Hosting multiple applications using Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets - azure

Currently we own an application (App-A) which is hosted on Service Fabric cluster using VMSS instances. The VMSS instance has a public IP which points to App-A to route customer traffic. I want to add a new application (App-B) to the same service fabric cluster. How can I use the same VMSS instance to route customer traffic between App-A and App-B?

You can deploy AppB to listen on a different HTTP / HTTPS, that way the applications can run side by side on the same VM instance.

You can use the built-in reverse proxy for this, or a more hardened product like Traefik.
A reverse proxy can look at the requested URL path, querystring parameters or headers, and route the request based on pre-defined rules.
E.g. /svc1/ goes to service 1 and /svc2/ goes to service 2.


Set kubernetes VM with nodeports as backend for application gateway

I have two VMs that are part of a kubernetes cluster. I have a single service that is exposed as NodePort (30001). I am able to reach this service on port 30001 through curl on each of these VMs. When I create an Azure application gateway, the gateway is not directing traffic to these VMs.
I've followed the steps for setting up the application gateway as listed in the Azure documentation.
I constantly get a 502 from the gateway.
In order for the Azure Application Gateway to redirect or route traffic to the NodePort you need to add the Backend servers to the backend pool inside the Azure Application Gateway.
There are options to choose Virtual Machines as well.
A good tutorial explaining how to configure an application gateway in azure and direct web traffic to the backend pool is:
I hope this solves your problem.
So I finally ended up getting on a call with the support folks. It turned out that the UI on Azure's portal is slightly tempremental.
For the gateway to be able to determine which of your backends are healthy it needs to have a health probe associated with the HTTP setting (the HTTP Setting is the one that determines how traffic from the gateway flows to your backends).
Now, when you are configuring the HTTP setting, you need to select the "Use Custom Probe" but when you do that it doesn't show the probe that you have already created. Hence, I figured that wasn't required.
The trick to first check the box below "Use Custom probe" which reads "Pick hostname from backend setttings", and then click on custom probe and your custom probe will show up and things will work.

How to configure ssl with azure application gateway?

I have to configure my Microsoft Azure server like below scenario
So it is like a request comes with a public IP which represents application gateway having SSL and the request passes from app gateway to the load balancer.
LB just forward to the virtual machine(having SSL) on the basis of the port number.
Here there is only one public IP and virtual machine selected according to the port.
I made the configuration but the only thing I am missing that is SSL configuration with Application gateway and same SSL in a virtual machine.
I don't know my configure pattern is right or wrong please suggest me if you have a good option.
My goal is to achieve the request (with the public IP) passes from the application gateway having SSL to the virtual machine also having the same SSL on the basis of ports with the same public IP, Is there any better option than my configuration pattern?
Please help me, How to achieve it.
You can use the following Settings in Application Gateway and you don't need ILB in-front of your VM.
Create a Application gateway. Create 3 Multi-site Listener. Upload Certificates and enter Host Name and the respective ports.
Create 3 Backend Pool and add your VMs to it.
Create 3 HTTP Settings. Upload authentication certificates and configure respective ports. Create and attach Health Probes to HTTP Settings.
Create rules where you link corresponding listeners with HTTP Settings and backend pool.
Check if the Health Probes are healthy. If yes, then your setup is complete.
In Application Gateway you can achieve end to end SSL and you can create multiple HTTP Settings with different SSL port to achieve this without ILB.
If that is the case you will not get the High Availability as you only have one VM for each SSL port.
Can you explain why you need to use different SSL port for each Machine? Are you hosting multiple Site?
If yes, you can easily achieve with Application Gateway. Please let me know your entire setup and if you have any follow up questions. I am here to help you.

Can Azure Application Gateway distribute request to specific URL?

I have a use case where my cluster has 3 VMs working as head node in HPC Pack and a bunch of other VMs working as compute nodes.
So basically, after creating this cluster, i must install a special HCP client, from this client, i type the DNS name of each of VMs to access the HPC management interface.
For example:
Of course, if i access this DNS from Chrome, i only see IIS page.
I wants to create a load balancer with its DNS name. Let's say
So from my client, every time i access load balancer DNS name, i can see the management interface, not IIS page.
How can i do that?
Not sure I'm understanding you correctly. Basically, Azure Application Gateway supports URL path-based routing rules.
Actually, Application Gateway supports web-based traffic load balancing. [Azure load balancer][2] supports stream-based traffic. If you want to listen to the protocol HTTP or HTTPS, you can use Application Gateway. Per your description, you could not access HPC management interface from web explorer, you could use a 4 layer load balancing based on TCP/UDP.
So you could create a public-facing load balancing and add the head node VMs as the backend pools. Create a health probe and load balancing rules to specify the ports you want to listen for your HPC management interface on the each of VMs.
Hope this helps, let me know if you have any concerns.

Azure Multiple Public IPs on a Virtual Machine Scale Set with Resource Manager

We try to migrate our Platform from classical IIS hosting to a service fabric micro service architecture. So fare we learned that a service fabric lives in a virtual machine scale set and uses Load balancer to communicate to the outside world.
The Problem we now facing is that we have different access points to our application. Like one for browser, one for mobile app. Both use the standard https port, but are different applications.
In iis we could use host headers to direct traffic to one or the other application. But with service fabric we can’t. easiest way for us would be multiple public IP’s. With that we could handle it with dns.
We considered a couple solutions with no success.
Load balancer with Multiple public ip’s. Problem: it looks like that only works with Cloud Services and we need to work with the new Resource Manager World there it seems to be not possible to have multiple public ip’s.
Multiple public load balancer. Problem: Scale Sets accept only on load balancer instance pert load balancer type.
Application Gateway. Seems not to support multiple public ip’s or host header mapping.
Path mapping. Problem: we have the same path in different applications.
My questions are:
Is there any solution to use multiple IP’s and map the traffic internally to different ports?
Is there any option to use host header mapping with service fabric?
Any suggestion how I can solve my problem?
Piling on some Service Fabric-specific info to Eli's answer: Yes you can do all of this and use an http.sys-based self-hosted web server to host multiple sites using different host names on a single VIP, such as Katana or WebListener in ASP.NET Core 1.
The piece to this that is currently missing in Service Fabric is a way to configure the hostname in your endpoint definition in ServiceManifest.xml. Service Fabric services run under Network Service by default on Windows, which means the service will not have access to create a URL ACL for the URL it wants to open an endpoint on. To help with that, when you specify an HTTP endpoint in an endpoint definition in ServiceManifest.xml, Service Fabric automatically creates the URL ACL for you. But currently, there is no place to specify a hostname, so Service Fabric uses "+", which is the strong wildcard that matches everything.
For now, this is merely an inconvenience because you'll have to create a setup entry point with your service that runs under elevated privileges to run netsh to setup the URL ACL manually.
We do plan on adding a hostname field in ServiceManifest.xml to make this easier.
It's definitely possible to use ARM templates to deploy a Service Fabric cluster with multiple IPs. You'll just have to tweak the template a bit:
Create multiple IP address resources (e.g. using copy) - make sure you review all the resources using the IP and modify them appropriately
In the load balancer:
Add multiple frontendIPConfigurations, each tied to its own IP
Add loadBalancingRules for each port you want to redirect to the VMs from a specific frontend IP configuration
Add probes
As for host header mapping, this is handled by the Windows HTTP Server API (see this article). All you have to do is use a specific host name (or even a URL path) when configuring an HTTP listener URL (in OWIN/ASP.NET Core).

How to use azure traffic management with a custom service url endpoint?

I want to provide failover proof url for my service endpoint to users using traffic management. I have a service instance running at If this instance goes down then the service auto starts on vm2 at n vice versa.
I want azure to hide the underlying service urls to user and expose the service at
Is this possible? If so, how ? From reading the documentation of traffic manager service, it looks like you can failover only at DNS level and not at url endpoint level
There are several parts to this.
Firstly, you are right that Traffic Manager works at the DNS level. It doesn't see your HTTP traffic and hence doesn't see the full URL. Since your two services instances have different DNS names, there's no issue here--you configure Traffic Manager with both names as separate 'endpoints', and Traffic Manager will direct traffic to those endpoints by providing one or other in each DNS response.
Secondly, you want to hide the URL paths. Since Traffic Manager works at the DNS level, it doesn't see your HTTP traffic and hence doesn't see the URL, only the domain name. Therefore this is something you have to handle at the application level (just as you would for a single-instance service that doesn't use Traffic Manager).
The only thing to be careful of is to make sure you configure the correct URL port and path in the Traffic Manager endpoint monitoring configuration. Just make sure that Traffic Manager shows your endpoints as 'Online', and you're good.
