Google assitant won't find my Google Action any more - dialogflow-es

I have created a Google Action using Dialogflow and Google Actions Console. After I created my first alpha release I was able to use it both in my Android Phone & Android Auto, with this phone connected. However, it no more works.
I have 2 of my email addresses added to the alpha testers list.
I tried clicking on try now button from inviting listing.
I clicked on send to device and clicked on the push notification google send. I got a message "Sorry, I couldn't find that.".
I re-installed my assistant app in phone too.
However, in the action console, its says action is deployed. And I am getting this to work with Telegram. Its the action link that seems to be a problem.


Duplicated response from Google Console application

I have created a Google assistant application which is connected to Dialog Flow project.
And the I have deployed it as Alpha release and tried to test it with mobile phone.
The issue I'm facing is all the responses from the application is duplicated, but when I
test it from the Action Console simulator or from Dialog flow it works fine.
Tried deleting and recreating the google project but to no avail.
In your intent on dialogueflow can you check under Responses if the Google Assistant action is un-toggled?:
Use responses from the DEFAULT tab as the first responses
Alternatively you can try deleting your default responses and set only the Google Assistant action. Possibly the intent's Default and Google Assistant response are sending both responses to dialogflow causing duplicate response.

Smart home google action not responding and device is always offline

I created a smart home action using action-on-google and nodeJs, and it works fine. When you say turn on switch off, it sends MQTT request to my server, means that onExecute function works fine but the problem is that google doesn't respond to my command by OK it says "sorry it looks like your device not available right now", I observed also that my device is always offline in Google home app. Is it required to work with firebase and get device state from there?
Firebase is one of web services allowed to store a device's states. You can feel free to use other web services.
If your device is offline, it may be because your Google Home App hasn't received your device's states.
Here are two paths for Google Home App receiving your device's data:
Google Server will send a action.devices.QUERY intent and callback your function (e.g. onQuery) to get the data of your device through your fulfillment, see action.devices.QUERY.
Thus, please print logs in the onQuery function and make sure that your function works fine.
Your smart home action must use the API of reportStateAndNotification to update your device's data in the Home Graph, see Method: devices.reportStateAndNotification.
If Google Assistant gives you "Sorry, device is not available right now", it probably is because the Google server hasn't received correct information from your fulfillment. Please follow the suggestions above and try it again.
If you're still having issues, check your logs to identify the particular issue for that device.

Not able to add the intent from Dialogflow to Google Assistant

Ok I am using the Dialogflow Essentials and there are several intents are already defined which were integrated with google assistant and these intents works fine,But now I made new intent in Dialogflow and it works fine in try now option but when I tried to integrate it with google assistant (Dialogflow ------> Integrations ------> Google Assistant ------->continue with integration ), I can not see the new intent in the List (pop up with previous intents and their check boxes ). May some one help me to know why the new intent is not visible in the list ?
The following screen shot image shows the corresponding error message
The error message reads:
The maximum number of intents is 10.
You are limited to 10 "deep link" Intents that would be used as part of the Action invocation. These enable you to say things like "Ask Super Action to Turn the lights on". Instead of just "Talk to Super Action" and then, while it is running, asking it to turn the lights on.
You are allowed many more Intents themselves - but just 10 that can be used as part of the invocation phrase.
If this is actually for controlling Smart Home devices, you may wish to look into the Smart Home integration for the Google Assistant instead. This lets people control your devices directly through commands to the Assistant ("Hey Google, Turn on the bedroom lights") instead of having to go through an Action you've written ("Hey Google, Ask Super Home to turn on the bedroom lights"). This method does not involve Dialogflow at all.

No access token delivered to webhook after normal account linking

Conversation Flow : android device/web simulator - google assistant - - webhook - [websocket/FCM push] - android device
From end of last week, access token is not delivered to our webhook server even if account linking was successful and it is displayed on web simulator debugging window. When we logged on webhook server, the account token value from was NULL. After this happened, next account linking is not processed even if I reset (turn it off and on again) agent.
I tried to make new actions project and migrate agent to new one, but it was the same. I make sure the same test has been successful before last week.
If anyone has gone through the similar issue, I hope your help.
I was also very confused because I was expecting the accessToken to be in the same JSON format as shown in the simulator.
if still not working please send the body of the request you receive not what the simulator show you.
but it's under
if you are using NodeJS you don't need to parse anything you will just need to call :
from ApiAiApp object in the actions-on-google node library.

Facebook Messenger bot Send Location button with redirect to the map

Now I am building the Facebook Messenger Bot at NodeJS and to provide some information I need to know a user location. I have the button "Send Location" and the response with a small instruction how to send manually the location: go to the menu, find an icon and push it. But reality I need that the user just click the Send Location button and automatically redirect to the map where he can just click Current Location and the bot can catch his coordinates.
Do you have some ideas how it can be made?
PS I saw this button in the "Hi Poncho" and it works great.
enter image description here
You can see similar functionality on my Bot when using the IOS messenger app.
The 'location' feature allows the user to send a their location to the bot. By default, it showe a map with 'Your Location' and 'Tap to view on map'. The lat/long details are sent in the background to the Bot.
I tried from the desktop and it didn't show the quick reply 'send location' button at all.
The bot is running at DMS Software Bot. Type 'quick reply' and hit location.
The source is at FB-Robot on github.
