is it possible to show toast in google chrome extension v3 - google-chrome-extension

I want to show some message when use use the google chrome extension plugin, I am using alert to show message like this:
this work fine but need to click close by the user. I want to show some message like some notification and tell use success, but the user did not need do any operate. I have know the chrome notification but it need user to allow the notification. any other way to do some toast in google chrome extension v3?


Print with Google Chrome Extension

I am trying to choose the printer in the default chrome dialog via a Chrome Extension, but have not be to get PrinterProvider events to trigger at all in my extension. Is PrinterProvider the correct way to go about this? If so, any examples would be helpful. Is it possible to select which printer name shows up in the printer dropdown?
For example, I have the following in my background.js and the event is never triggered:
chrome.printerProvider.onPrintRequested.addListener(async (chromePrintJob, printRequestCallback) => {
console.log("Print requested");
await chromePrintJob.document.text();
I am trying to choose the printer in the default chrome dialog via a Chrome Extension
This isn't possible. Chrome does not give extensions that kind of control over its UI. Moreover, default printer selection is typically an OS-level setting.
Is PrinterProvider the correct way to go about this?
No, that interface allows an extension to act as a printer, not to modify existing printers. In other words, you can use PrinterProvider in your extension to add new printers the user can select in the print dialog window and handle print jobs sent to your custom printer.

Chrome Extension: how to show messages in event page console?

When I display a message from the Chrome extension in the console, I need to open the background page and see the console in it.
Is it possible to somehow make it more convenient - so that these messages are displayed in the console of the event page, without opening additional windows and consoles?

Develop a chrome extension to capture clicks using chrome extension api

I am trying to develop a chrome extension which can capture clicks using chrome extension APIs not by JavaScript.
If you want to capture the 'click' events in chrome extension, this answer might help you from the question - How may I get the element attributes (text, id, class and so on..) of the current tab, out of a mouse click, from a chrome extension?
In your content.js, write the following code-
$(window).click(function(event) {
console.log("Click event: ", event);
Content scripts are files that run in the context of web pages. By using the standard Document Object Model (DOM), they are able to read details of the web pages the browser visits, make changes to them and pass information to their parent extension.

Google assitant won't find my Google Action any more

I have created a Google Action using Dialogflow and Google Actions Console. After I created my first alpha release I was able to use it both in my Android Phone & Android Auto, with this phone connected. However, it no more works.
I have 2 of my email addresses added to the alpha testers list.
I tried clicking on try now button from inviting listing.
I clicked on send to device and clicked on the push notification google send. I got a message "Sorry, I couldn't find that.".
I re-installed my assistant app in phone too.
However, in the action console, its says action is deployed. And I am getting this to work with Telegram. Its the action link that seems to be a problem.

chrome desktop notifications get text

I have chrome plugin, that checks given URL and use 'get' method to check the return HTML code. if thee are errors - chrome notifications will pop. I want to create a button and whenever the notification button will be clicked, an alert will pop with the notification text.
I am not able to find any source of information on how to do this, and I will be happy if someone can help me with this
I've already try to search examples, on the web and on Google's website but without any luck
