
This is not equivalent to what you wrote out in the signature, because the functor parameter is quantified inside Lens:
type Lens s t a b = forall f. Functor f => (a -> f b) -> (s -> f t)
The correct signature translates to :
f :: Params -> (forall f. Functor f => (Double -> f Double) -> Params -> f Params) -> ...
This prevents the compiler from unifying the different f parameters of different lens usages, i. e. you can use the lens polymorphically. Note that you need the RankNTypes or Rank2Types GHC extension in order to be able to write out the signature.
Benno gave the best general purpose answer.
There is two other options, however, which I offer here for completeness.
There are several Loupe combinators in Lens.
They all have names that involve #.
^# and #%= both take ALens which is a lens instantiated at a particular concrete choice of functor.
This can be useful if you need to pass around lists of lenses, or if you really really need multiple passes.
Another option, and my preferred tactic, is to figure out how to do both operations a the same time.
Here you are modifying, but want the value you just set. Well, yes can give you that by using <%~ instead of %~.
Now you only instantiate the lens at one choice of functor and your code gets faster.

Haskell: Why do the Maybe and Either types behave differently when used as Monads?

I'm trying to get my head around error handling in Haskell. I've found the article "8 ways to report errors in Haskell" but I'm confused as to why Maybe and Either behave differently.
For example:
import Control.Monad.Error
myDiv :: (Monad m) => Float -> Float -> m Float
myDiv x 0 = fail "My divison by zero"
myDiv x y = return (x / y)
testMyDiv1 :: Float -> Float -> String
testMyDiv1 x y =
case myDiv x y of
Left e -> e
Right r -> show r
testMyDiv2 :: Float -> Float -> String
testMyDiv2 x y =
case myDiv x y of
Nothing -> "An error"
Just r -> show r
Calling testMyDiv2 1 0 gives a result of "An error", but calling testMyDiv1 1 0 gives:
"*** Exception: My divison by zero
(Note the lack of closing quote, indicating this isn't a string but an exception).
What gives?
The short answer is that the Monad class in Haskell adds the fail operation to the original mathematical idea of monads, which makes it somewhat controversial how to make the Either type into a (Haskell) Monad, because there are many ways to do it.
There are several implementations floating around that do different things. The 3 basic approaches that I'm aware of are:
fail = Left. This seems to be what most people expect, but it actually can't be done in strict Haskell 98. The instance would have to be declared as instance Monad (Either String), which is not legal under H98 because it mentions a particular type for one of Eithers parameters (in GHC, the FlexibleInstances extension would cause the compiler to accept it).
Ignore fail, using the default implementation which just calls error. This is what's happening in your example. This version has the advantage of being H98 compliant, but the disadvantage of being rather surprising to the user (with the surprise coming at runtime).
The fail implementation calls some other class to convert a String into whatever type. This is done in MTL's Control.Monad.Error module, which declares instance Error e => Monad (Either e). In this implementation, fail msg = Left (strMsg msg). This one is again legal H98, and again occasionally surprising to users because it introduces another type class. In contrast to the last example though, the surprise comes at compile time.
I'm guessing you're using monads-fd.
$ ghci t.hs -hide-package mtl
*Main Data.List> testMyDiv1 1 0
"*** Exception: My divison by zero
*Main Data.List> :i Either
instance Monad (Either e) -- Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Error
Looking in the transformers package, which is where monads-fd gets the instance, we see:
instance Monad (Either e) where
return = Right
Left l >>= _ = Left l
Right r >>= k = k r
So, no definition for Fail what-so-ever. In general, fail is discouraged as it isn't always guaranteed to fail cleanly in a monad (many people would like to see fail removed from the Monad class).
EDIT: I should add that it certainly isn't clear fail was intentioned to be left as the default error call. A ping to haskell-cafe or the maintainer might be worth while.
EDIT2: The mtl instance has been moved to base, this move includes removing the definition of fail = Left and discussion as to why that decision was made. Presumably, they want people to use ErrorT more when monads fail, thus reserving fail for something more catastrophic situations like bad pattern matches (ex: Just x <- e where e -->* m Nothing).
