I am developing a project using lit. Already developed two web components using lit.
I need to add image gallery, carousal, and also modal popup to open when click on a button inside those components.
And I saw that https://opensource.adobe.com/spectrum-web-components/components/card/ has already developed those components using lit. I installed one of those component to my lit project. But styles are no showing.
The question is, can I use those spectrum web components to lit project and why is styling now working.
Here is my component code with spectrum button,
import { LitElement, html, css} from 'lit';
import '#spectrum-web-components/button/sp-button.js';
import '#spectrum-web-components/button/sp-clear-button.js';
import { Button, ClearButton } from '#spectrum-web-components/button';
class plans_component extends LitElement {
static properties = {
static styles = [
constructor() {
render() {
return html `
<sp-button size="xl">Extra Large</sp-button>
customElements.define('plans-component', plans_component);
Thanks in advance.
[EDIT April 19th]
I have created a CODESANDBOX to show the problem, of course, that doesn't occur in sandbox.
The only difference between this code and mine is that I have duplicated the code of the Button component in the SANDBOX example, whereas in my App the Button component is imported from a library (that belongs to the same yarn workspace as the app). The library is built with webpack and babel, excluding React and Material-UI
externals: {
react: "react",
"react-dom": "react-dom",
"react-router": "react-router",
"react-router-dom": "react-router-dom",
"#material-ui/core": "#material-ui/core",
"#material-ui/icons": "#material-ui/icons",
"#material-ui/lab": "#material-ui/lab",
"#material-ui/styles": "#material-ui/styles",
formik: "formik",
Inspecting the components in the Browser shows the difference when styling, between sandbox and my app :
on both sides, the class are applied to the component the same way:
in sandbox
in my app
but on sandBox, the MuiButtonBase-root background-color is overridden by the MuiButton-root background-color
whereas it is the opposite in my app. The MuiButton-root backGroundColor seems to be overriden bu the MuiButtonBase-root background-color
However, if I create a component RecreatedButton in the App by just importing the Button component of my UI Library, and re-exported it without changing anything (just passing a specific props the component is requested), then the styling is applied correctly, as in the sandbox example.
this is kind of weird to me...
Why such a behavior ?
just importing and rexporting as is the component
import {
Button as LibraryButton,
} from "#mylibrairy/reactcomponentscommon"; <---- importing the button
import React from "react";
const RecreatedButton: React.FC<IButtonProps> = (
props: IButtonProps
): JSX.Element => {
return (
<LibraryButton type={EButtonTypes.BUTTON}>
export { RecreatedButton };
Using both in app.ts. One got the theme, the other not
import { ThemeProvider } from "#material-ui/core/styles";
import {
Button as LibraryButton,
} from "#mylibrairy/reactcomponentscommon"
import React from "react";
import AppBar from "../../UIComponents/AppBar";
import { RecreatedButton } from "../../UIComponents/Button";
import { MUITheme } from "./../../Theming/defaultTheme";
export const MainApp: React.FC = (): JSX.Element => {
return (
<ThemeProvider theme={MUITheme}>
<AppBar />
<LibraryButton type={EButtonTypes.BUTTON}> I'm the library component, directly used as is, and background color is NOT CORRECT ></LibraryButton>
I'm recreated button, just rexporting the library component, and the backgroundcolor is correct !?!?{" "}
finally I found one solution (not sure that it fixes the root cause as I still do not understand where it comes from).
I Guess it may helps some people here that are facing a similar issue with global theming in Material-Ui.
It turned out that I had to change the way to build my react/material-Ui components library #mylibrairy/reactcomponentscommon.
1- Make sure that in the library, all imports where such as import { Button} from "#material-ui/core" and not for example import Button from "#material-ui/core/Button"
2- Remove the usage of file-loader plugin in the .babelrc to make sure it doesn't change the way to import material-ui components
3- Push #material-ui/core and #material-ui/icons as a dev and peer dependencies in the package.json of the library.
4- Rebuilt the library using webpack and babel to compile typescript tsx to js.
All issues of priority seems to disappear (have done a lot of tests and checked in the chrome dev tools). In the example above, the .MuiButton-root class is well applied after the .MuiButtonBase-root one, thus overriding as expected the backgroundColor.
Would admit that I'm a little bit confused why this fixed the issue...
For me, i just had to import "makeStyles" and "createStyles" from "#material-ui/core" not from "#material-ui/core/styles". i just did this and it fixed the issue but took me a lot of time to figure this out.
so import them like this:
import { makeStyles, createStyles } from "#material-ui/core";
not like this:
import { makeStyles, createStyles } from "#material-ui/core/styles";
You may try overriding default globals for MuiButtonBase
const theme = createMuiTheme({
props: {
// Name of the component ⚛️
MuiButtonBase: {
// The default props to change
backgroundColor: 'red'
function DefaultProps() {
return (
<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
<Button>Change default props</Button>
Working sandbox here - https://codesandbox.io/s/override-button-base-7qwd5
Has any one got mwc-icon (0.7.1) to work with lit-element (pwa-starter-kit)?
mwc-button renders OK but mwc-icon does not render the icon just the icon index text.
import { html } from 'lit-element';
import { PageViewElement } from './page-view-element.js';
import {Icon} from "#material/mwc-icon" //does not work
import {Button} from "#material/mwc-button"
import { SharedStyles } from './shared-styles.js';
class MyView1 extends PageViewElement {
static get styles() {
return [
render() {
return html`
<mwc-button outlined label="outlined"></mwc-button>
window.customElements.define('my-view1', MyView1);
I think you encounter the same problem I did.
It happens because Chrome process the #font-face attribute only once at first page load.
when you import the mwc styles you expect them to enable in the lit-element render - after the first initial load of the page. that will work, you'll see the new styles except for the #font-face attribute.
That's why you don't see the icon.
A quick workaround is to append the link both on the head section in
index.html and in the lit-element as you did.
you can see example that don't work
and example that work
The difference is the added link in index.html head section.
More details here: github thread
Hope I helped you with this.
I was stuck on it myself for quite some time
I am creating a web application which uses SVG.
I have created components consist of SVG element, and they are put into a root svg element.
They have attribute selector, because SVG/XML document tree is strict so I cannot use element selector.
And they have a template starts with svg:g tag:
template: '<svg:g>...</svg:g>',
In the application, I want to create a component when a user press a button,
and simultaneously start dragging it.
I thought it can be achieved by creating a component dynamically using ComponentResolver:
#ViewChild('dynamicContentPlaceHolder', {read: ViewContainerRef})
protected dynamicComponentTarget: ViewContainerRef
private componentResolver: ComponentResolver
onMouseDown() {
.then((factory) => {
const dynamicComponent = this.dynamicComponentTarget.createComponent(factory, 0)
const component: FooComponent = dynamicComponent.instance
const element = dynamicComponent.location.nativeElement
// add event listener to start dragging `element`.
Component is created when onMouseDown() called, but its DOM element is div, so it is illegal element in svg document and cannot be displayed.
I have tried with selector='svg:g[foo]', then g element is created, but its namespace is not for SVG (http://www.w3.org/2000/svg), but normal HTML namespace (http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml) and its class is HTMLUnknownElement > g.
I also tried with selector='svg:svg[foo]', then svg:svg element is created and it is displayed. But svg:svg cannot move with transform attribute so this doesn't work well for my application.
How can I dynamically create svg:g element for attribute selector component?
I am using Angular2: 2.0.0-rc4.
You're right about the namespacing issues keeping the g element from rendering as svg. Unfortunately, attaching the node as an svg element is the only way to feasibly get the component to namespace properly.
However, this doesn't mean this won't work. If you add the drag functionality as a directive on the g element in the template, it will be compiled with your component, and you can offset your logic into that directive. The top level svg will be namespaced correctly, and the template will inherit this accordingly.
import {Component, Input} from '#angular/core';
selector: 'svg:svg[customName]', // prevent this from hijacking other svg
template: '<svg:g dragDirective>...</svg:g>', // note the directive added here
style: []
export class GComponent {
constructor() { }
This may not be ideal, but until https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/10404 is resolved, there's not much of an alternative.
I am not sure that my solution is right but it works for me (even with ivy):
class ParentComponent {
private injector: Injector,
private appRef: ApplicationRef,
private componentFactoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver,
) {}
createDynamicComponent() {
let node = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg");
let factory = this.componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(DynamicComponent);
let componentRef = factory.create(this.injector, [], node);
After that you must manually append node into DOM.
Instead of trying to create your component to the view with the Component Resolver I will do this instead.
Create a object with properties which match the attributes you want to pass to your SVG Component.
Append this object to an array (ex.svgItems).
Add *ngFor="svgItem in svgItems" to the SVG component you want to create dynamically.
Hope it's clear and solve your problem.
I'm new to Ionic 2 & Angular2 and I have downloaded a new Ionic template with the following command
Ionic start appname sidemenu --v2 --ts
For this particular solution I have added a login page to validate a user. Once the validation succeeds the user will be navigated to the menu page which uses the side menu.
As the solution is based on the sidemenu template, the side menu is showing on the login page whenever the user swipes left.
So can somebody please guide me to rectify this mistake and stop the side menu from showing when the view is swiped.
My code
App.ts file
import {App, IonicApp, Platform,MenuController} from 'ionic-angular';
import {StatusBar} from 'ionic-native';
import {HelloIonicPage} from './pages/hello-ionic/hello-ionic';
import {ListPage} from './pages/list/list';
import {HomePage} from './pages/home/home';
templateUrl: 'build/app.html',
config: {} // http://ionicframework.com/docs/v2/api/config/Config/
class MyApp {
// make HelloIonicPage the root (or first) page
rootPage: any = HomePage;
pages: Array<{title: string, component: any}>;
private app: IonicApp,
private platform: Platform,
private menu: MenuController
) {
// set our app's pages
this.pages = [
{ title: 'Hello Ionic', component: HelloIonicPage },
{ title: 'My First List', component: ListPage }
initializeApp() {
this.platform.ready().then(() => {
// Okay, so the platform is ready and our plugins are available.
// Here you can do any higher level native things you might need.
openPage(page) {
// close the menu when clicking a link from the menu
// navigate to the new page if it is not the current page
let nav = this.app.getComponent('nav');
app.html file
<ion-menu side-menu-content drag-content="false" [content]="content">
<button ion-item *ngFor="#p of pages" (click)="openPage(p)">
<ion-nav id="nav" [root]="rootPage" #content swipe-back-enabled="false"></ion-nav>
Homepage.ts file (login page in this case).
import {Page, Events,Alert,NavController,Loading,Toast,Storage,LocalStorage,SqlStorage} from 'ionic-angular';
import { FORM_DIRECTIVES, FormBuilder, ControlGroup, Validators, AbstractControl } from 'angular2/common';
import {HelloIonicPage} from '../hello-ionic/hello-ionic';
import {NgZone} from 'angular2/core';
templateUrl: 'build/pages/home/home.html'
export class HomePage {
public Uname :string;
public usrvalid:boolean;
public usrpwd :boolean;
public usrpwdlength:boolean;
public usrvalidlength:boolean;
public isUnchanged:boolean;
public usrpwdzero:boolean;
public usrvaliddigits:boolean;
public Upwd:string;
constructor(public nav:NavController) {
var mediumRegex = new RegExp("^(((?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]))|((?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[0-9]))|((?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[0-9])))(?=.{6,})");
// rootPage: any = HomePage;
I think the drag-content directive is used in ionic 1, for Ionic 2 what you can do is disable it from within your page class file.
You can do this by importing the MenuController provider from ionic-angular and then call the .swipeEnable(shouldEnableBoolean, menuId) method to disable the swipe gesture within your page's class (this is also documented here).
Your login controller should be something like this...
import {Page, MenuController} from 'ionic-angular';
templateUrl: 'build/pages/home/home.html'
export class HomePage {
constructor(public menu: MenuController) {
If you have multiple menus and each one has an id then you can target a specific menu like this...
this.menu.swipeEnable(false, `menuId`);
You can disable/enable sidemenu at any time at any page by calling
angular.module('ABC').controller('xyzCtrl', function($scope, $ionicSideMenuDelegate) {
I'm trying to create a simple login window using Angular 2 and Polymer 1.0.2.
It's basically a paper-dialog (login window) with content. The dialog however is not positioned in the center of the screen, see this bugreport Dialog not centered until window resize #36:
The issue suggests calling the notifyResize() method on the paper-dialog. But I've no clue as how to refer to the paper-dialog instance in my angular 2/polymer class.
Somehow the import {PaperDialog} is not resolved, but looking in the paper-dialog.html makes me wondering if such an import is possible at all.
import {Component, View} from 'angular2/angular2';
import {PaperDialog} from 'bower_components/paper-dialog/paper-dialog';
template: `
<paper-dialog open>
selector: 'login-window',
directives : [PaperDialog]
export class LoginWindow {
email: string;
password: string;
this.email = '';
this.password = '';
// Where and how to call the PaperDialog child's notifyResize() method
Note that I'm not opening the dialog programmatically (fix described here).
This solution uses the /deep/ selector that is deprecated.
And it shouldn't be fixed by applying some css, should it?
Instead of having my code fix the paper-dialog behaviour's code, it's way better to fix the problem itself.
Add the call this.notifyResize(); to the _onIronOverlayOpened method in the paper-dialog-behavior.html source.
_onIronOverlayOpened: function() {
if (this.modal) {
document.body.addEventListener('focus', this._boundOnFocus, true);
this.backdropElement.addEventListener('click', this._boundOnBackdropClick);
this.notifyResize(); // Added this line
Although this resolves my simple paper-dialog center problem, I can not oversee consequences for other elements and code yet.
You could also fix it in the following manner:
Within an angular2 Component (that wraps the paper-dialog element) you could so something like this (Typescript example):
interface PaperDialog extends HTMLElement {
notifyResize(): void;
selector: 'login'
templateUrl: 'app/components/ts-login-window/ts-login-window.html'
export class LoginWindow {
email: string;
password: string;
dialogWindow: PaperDialog;
private bindIronOverlayOpened: EventListenerObject;
constructor(elementRef: ElementRef){
this.dialogWindow = elementRef.nativeElement.children[0];
this.bindIronOverlayOpened = this.ironOverlayOpened.bind(this);
this.dialogWindow.addEventListener('iron-overlay-opened', this.bindIronOverlayOpened);
ironOverlayOpened(event: Event) {
onDestroy() {
this.dialogWindow.removeEventListener('iron-overlay-opened', this.bindIronOverlayOpened);
Once the paper-dialog has been opened (by the event iron-overlay-opened) you could trigger the notifyResize() event on the dialog box. This in turn fixes the alignment problem.