Is it possible to create a modularized reusable component in Umbraco 9? - components

I'm looking to create a reusable, modularized component in Umbraco 9. I've never worked with any Umbraco before. The example I'll use is a text widget/component that has an image on the left and text on the right, with the ability to set whether you want to swap this to be image right, text left.
I come from the Sitecore world where creating a component like this would mean creating a definition with the fields in the back office, creating an MVC controller and an action, and pointing that back office definition at the controller/action combo. Then, anywhere I've deemed a component hot spot, I can click an "add component" and it'd display the available components I've created (Text + Image Block, in our example).
Our team has been researching how to do something like this in Umbraco. We've been using element types. I've got it working where I can create a list of element types, but we couldn't figure out how to add a controller/action/view to this process to really control what gets displayed.
We've looked into the Grid Type Editor. That requires some Angular work that wasn't exactly playing nice, for some reason it was seeing our image fields as null even though they had an image.
We also tried messing with the Block List editor, and are currently investigating macros.
We've been spinning our wheels and I'm hoping to get some assistance on how to do something like this in Umbraco. Perhaps I'm searching/using the wrong terminology?
Most of our components are super simple, and rather than create a reusable component, we can just use the grid editor. In our example above, we could create a 50/50 grid row and put an image in the left column and the text in the right. This would work, but we'd like to have a little more of a reusable package. Furthermore, a few of the components will require some controller functionality to be able to hit an API and massage some data before passing it to the presentation layer.
We will keep investigating, but ultimately I'm hoping someone can clear up if we're going down the wrong path, or just missing some crucial point here.

Sure! Two ways come to mind for me. One would be make a simple doctype like the screenshot below and let layout decide how to stack them
This sample uses bootstrap which of course you don't have to use, and in my case I have them in a nested content element so I basically just loop through them and alternate putting flex-row-reverse on the row.
var i = 0
foreach(var contentBlock in Model.ContentBlocks)
<div class="d-flex flex-wrap align-items-center #(i %2 != 0 ? "flex-row-reverse" : null)">
<div class="block-left col-sm-7">
#if(contentBlock.HasValue("sectionImage") && contentBlock.SectionImage != null)
<div class="block1-right col-sm-5 ml-auto">
<figure class="hover">
<img id="#contentBlock.SectionImage.Name.Trim().Replace(" ", "-")" src="#contentBlock.SectionImage.Url">
The other way (as you asked for) is to give the content editor the choice with a toggle, add a toggle to the doctype
and instead of this line
<div class="d-flex flex-wrap align-items-center #(i %2 != 0 ? "flex-row-reverse" : null)">
you could use this line
<div class="d-flex flex-wrap align-items-center #(contentBlock.SectionAlignment == true ? "flex-row-reverse":null)">
Or even something like this where you just assign your own class and write the CSS separately
<div class="d-flex flex-wrap align-items-center #(contentBlock.SectionAlignment == true ? "block-right":"block-left")">
Hope that helps get you going in the right direction. I'm sure you'll have to adapt this for your situation and this code is not tested.
Happy to help if you have any issues.


cheerio select element with multiple class separated with space

I have this html and want to select only the div with class 'image-container landscape'.
<div class="image-container landscape">
<div class="image-container portrait">
Using $(element).find('.image-container') selects either one of the div, that comes first. But I only want the one with 'landscape'. I tried using $(element).find('.image-container landscape') but it doesn't work, maybe because it assumes landscape is a tag. How do I do this?
Yes, it would assume landscape was a tag.
You want either:
[class="image-container landscape"]
This is just CSS3 for the record, you can probably read the full specs in less than an hour.

Change "materialize" css framework to use "outlined" material-style form inputs

My goal is to create an input like the one described as being 'outline variant' in these Material docs.
How do I configure and/or what CSS should I add to materialize CSS forms to use the 'outline' variant?
There appears to be a few issues/requests for this outline variant, but the Materialize folks have indicated that it wasn't part of the spec at the time and have subsequently closed the issues.
I dug through some of the Material samples versus styling on the Materialize framework and noticed that they are handling things slightly different as far as padding, borders/shadows etc.
Achieving this outline variant as the default treatment is going to require some slightly destructive style updates that should probably be handled via the preprocessed files, but here is an example of some quick and dirty overrides
Note the addon class "input-outlined" in the markup:
<div class="col input-field input-outlined s6">
<input placeholder="Placeholder" id="first_name" type="text" class="validate">
<label for="first_name">First Name</label>
As far as I can tell, they're related but not the same project and do not use the same CSS files. I was using a CDN link for Materialize for a little while and none of the classes were taking effect.
Then I switched over to using the suggested CDN links, found here:
Once I did that, I could use the HTML markup and class names that became visible on the page you provided after I clicked the "Web" tab.
It works. Here is a Codepen showing both styles of text inputs in action (this Codepen is using the CDN links in the settings).
The main difference between filled and outlined is that filled looks to be the default. I'm inferring that the design system has you repeat the classname and append a modifier if you wish to deviate from the default.
For instance, in the linked codepen, notice that the filled (default) text field is inside <div class="mdc-text-field"> while the outlined text field is inside <div class="mdc-text-field mdc-text-field--outlined"></div>.

Sortable performance

I have a situation with the Sortable I can't seem to replicate in Plunker.
From what I can tell, Sortable slows down a lot because of something in change detection. Slow to the point of unusable. Visually, you can see the first animation, but then it very slowly refreshes as it slowly finishes change detection.
Here's a plunker that mimics what I have in my code.
<kendo-sortable [data]="columns"
activeItemClass="activeItem item">
<ng-template let-column="item">
<div class="container" (click)="itemClick(column)">
<span class="col-name">
{{column.title || column.field}}
<span class="col-width">{{column.width}}</span>
Basically the dialog is wrapped in a reusable component where I feed strings, templates or components into.
The "columns" array coming into the Input of SortableThingComponent is a copy of the array (all new'd Column objects) from a kendo grid.
Since I can't replicate the slow-down, I'm not sure what's going on. Does anyone see anything or have any tidbits about Sortable?
Here's an updated plunker that includes a grid. I noticed that if I didn't have data in the grid, the Sortable was faster. Workable, but still a little bit slow. The grid is virtual scrolling, page size 100.
Edit 2
Updated the last plunker with data. Now I'm repro'ing the issue.
What can be done about this?
Here's a fix for now; detach the change detector for the grid component while the dialog with the sortable is open:
constructor(private changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef) { }
this.changeDetectorRef.detach(); // when dialog opens
this.changeDetectorRef.reattach(); // when dialog closes
In the plunker, I had to add a this.changeDetectorRef.detectChanges() because of the way I'm opening the dialog.
For now, this is an OK workaround. I might play with the change detection strategy to get it all a little more efficient

modx create layout with chunk and call with template

I'm using modx revolution. I'd like to create a chunk called layout that calls other chucks example
then in my template do something like //open layout tag[[$layout]] [[$layout]]//close layout tag. then inside of the the open close tags append my [[*content]]. this would allow me to reuse my layout template over and over again without having to replicate it in the templates. First question, is it possible, second what kind of syntax would be needed to achieve this goal? I'm rather new to modx and know it's possible with other frameworks, so any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Sample concept done in Apache Tapestry framework, obviously different syntax, but should give you the general idea of what I'm looking for.
components/Chunks used.
Inside of layout
Inside of Index/Template
template body content goes here ex. [[*content]]
Hope this helps to clarify.
Your post is not very clear and I think you haven't really taken much time to read up on how MODx works before looking for help.
That aside, I think what you want to do is create different templates, structured more or less like this:
<div id="content">
That might do for your home page, then for internal pages where the layout is a bit different you can create one or more new templates for each layout:
<div id="content">
You can even show different layouts using a single template something like this:
<div id="content">
That should get you started, but you'll soon realise there are multiple ways to do everything in MODx.
You can put your [[*content]] where-ever you want, even inside another chunk, if that's what you mean.
So your [[$layout]] chunk could just be this:
<div id="content">
If you want to make some minor changes in a chunk on a template-basis you could also do something like this in the template:
[[$layout? &customContentBits=`
and your layout chunk could then be something like this:
<div id="content">
That's a placeholder ([[+customContentBits]]) which is set by adding the &customContentBits in the chunk call.
Explained that a tad more with a different use case on my blog some time ago too:
What you are asking can absolutely be done. In fact, on my website, I even have the same template/chunk combo providing multiple layouts by passing a template variable as a chunk modifier. But anyhow, let's keep things simple.
A quick note on your question., ModX doesn't use start tags and end tags, natively. It's best to stop thinking that way. Instead just place things where you want to place them. Resource variables can go in any chunk, as each resource is unique.
Create your Chunks:
First, start with the simple ones. Create your Header, Footer, and Navigation. Next, create your Body. Inside the Body, make sure to include your [[*content]] (no... it doesn't have to go into the Template. Finally, create your Layout with the following code:
Create your Template:
Your template can now be as simple as [[$layout]]. You're done.
While you can do this with ModX, understand that the power of ModX is that you can have multiple templates and chunks depending on the type of content you have. Singularizing everything like this really takes away a major advantage of using the platform.
Mark Hamstra more or less gave you the answer, but just to clarify: Any snippet, chunk or output of some sort in Modx can take parameters. Chunks and snippets especially can make use of these params easily. From what i understand you want to have all your templates call [[$layout]] and nothing else.
The layout chunk in turn looks like
On this you simply build and add your params, nesting them down from the top like
[[$layout? &useNavigation=`1`]]
(And continue passing the param in your layout chunk)
Another way of accomplishing the same behaviour would be to use a single template to which you have connected a series of template variables that decide how the template looks like. You might have template variable called useNavigation of checkbox type. If you check this through the resource editor it will be passed to your $layout chunk directly without having to add params into the $layout chunk call.
(Just call layout normally and add the TV checks to the layout chunk directly.
Note the difference between calling a TV and a placeholder, + vs *)

moving text div tags individually

I am trying to move text next to my header, but it is not working using margins - when i try to move it all the text boxes move, even though each text box is a seperate div tag.
Here is my code for this part
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="header">
<h4><strong>Qtek Australia</strong></h4>
<div id="home">Home</div>
<div id="Aboutus">About us</div>
<div id="Contactus">Contact us</div>
<div id="Location">Location</div>
i am trying to move the home, about us, contact us and location to the right of the header "Qtek Australia", please help
You can try wrapping the h4 in another div and placing it where you want.
If this is the way you already tried, another way could be wrapping the three div you want to place on the left in one div, the other four in another and move around these two divs. It should be easier, even if you can get divitis doing so.
I will say that your document semantics are quite vague. You probably don't need to use STRONG inside your heading - it's conceivable that you really mean to emphasize the thought expressed in it, but I suspect that you only want the heading to appear bolder. Use CSS to achieve that, as in: h4 {font-weight:bold; font-size: 14em;}.
It's also conceivable that your page makes the most sense with the navigation starting at the fourth level of some topic, but it's highly unlikely; in the vast majority of cases, the navigation would exists higher up - under h1 or h2.
Your navigation itself would be more coherent if it was an unordered list.
<li>About Us</li>
This also has the advantage of allowing you to style the navigation elements both as a set and individually.
You probably don't need to be wrapping your elements in all those divs. Most elements in HTML are containers - headings, lists, paragraphs, just about everything can be styled - including positioning and moving - by itself.
For instance, one means of positioning the navigation list to the right of the h4 would be to style the h4 with "display:inline", or "float:left", which would bring the following element (the list) onto the same line. There's a lot of different ways to go about that kind of positioning, and it's not even clear that this is what you're after.
Clarify what you mean; and it would help if you posted whatever CSS or JavaScript you're using.
