Instagram ?__a=1 url return same JSON response for explore tags - instagram

I was using Instagram ?__a=1 url to get many data, includes explore tags, users's profile... But a few hours ago there was a problem about response for explore tags.
I usually sent a request to{{tag_name}}/?__a=1
It will return JSON data. At bottom of this data, it has next_max_id, and I use to get the next page.{{tag_name}}/?__a=1&max_id=XXXXXX
But now it returns same data for many requests, even if the next_max_id has changed.
Please help me. Many thanks :)


Getting all comments for post by shortcode instagram site

I make requests with Instagram from the browser on the links:{"shortcode":"BemdtV0gLAL","first":4500}
I receive the document in Json format, in which the total number of comments does not correspond to the number of comments in the list. The comments were checked manually, there are indeed more comments than shown in the document.
Is this the Instagram error? What is the request for a complete list of comments?

API Tags endpoint error - min_id is not a valid cursor for this tag

Since a few days ago we've been getting an error response from Instagram API - it complains that we are using an invalid cursor 'min_id' when accessing the Tags endpoint.
Thing is we don't use 'min_id'. We use 'min_tag_id', which according to the documentation (deprecated & current) is a valid cursor for this endpoint.
Doing some research I see that some people have been getting unexpected errors too (though different ones) around this week.
Example API request (plug an access token and paste in a browser to see for yourselves):<ACCESS_TOKEN>&min_tag_id=AQCvuinNA31T_hoSa-RaCsQigBknfYaBv2_VcCn1kp4MX5whyr7v7AfpOzio8E4lcQ9TZIKZbN_ZAqEmuzmslq8qMmFTQF-1ocNntqDIjlN4va4GxocNeBxmo29nXEOjKIRVvce5PuvoXk3MY9nuNd6hbxFj7TW_FEWTWpdx9FNzEQ
And the response:
{"meta":{"error_type":"APIInvalidParametersError","code":400,"error_message":"min_id is not a valid cursor for this tag."}}
Any idea?
I got this response from Instagram when enquiring about invalid pagination tokens
"Thanks for the report. We are aware of this issue and it happens when
pictures are un-tagged (e.g. The comment with the tag is deleted). We
are working on a fix but I don’t have an eta to share at the moment."
OK, so this is how I solved it - after waiting for a few days and seeing that nothing happens then I have deleted all min_tag_id values that I have in store. I also altered my app logic to deal with the situation (in my case when there's no min_tag_id then I load some historical posts, which I commented out for this fix).
I ran the import process and this repopulated the min_tag_id field. The new values have no problems. Either they fixed the issue or the un-tagging thing didn't happen to me again yet.
So far so good. Will post updates if any.

Open new tab with POST method

I want to create a new tab and send data to it in a POST request from my chrome extension. I could use a GET request, but the data I am going to send could be arbitrarily long, and I want to JSON encode it(which also means I cannot use forms). I've only found two questions on SO about this, but both of them are talking about using a form, which is not desirable.
The reason I want to do this is because I want to request further input from the user before I do what I do with the data. I am totally lost here and have no idea how to do this, hence I can not add any code samples I've tried.
If I cannot do this with a URL, I could inject a script into the page and have a popup, but that is something of a last resort.
Any ideas on how this could be done?

Not Getting Link Response Headers in GitHub Pagination For Issues

I'm writing a quick python app to get stats on my public GitHub project.
When I call (, I get back some json, but because my project has more than 30 outstanding PRs, I get a Link response header with the next and last URLs for me to go call to get all PRs.
However, when I perform a parallel query for issues with a certain label (, I only get 30 back (the pagination limit), but my response header doesn't have a next Link in it for me to follow. I know my project has more than 30 issues that match that label.
Is this a bug in the GitHub API, or in what I'm doing? Alternatively, I don't actually care about the issues themselves, just the count of issues with that label, so is there another way to just query for the count?

Instagram API returns wrong results for tag media

I've noticed something weird and I was thinking that maybe I'm missing something. I noticed that if you use the tag/tagname/media/recent endpoint a lot of the result show they contain the given tag. However if you actually open the url and you see that they either lack that tag or the photo doesn't have any tags at all. Then when doublechecking by querying by specific media id the results are the same. Any idea why this is happening?
The endpoint returns media where the tag is also in any of the comments. The tag you were searching for might be assigned in any of the comments for that media. I don't believe that all comments are returned for each image in this endpoint, so it might be assigned to a comment that you don't see in your results.
