Trying to write test case in Cucumber where I use one or more pieces of data - cucumber

I'm trying to write out a test case where the input could be one or more items.
Scenario: Changes to a user's address in the system are saved to the database
Feature: Make a change to one or more of a user's address fields.
Given I'm logged into the system.
When I make a change to <field>.
And Click Save.
Then Changes are saved into database.
|Street Address|
|ZIP Code|
This scenario works if its only one field I'm changing, ex. ZIP Code.
But how do I write it for scenarios where I want to change multiple items?
Example, change City and State or City, State, and ZIP code.

You need a Scenario Outline rather than a scenario alone. This is how you create a scenario outline:
Feature: Make a change to one or more of a user's address fields.
Scenario Outline: Changes to a user's address in the system are saved to the database
Given I'm logged into the system.
When I make a change to <Field>.
And Click Save.
Then Changes are saved into database.
|Street Address|
|ZIP Code|
A scenario outline is easily identified by the key phrase Scenario Outline. The purpose of a scenario outline is to loop through a test case with different input parameters. These input parameters are included in a data table underneath a section labeled "Examples". Lastly, the label of the table header must match a parameter used in one or more test steps, enclosed in angular brackets <>.

There are two ways you can do that
1. simple scenario outline. (fields are horizontal)
Scenario Outline: login registration
When I submit login details <Username> <Password> <UsernameDesc>
|"uname1" |"password"|"testuserName1"|
|"uname2" |"password"|"testuserName2"|
step def for above method is
#When("I submit login details {string} {string} {string}")
public void register(String usrname, String pwd, String desc){
// use usrname, pwd, desc as desired
2. using data table (#DatatableType). (fields are vertical)
Scenario: login registration using cucumber data table
When I submit login details
|Username |"username"|"username1"|"username2"|
|Password |"password"|"password1"|"password2"|
|UsernameDesc |"testDesc"|"testDesc1"| "password2"|
step defs for above method
public loginDetails logindetails(Map<String, String> entry) {
return new loginDetails(entry.get("Username"),entry.get("Password"),entry.get("UsernameDesc"));
#When ("^I submit login details$")
public void submitLoginDetails(DataTable dataTable ){
List<loginDetails> list = dataTable.transpose().asList(loginDetails.class);;
for (loginDetails l : list) {
pojo class used in above method is like this
public class loginDetails {
private String Username;
private String Password;
private String UsernameDesc;
public loginDetails(String uname, String pwd, String udesc){
this.Password = pwd;
this.UsernameDesc = udesc;
public String getUserName() {
return Username;
public String getPassword() {
return Password;
public String getUsernameDesc() {
return UsernameDesc;


How to populate unknown Cucumber or Specflow step argument that only be generated during execution?

Given I executed some steps, then on certain step I get a value from a database cell. Since this value is unknown prior to execution, I cannot use any binding or table value defined in feature file, is there any way to populate this value into Step Definition => then it is showed on other report?
For ex a feature file:
Given I drop the file to the server's UNC path
When the file is processed successfully
Then a new account is loaded as (.*) (this is the number generated at runtime)
The account can only be know at the last step through a connection to the database, is there any way to put it to the step definition so that later it shows as:
The a new account is loaded as 100051359
What you want to do is not possible with SpecFlow. However, you can still get a good test out of this, but you will likely need to share data between steps using the ScenarioContext.
The step that processes the file will need to know the newly loaded account Id. Then that step can put that account Id in the ScenarioContext:
public class FileSteps
private readonly ScenarioContext scenario;
public FileSteps(ScenarioContext scenario)
this.scenario = scenario;
[When(#"the file is processed successfully"]
public void WhenTheFileIsProcessedSuccessfully()
var account = // process the file
scenario.Set(account.Id, "AccountId");
Later when making the assertion, get the account Id from the scenario context before making your assertion:
public class AccountSteps
private readonly ScenarioContext scenario;
public AccountSteps(ScenarioContext scenario)
this.scenario = scenario;
[Then(#"a new account is loaded")]
public void ThenANewAccountIsLoaded()
var account = accountRepository.Find(scenario.Get<int>("AccountId"));
// Assert something about the account
And your test becomes:
Scenario: ...
Given I drop the file to the server's UNC path
When the file is processed successfully
Then a new account is loaded

create setup form for custom module

I have a custom module getting executed right after the PDFGenerator finished. I followed this guide on how to create a custom module
When processing a batch document I want to manipulate the generated PDF file and add a footer to that file. The content of that footer needs to get configured in the Administration module.
So within my project called "StampOnScanProcess" I added a Folder called "Setup" with two files. A Form called "FrmSetup"
public partial class FrmSetup : Form
private IBatchClass batchClass;
public FrmSetup()
public DialogResult ShowDialog(IBatchClass batchClass)
this.batchClass = batchClass;
// Load previous Settings ...
return this.ShowDialog();
private void btnCancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Save ...
and a UserControl called "UserCtrlSetup"
public interface ISetupForm
AdminApplication Application { set; }
void ActionEvent(int EventNumber, object Argument, out int Cancel);
public partial class UserCtrlSetup : UserControl, ISetupForm
private const string CUSTOM_MODULE_NAME_SETUP = "StampOnScanProcess.Setup";
private AdminApplication adminApplication;
public AdminApplication Application
adminApplication = value;
public void ActionEvent(int EventNumber, object Argument, out int Cancel)
Cancel = 0;
if ((KfxOcxEvent)EventNumber == KfxOcxEvent.KfxOcxEventMenuClicked && (string)Argument == CUSTOM_MODULE_NAME_SETUP)
FrmSetup form = new FrmSetup();
I modified my registration file and added the setup form to it
[Setup Programs]
When launching the Administration module I head over to the Batch Class Properties => Queues and want to call this setup form by clicking the Properties button in the middle.
Unfortunately the properties button is disabled so I can't open the setup form. This form gets added to the context menu of the batch class
How can I bind this form to the properties button instead? And what is the best way to store configured data and access it when the runtime application gets executed?
I need to think about how to store data because some users have user profiles
and the runtime application currently logs in with no credentials.
public void LoginToRuntimeSession()
login = new Login();
login.EnableSecurityBoost = true;
login.ApplicationName = CUSTOM_MODULE_ID;
login.Version = "1.0";
login.ValidateUser($"{CUSTOM_MODULE_ID}.exe", false, "", "");
session = login.RuntimeSession;
So it might happen that I have to store the credentials on setup too.
How can I bind this form to the properties button instead?
All interactions with menu entries are handled by ISetupForm.ActionEvent. New entries are added with the AddMenu method of the AdminApplication object. Kofax differentiates between multiple entries by name - imagine that you could have multiple menu entries at the same time, one on batch class level, another one on document class level, and another one in the ribbon - just to name a few examples. Kofax uses the same approach in any component that integrates into Administration (e.g. Custom Modules or Workflow Agents).
This is an example from one of our components. Note that three entries are added on BatchClass level and two more on DocumentClass level.
value.AddMenu("BatchClass.GeneralConfig", "Field Panel - General Configuration", "BatchClass");
value.AddMenu("BatchClass.FieldEditor", "Field Panel - Configure Batch Fields", "BatchClass");
value.AddMenu("DocumentClass.FieldEditor", "Field Panel - Configure Index Fields", "DocumentClass");
value.AddMenu("CopyBatchFieldConfig", "Field Panel - Copy Batch Field Configuration", "BatchClass");
value.AddMenu("PasteBatchFieldConfig", "Field Panel - Paste Batch Field Configuration", "BatchClass");
value.AddMenu("CopyIndexFieldConfig", "Field Panel - Copy Index Field Configuration", "DocumentClass");
value.AddMenu("PasteIndexFieldConfig", "Field Panel - Paste Index Field Configuration", "DocumentClass");
Each entry is no identified by its event text, the first parameter. For example, BatchClass.GeneralConfig is intended to open up a generic configuration dialog - on batch class level.
Now, back to our ActionEvent - this is how I distinguish between the entry selected by the user:
if ((KfxOcxEvent)EventNumber == KfxOcxEvent.KfxOcxEventMenuClicked)
AdminForm form = new AdminForm();
switch ((string)Argument)
case "BatchClass.GeneralConfig":
[I] want to call this setup form by clicking the Properties button in
the middle.
I don't know if you can use this button - I would assume yes - yet personally I tend to put settings either on batch or document class level. For example - your PDF annotation settings may different from document class to class - having an entry on this level seems more natural.
And what is the best way to store configured data and access it when
the runtime application gets executed?
Custom Storage Strings, and you can let your imagination run wild here. The most simplistic approach is to store key-value pairs during setup, and retrieve them in runtime. Here's a generic call (BatchClass is an IBatchClass object, i.e. a pointer to the ActiveBatchClass property of the AdminApplication object):
// set a CSS
BatchClass.set_CustomStorageString(name, value);
// get a CSS
I usually use a single custom storage string only and store custom object - the object is a base64-encoded serialized XML using XmlSerializer - but again, that's up to you. The only recommendation is to rely on CSS only - don't use external files to store configuration parameters. A CSS is an integral part of your batch class - so, when exporting said class and importing it on a different system, your entire configuration will be there.
I need to think about how to store data because some users have user
Usually, you don't need to worry about that. The properties for user and password in ValidateUser are entirely optional - and since you're planning to write an unattended module - ideally a Windows Service, credentials should be maintained there. Kofax and Windows would automatically make sure the credentials are passed on, and your module will run under this user's context. Just make sure the user has permissions for the module and all associated batch classes. It's different if you're planning to write an attended module, for example an enhanced Validation module.

In Orchard, how to query based on current user's content picker field?

I have extended the built-in User ContentType with a Content Picker Field that can be used to select multiple Video ContentItems. This gives me a video multi-picker control on the Edit page of each User.
I love how Orchard CMS makes this so elegantly simple to setup.
Now that I can associate multiple Videos with a User, I'd like to create a Query that will display just the Videos that the currently logged in User has been granted access.
I was hoping to be able to setup a Query using the Projector module, in what I thought was the obvious way (see below), but this returns no results.
This is how I configured the second filter:
Clicked on the + Add a new Filter link on the Edit Query screen
Chose Videos:Ids from the User Content Fields section, like this:
Configured the new filter like this:
What am I doing wrong, or what is the simplest way of diagnosing this issue?
This is how the Content Picker field is defined:
I have spotted my error - it was due to me not having a proper understand of how the filters worked. The Videos:Ids filter in the User Content Fields section does not give access to the current user's list of videos, as I assumed. Instead, it is offering the field to be used in the filter, which would be useful if I were to write a query to produce a list of Users that had access to a specific Video.
It was wishful thinking that it worked the way I wanted, but it's obvious in retrospect how it actually works.
Update: in the hope it's useful for others, here's the custom filter I developed:
public interface IFilterProvider : IEventHandler
void Describe(dynamic describe);
public class CurrentUserVideosFilter : IFilterProvider
private readonly IWorkContextAccessor _workContextAccessor;
public CurrentUserVideosFilter(IWorkContextAccessor workContextAccessor)
_workContextAccessor = workContextAccessor;
T = NullLocalizer.Instance;
public Localizer T { get; set; }
public void Describe(dynamic describe)
describe.For("My Filter Category", T("My Filter Category"), T("My Filter Category"))
.Element("Current User's Videos", T("Current User's Videos"), T("Current User's Videos"),
(Func<dynamic, LocalizedString>)DisplayFilter,
public void ApplyFilter(dynamic context)
var query = (IHqlQuery)context.Query;
context.Query = query.ForType("Video")
.Where(x => x.ContentPartRecord<IdentityPartRecord>(), x => x.InG("Id", GetVideoIdsForCurrentUser()));
private IList<int> GetVideoIdsForCurrentUser()
var currentUser = _workContextAccessor.GetContext().CurrentUser;
if (currentUser == null) return new int[0];
dynamic item = currentUser.ContentItem;
var videoContentItems = (IEnumerable<ContentItem>)item.User.Videos.ContentItems;
return videoContentItems.Select(i => i.Id).ToList();
public LocalizedString DisplayFilter(dynamic context)
return T("Videos that have been assigned to the currently logged in user");
I created this class in a new Orchard module, which contains all my customisations for the site I'm building. Once I installed the module, the filter was immediately available. I assume Orchard uses reflection to seek out all types that implement the IFilterProvider interface.
This is how the filter appears on the Add a Filter screen:
Clicking on the filter shows this screen:
Once the filter has been saved, the query works exactly how I'd like - it shows all videos that have been assigned to the currently logged in user.

Grails search/filter multiple parameters - controller logic

Using Grails (or hibernate), I was wanting to know if there is a specific design pattern or method we should be using when implementing a SEARCH of our domain.
For example, on my website, I want to be able to filter(or search) by multiple properties in the domain.
EG: For I have a page which displays a list of HOTELS. When I submit a search form, or if a user clicks "filter by name='blah'", when I enter the controller I get the following:
String name
String location
if( && params.reference) {
// Find name/reference
} else if( {
// Find name
} else if(params.reference) {
// Find reference
} else {
// Find all
As you can understand, if there are more properties in the domain to search/filter, the longer the controller gets.
Any help. Please note, I do not want to use the 'searchable' plugin, as this is too complex for my needs.
I would embed these in a named query in the Domain class itself. For example:
Class Hotel {
String name
String city
String country
boolean isNice
static namedQueries = {
customSearch { p ->
if (p?.name) eq('name',
if (p?.city) eq('name',
if (p?.country) eq('name',
if (p?.isNice != null) eq('isNice', p.isNice)
Then later in a controller somewhere ...
def results = Hotel.customSearch(params)
Of course this is a very simple example, but you can expand on it using the same named query or even adding others and chaining them together.

Get old data in preUpdate Sonata Admin Bundle

I have a product entity and it has an images field that store the images names from the product but the images names depends of a part_number field that is unique, so if the user make a mistake in the part number and he wants to edit it then I also have to change the images names
I tried this but it does not works:
// class ProductsAdmin extends Admin
public function preUpdate($product) {
$old_product = $this->getSubject();
if ($old_product->getPartNumber() != $product->getPartNumber)
// change file names
How I get the original row in preUpdate() function?
According to the topic taken from the official SonataAdmin google forum:!topic/sonata-devs/0zML6N13i3U
you need to make use of the class UnitOfWork:
Do this way:
public function preUpdate($object)
$em = $this->getModelManager()->getEntityManager($this->getClass());
$original = $em->getUnitOfWork()->getOriginalDocumentData($object);
Thus you get an array of values of your database entity.
E.g: to get access to the value password of your entity do:
$password = $original['password'];
That's all.
Enjoy :)
If you just do a doctrine query in the preUpdate function to get the product from the database you'll have the old object. Then do the comparison and you're good to go.
