Reflector not injected to my custom guard in nestjs - node.js

I have created a guard in a separate module for checking feature flags as below
export class FeatureFlagGuard implements CanActivate {
private reflector: Reflector,
private featureFlagService: FeatureFlagService
) {}
async canActivate(context: ExecutionContext): Promise<boolean> {
const featureKey = this.reflector.get<string>(
if (!featureKey) {
return true;
return await this.featureFlagService.isFeatureEnabled(featureKey);
and here is my decorator
import { SetMetadata } from '#nestjs/common';
export const FeatureEnabled = (featureName: string) =>
SetMetadata(FEATURE_FLAG_DECORATOR_KEY, featureName);
Then in appModule I provided the FeatureFlagGuard as below
providers: [
provide: APP_GUARD,
useClass: FeatureFlagGuard
Then in my controller
checkFeatureFlag() {
return {
date: new Date().toISOString()
When I run the code I get this error, since the reflector is injected as null into my service
[error] [ExceptionsHandler] Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'get')
Not sure what I missed

Thanks to #jayMcDoniel to give me a clue
The issue was the FeatureFlagService was not exported from the module. When I exported it the issue is resolved


NestJS / TypeORM: Custom repository method is not accessible in service

New to NestJS and TypeORM, and the similar questions on SO didn't solve my problem.
I have a custom TypeORM repository in NestJS using it in service, but it fails with error:
TypeError: this.tenantRepository.createTenant is not a function.
import { TenantRepository } from './tenant.repository';
imports: [
controllers: [TenantsController],
providers: [TenantsService],
export class TenantsModule { }
// ...
import { TenantEntity } from './entities/tenant.entity';
export class TenantRepository extends Repository<TenantEntity>{
async createTenant(createTenantDto: CreateTenantDto): Promise<TenantEntity> {
const { name, email } = createTenantDto;
const newTenant = new TenantEntity() = name; = email;
return newTenant;
And here's where the error is triggered (tenants.service.ts)
// ...
import { TenantEntity } from './entities/tenant.entity';
import { TenantRepository } from './tenant.repository';
export class TenantsService {
private tenantRepository: TenantRepository
) { }
async createTenant(createTenantDto: CreateTenantDto): Promise<TenantEntity> {
return await this.tenantRepository.createTenant(createTenantDto); // <-- ERROR
I can inject entity in service and use it for simple CRUD, but I want to separate concerns and use the repository pattern.
This is a POST endpoint and the error is only after submission from Swagger.
Also, VS Code autocomplete is suggesting createTenant after typing this.tenantRepository
Where am I going wrong?
EntityRepository decorator was deprecated, and as far as I know, you need to define a custom class that extends Repository and decorate it with #Injectable. Hence, you need to have some changes as follows:
import { Injectable } from '#nestjs/common';
import { DataSource, Repository } from 'typeorm';
export class TenantRepository extends Repository<TenantEntity>{
constructor(private dataSource: DataSource) {
super(TenantEntity, dataSource.createEntityManager());
async createTenant(createTenantDto: CreateTenantDto): Promise<TenantEntity> {
const { name, email } = createTenantDto;
const newTenant = this.create({ name, email });
return newTenant;
import { TenantRepository } from './tenant.repository';
imports: [
controllers: [TenantsController],
providers: [TenantsService, TenantRepository],
export class TenantsModule { }
import { TenantEntity } from './entities/tenant.entity';
import { TenantRepository } from './tenant.repository';
export class TenantsService {
private tenantRepository: TenantRepository
) { }
async createTenant(createTenantDto: CreateTenantDto): Promise<TenantEntity> {
return await this.tenantRepository.createTenant(createTenantDto);
You also have access to built-in typeorm methods like save, create, find, etc. since the custom repository is derived from Repository class.

NestJS v9: implement durable providers

[SOLVED] I'm pretty new to NestJS and trying to get my head around durable providers but i can't get them to work.
My scenario is that i have a service with some logic and two providers that implement the same interface to get some data. Depending on a custom header value i want to use Provider1 or Provider2 and the service itself does not have to know about the existing provider implementations.
Since i'm in a request scoped scenario but i know there are only 2 possible dependency-subtrees i want to use durable providers that the dependencies are not newly initialised for each request but reused instead.
I set up the ContextIdStrategy as described in the official docs and it is executed on each request but i miss the part how to connect my provider implementations with the ContextSubtreeIds created in the ContextIdStrategy.
export abstract class ITest {
abstract getData(): string;
export class Test1Provider implements ITest {
getData() {
return "TEST1";
export class Test2Provider implements ITest {
getData() {
return "TEST2";
export class AppService {
constructor(private readonly testProvider: ITest) {}
getHello(): string {
return this.testProvider.getData();
export class AppController {
constructor(private readonly appService: AppService) {}
getData(): string {
return this.appService.getData();
const providers = new Map<string, ContextId>([
["provider1", ContextIdFactory.create()],
["provider2", ContextIdFactory.create()],
export class AggregateByProviderContextIdStrategy implements ContextIdStrategy {
attach(contextId: ContextId, request: Request) {
const providerId = request.headers["x-provider-id"] as string;
let providerSubTreeId: ContextId;
if (providerId == "provider1") {
providerSubTreeId = providers["provider1"];
} else if (providerId == "provider2") {
providerSubTreeId = providers["provider2"];
} else {
throw Error(`x-provider-id ${providerId} not supported`);
// If tree is not durable, return the original "contextId" object
return (info: HostComponentInfo) =>
info.isTreeDurable ? providerSubTreeId : contextId;
async function bootstrap() {
const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);
ContextIdFactory.apply(new AggregateByProviderContextIdStrategy());
await app.listen(3000);
imports: [],
controllers: [AppController],
providers: [
provide: ITest,
useFactory: () => {
// Return either Test1Provider or Test2Provider based on the ContextSubtreeId
// which is created by the ContextIdStrategy
return new Test1Provider();
export class AppModule {}
The missing part was a modification of the ContextIdStrategy return statement:
return {
resolve: (info: HostComponentInfo) => {
const context = info.isTreeDurable ? providerSubTreeId : contextId;
return context;
payload: { providerId },
after that change, the request object can be injected in the module and where it will only contain the providerId property and based on that, the useFactory statement can return different implementations

Trying to use in Nestjs Custom Repository typeorm

by example:
Created custom repository в yandex-ndd-api-client.module:
import { DataSource, Repository } from 'typeorm';
import { Injectable } from '#nestjs/common';
// import {Team} from '#Domain/Team/Models/team.entity';
import { TestRepositoryTypeorm } from '../entity/testRepositoryTypeorm.entity';
export class TestRepository extends Repository<TestRepositoryTypeorm> {
constructor(private dataSource: DataSource) {
super(TestRepositoryTypeorm, dataSource.createEntityManager());
async findTest(): Promise<any> { //TestRepositoryTypeorm | undefined
const findTests = await this.dataSource
return await findTests;
Connected in the module::
providers: [YandexDeliveryService, YandexNddApiClientService, ConfigService, SyncService, TestRepository],
Connected it to the service yandex-ndd-api-client.service:
import { TestRepository } from './repository/testRepositoryTypeorm.retository';
export class YandexNddApiClientService {
// private yandexDeliveryApiService: YandexDeliveryApiService,
private httpService: HttpService,
private dataSource: DataSource,
private configService: ConfigService,
#Inject(WINSTON_MODULE_PROVIDER) private readonly logger: Logger,
// #InjectRepository(TestRepository)
private testRepository: TestRepository,
) {}
Called in service:
async testRepositoryTypeorm(): Promise<any> {
try {
// return 'testRepositoryTypeorm';
return await this.testRepository.findTest();
} catch (e) {
console.log('ERROR testRepositoryTypeorm:', e);
As a result:
ERROR [ExceptionHandler] Nest can't resolve dependencies of the YandexNddApiClientService (HttpService, DataSource, ConfigService, winston, ?, SchedulerRegistry). Please make sure that the argument TestRepository at index [4] is available in the DetmirApiClientModule context.
Potential solutions:
- If TestRepository is a provider, is it part of the current DetmirApiClientModule?
- If TestRepository is exported from a separate #Module, is that module imported within DetmirApiClientModule?
imports: [ /* the Module containing TestRepository */ ]
import { Module } from '#nestjs/common';
import { DetmirApiClientService } from './detmir-api-client.service';
import { DetmirApiClientController } from './detmir-api-client.controller';
import { SyncService } from 'src/sync.service';
import { YandexNddApiClientService } from 'src/yandex-ndd-api-client/yandex-ndd-api-client.service';
import { HttpModule, HttpService } from '#nestjs/axios';
import { WINSTON_MODULE_PROVIDER } from 'nest-winston';
import { YandexNddApiClientModule } from 'src/yandex-ndd-api-client/yandex-ndd-api-client.module';
providers: [DetmirApiClientService, SyncService, YandexNddApiClientService],
controllers: [DetmirApiClientController],
imports: [HttpModule, YandexNddApiClientModule], //TestRepository
export class DetmirApiClientModule {}
Most likely your YandexNddApiClientModule does not add the YandexNddApiClientService to the exports array. Add YandexNddApiClientService to the exports if it is not already there and remove YandexNddApiClientService from the providers array of DetmirApiClientModule. The error is being raised because you have YandexNddApiClientService declared in the providers of DetmirApiClientModule so Nest is trying to create the provider in the new module rather than re-use the module from its original context

How To Mock Repository, Service and Controller In NestJS (Typeorm & Jest)

I'm new at typescript. My Nestjs project app is something like this. I'm trying to use repository pattern, so i separated business logic (service) and persistance logic (repository)
import { Injectable } from '#nestjs/common';
import { InjectRepository } from '#nestjs/typeorm';
import { Repository } from 'typeorm';
import { UserEntity } from './entities/user.entity';
export class UserRepo {
constructor(#InjectRepository(UserEntity) private readonly repo: Repository<UserEntity>) {}
public find(): Promise<UserEntity[]> {
return this.repo.find();
import { Injectable } from '#nestjs/common';
import { UserRepo } from './user.repository';
export class UserService {
constructor(private readonly userRepo: UserRepo) {}
public async get() {
return this.userRepo.find();
import { Controller, Get } from '#nestjs/common';
import { UserService } from './user.service';
export class UserController {
constructor(private readonly userService: UserService) {}
// others method //
public async getUsers() {
try {
const payload = this.userService.get();
return this.Ok(payload);
} catch (err) {
return this.InternalServerError(err);
How do i create unit testing for repository, service & controller without actually persist or retrieve data to DB (using mock)?
Mocking in NestJS is pretty easily obtainable using the testing tools Nest exposes is #nestjs/testing. In short, you'll want to create a Custom Provider for the dependency you are looking to mock, and that's all there is. However, it's always better to see an example, so here is a possibility of a mock for the controller:
describe('UserController', () => {
let controller: UserController;
let service: UserService;
beforeEach(async () => {
const moduleRef = await Test.createTestingModule({
controllers: [UserController],
providers: [
provide: UserService,
useValue: {
get: jest.fn(() => mockUserEntity) // really it can be anything, but the closer to your actual logic the better
controller = moduleRef.get(UserController);
service = moduleRef.get(UserService);
And from there you can go on and write your tests. This is pretty much the same set up for all tests using Nest's DI system, the only thing to be aware of is things like #InjectRepository() and #InjectModel() (Mongoose and Sequilize decorators) where you'll need to use getRepositoryToken() or getModelToken() for the injection token. If you're looking for more exmaples take a look at this repository

Nest JS unable to inject service into guard if used in module

I created basic AuthGuard, but can't inject TokenService. I am getting this error:
Error: Nest can't resolve dependencies of the AuthGuard (?). Please verify whether [0] argument is available in the current context.
modules: [
components: [TokenService],
export class ApplicationModule { }
export class AuthGuard implements CanActivate {
private readonly tokenService: TokenService,
) { }
public canActivate(dataOrRequest, context: ExecutionContext): boolean | Promise<boolean> | Observable<boolean> {
return true;
controllers: [WorkController],
components: [WorkService],
export class WorkModule { }
Update, work.service.ts:
import { Component, Inject, HttpStatus, HttpException } from '#nestjs/common';
const dataStore = require('nedb');
const workDB = new dataStore({ filename: '../db/work.db', autoload: true });
import * as moment from 'moment';
import { WorkDay, WorkDayDTO } from './work.model';
import { WorkHelpers } from './work.helpers';
export class WorkService {
public async getWorkGraphic(month: number, year: number) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// logic here
public async addOrUpdateWorkDay(day: WorkDayDTO) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// logic here
public async removeWorkDay(workDayId: string) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// logic here
But with this configuration everything is working:
controllers: [
components: [TokenService, WorkService],
export class ApplicationModule { }
What exactly is causing this error and how can I get it work with 1st solution (Modules) ?
Is possible to show your TokenService and WorkerService?
You should register both always in your components to use inside all of application scope.
If you are using inside a specific module and trying to use in another module, probably you will not be able.
Another scenario. Imagine if you have A component registered in A module, B component registered in B module and imagine if ure trying to use A component inside of B module, you cant do that unless you register in Application Module or register inside A component inside B module(dont do that, only shared services should be used in all of the scopes, is just an architecture overview).
