B2C API connector is not called - azure-ad-b2c

I have integrated API connector on an Azure B2C Sign Up User Flow to enrich token with a custom attribute from a REST API call. Works great! When user log in, custom attribute is correctly present in token.
Then, I have enabled Self-service password reset, following documentation. And now, if during Sign Up journey user clicks on "Forgot your password?" link and changes his password, at the end he get signed up (and password has been changed) but API connector has not been called and custom attribute is not present in token.
Did I miss something or is this scenario not supported by User flows?
Thanks for your help

As per docs:
There are three places in a user flow where you can enable an API connector:
After federating with an identity provider during sign-up - applies to sign-ups experiences only
Before creating the user - applies to sign-ups experiences only
Before sending the token (preview) - applies to sign-ups and sign-ins
When you click on "Forgot your password?", this takes you on a different flow.
Not sign-up or sign-in.


What is the recommended approach for generating Azure AD Signin logs with passwordless azure B2C signin custom policy?

I am implementing a passwordless signin experience for local B2C account users with MFA credentials through Azure B2C custom policies. I am using AzureMfaProtocolProvider with a custom attribute stored phone number as an sms MFA option, and OneTimePasswordProtocolProvider with a custom attribute stored email as an email MFA option. When I initiate a login, the first step us username retrieval. The username is used to read the mfa options from AD and then presented to the user as options. Once they select an option, a code is sent and they must successfully validate the code from one of the MFA options to issue a token to the application. This works great, however I noticed that Active Directory does not store and log a "sign in" in the signin logs (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/reports-monitoring/concept-all-sign-ins). Per the document, MFA challenges should generate a signin log but it seems that MFA challenges with these protocol providers (AzureMfaProtocolProvider/ OneTimePasswordProtocolProvider) are not sufficient.
I am concerned that we will miss inherent Active Directory risk tracking without "sign ins" being generated. I am also operating with a business requirement to see those logs generated for auditing purposes.
As a work around, I am adding a psuedo password to user accounts on creation and then faking a login with the "login-NonInteractive" technical profile, which validates the credentials in AD using OIDC. This successfully generates a signin log but it seems hacky. My question is what is the recommended approach to generate a signin log in Azure AD with a passwordless solution?
what is the recommended approach to generate a signin log in Azure AD with a passwordless solution
For this scenario, you can implement magic link in this web application user can click login button and then user is redirected to identity provider in azure ad b2c.
Now in custom policy page user can select the magic link option to authenticate and user has to provide the email address and continue azure ad b2c will send a request to magic link web application and then this web api responsible to generating the magic link which we sent to the user mailbox.
For more information in detail, please refer below links:
samples/policies/sign-in-with-magic-link at master · azure-ad-b2c/samples · GitHub

Azure AD B2C API connectors User Attributs

I am in the process of setting up Azure AD B2C and including an API connector in the profile creation. I use the policy Sign up and sign in from the user flows. Now I want to add a user attribute I created myself. This should not be visible under User attributes (the user should not fill this field himself) but should be filled by the API and returned under Application Claims and in the token. Is this possible with the user flows? Or is this currently only possible with the Custom policies under Identity Experience Framework?
Thanks for your answers
The way to do this with Azure AD B2C user flows would be to use JavaScript to hide the field so that is not visible to the user even though it is selected as an attribute in the user flow.
A similar approach is user to enable captcha while signing up as well in this sample - https://github.com/Azure-Samples/active-directory-b2c-dotnet-sign-up-user-flow-captcha.
Here is the official documentation for using JavaScript in user flows - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory-b2c/javascript-and-page-layout.

Azure B2C Userflow v2.0(SignUp and SignIn) - unable to find Userinfo endpoint

We created an application in Azure B2C to use the OIDC implicit Grant flow. We have configured the Userflow policy(SignIn and SignUp) to customize the homepage layout and to get the custom claims in response. We are using Azure B2C as External Identity Provider (IdP) in our application. When user clicks the Login Button in our application we are redirecting the user the Azure B2C for Authentication and we are able to get the Access Token in response. But we are facing constrain in Getting the User Profile through the UserInfo enpoint. We have tried out both the Graph API endpoint and Azure B2C OIDC userinfo enpoint but neither of them are compatible with the Userflow policy.
I believe the workaround suggested is applicable only if we need to grab some extra input from user (during sign-up) or input validation and then pass that claim to application. It will unnecessary require using "Identity Experience Framework" feature which is ideally required for custom login/signup journey and is not available under free license.
What I understand from you requirement is you need to pass built-in Azure AD attributes to application and which shall be doable by selecting extra claims from "User Flow" signup-SignIn policy. Is not there any alternative to make call to "userinfo" endpoint out of box ?? Any Microsoft expert here, please clarify.
As of now, Azure AD B2C does not support the UserInfo endpoint through User-flow policy.
Right now, it is being supported only through Custom Policies.
You can vote for this feature on Azure AD User Voice.
A workaround is that you could integrate a Rest API to retrieve the extra claims.
See reference here.

How to show REST API error message in the B2C login form

I have a multiple applications that use the same custom policy to authenticate user. In TrustFrameworkExtensions I defined two claims provider, one for local account and one for user of my company AD tenant (social account) , I have also a claims provider for retrieve custom attributes and for check if the user is enabled for the caller application, this claims provider is configured in user jorney like a orchestration step before the JWT token is created.
The API Application return claims with custom attributes if the user is enabled and return a response with HttpStatusCode.Conflict and error message if not.
How can show the error message in the login form before it back to the calling application?
PS: I have a custom UI login form
I found a right technical profile "SelfAsserted-LocalAccountSignin" and now works ! But I have 2 more questions.
1. In my api application, in input claims, extension property are missing , I think it's because the user not logged yet, is it possible obtain all claims ? If this isn't possibile I must read data in my api with Graph
by signinName.
2. My login form allows authentication as a local user and as a user of my company AD tenant (social account).
The ValidationTechnicalProfiles in "SelfAsserted-LocalAccountSignin"
works with local user only, I tried to configure a ValidationTechnicalProfiles for "SM-SocialLogin" TechnicalProfile but doesn't work

Azure AD B2C SignUp-SignIn policy with MFA turned on - Custom Login Page

I have an asp.net web application that authenticates via Azure AD B2C tenant. I have a sign-up-sign-in policy [login is using username instead of email] with MFA turned on. I have also setup Custom UI login page [unified.html] and MFA page [phonefactor.html] in a storage blob that the policy points to. I am able to authenticate the user via the custom login page and login with MFA. The issue is when I create a new user and force the user to change the password at their first login, instead of redirecting the user to the change password screen, I am getting an invalid username and password message. When I use the Sign-In policy instead of sign-up-sign-in, the redirection to change the password works for the new user. But the sign-in policy does not have the option to specify Custom UI for login page. Am I missing anything here and how can I make this work with the sign-up-sign-in policy.
Also is there any way to get the "Password" hint like the "Username" hint in the company branding ... Password hint is not available
forceChangePasswordNextLogin only works on the sign-in policy which does not support UI customization.
In order to achieve similar functionality in the unified sign-up/sign-in policy, you'll need to implement this functionality yourself.
One option to achieve similar (albeit not quite the same) functionality is by leveraging the Password Reset policy. You would be creating new users up-front and ensuring you configure their email. You then direct them straight to the Password Reset policy for their account activation. They'll receive an email with a code which once provided, will let them provide set their password.
There's already two outstanding feature asks in the Azure AD B2C Feedback Forum that you can support:
Support Force Password Reset
Fully Customizable Sign-In Page
For the DIY approach:
Create the users by setting up an Azure AD app for your back-end API as outlined here:
Have your back-end API call the Graph API like this app does to create the users: https://github.com/AzureADQuickStarts/B2C-GraphAPI-DotNet.git
Send the users directly to the reset password URL /authorize/ url..
