X Unique Randomize Numbers - excel

i need a little bit help.
Is it possible to fill a list with random numbers and to check this list before each loop to see if the number already exists?
I think im on the wrong way with my VBA.
Sub Zufallszahlen()
Dim Rng As Range
Max = 6
Min = 1
Anzahl = 4
counter = 0
innercounter = 0
SZeile = 2
AWert = "X"
counter = counter + 1
ZZahl = Int((Max * Rnd) + Min)
innercounter = 0
innercounter = innercounter + 1
If Cells(innercounter, 2) = ZZahl Then
ZZahl = Int((Max * Rnd) + Min)
Loop Until innercounter = Anzahl
' Cells(counter, 1).Value = counter
Cells(counter, 2).Value = ZZahl
Cells(ZZahl, 3).Value = AWert
Loop Until counter = Anzahl
End Sub

Use an array to check if random number has already been chosen. Repeat until a vacant array position is found.
Option Explicit
Sub Zufallszahlen()
Const MaxN = 6
Const MinN = 1
Const Anzahl = 4
Const Awert = "X"
Dim ar, n As Long, r As Long, i As Long
n = MaxN - MinN + 1
If n < Anzahl Then
MsgBox "Min to Max range must be >= " & Anzahl
Exit Sub
End If
' values in column B
Dim arB, total As Single, try As Long
arB = Range("B" & MinN).Resize(n).Value2
' avoid endless loop
try = try + 1
If try > 100 Then
MsgBox "Could not solve in 100 tries", vbExclamation
Exit Sub
End If
' generate random selection
ReDim ar(1 To n, 1 To 1)
total = 0
For i = 1 To Anzahl
r = 1 + Int(n * Rnd())
Loop Until ar(r, 1) = ""
ar(r, 1) = Awert
' sum col B
total = total + arB(r, 1)
Range("C" & MinN).Resize(n) = ar
Loop Until total >= 10 And total <= 20 ' check total in range
MsgBox "Total=" & Format(total, "0.00"), vbInformation, try & " tries"
End Sub

You can use the Scripting.Dictionary object to check.
Given it's a "Dictionary", it requires that all keys are unique.
This is a crude implementation demonstrating the random filling of that dictionary with all numbers between 50 and 100.
Public Sub DoRandomize()
Dim objUnique As Object, i As Long, lngRandom As Long
Dim lngMin As Long, lngMax As Long, dblRandom As Double
lngMin = 50: lngMax = 100
Set objUnique = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Do While objUnique.Count <> (lngMax - lngMin) + 1
Randomize objUnique.Count
lngRandom = (Rnd(objUnique.Count) * (lngMax - lngMin)) + lngMin
If Not objUnique.exists(lngRandom) Then
Debug.Print "Adding ......... " & lngRandom
objUnique.Add lngRandom, vbNull
Debug.Print "Already used ... " & lngRandom
End If
End Sub
... you'd just need to pull out the relevant parts for your implementation but you can paste that code into your project, run it and see it work for yourself.

Ty Guys thats perfect =) i use this now and it works very nice + i understand my
Sub Zufallszahlen()
Const MaxN = 29
Const MinN = 1
Const Anzahl = 4
Const Awert = "X"
Dim ar, n As Long, r As Long
n = MaxN - MinN + 1
If n < Anzahl Then
MsgBox "Min to Max range must be >= " & Anzahl
Exit Sub
End If
ReDim ar(1 To n, 1 To 1)
For i = 1 To Anzahl
r = 1 + Int(n * Rnd())
Loop Until ar(r, 1) = ""
ar(r, 1) = Awert
Range("C" & MinN).Resize(n) = ar
End Sub
Buts not finally completed.
Can I include this part in another if?
This is intended to ensure that the values ​​of the cells to the left of the cells randomly marked with an x ​​add up to between 10 and 20, for example. Otherwise the random cells should be regenerated


VBA finding the median without using the function

I'm trying to find the median without using the function but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong here.
Dim i As Integer
Dim passNum As Integer
Dim temp As Integer
Dim aantal As Integer
Dim n(1 To 50) As Single
Dim p As Integer
Dim j As Single
Dim t As Single
Dim median As Single
aantal = InputBox("how many n variables do you want max 50")
For p = 1 To aantal
n(p) = InputBox("geef " & aantal & " nummers")
'Rem bubble sort names
For passNum = 1 To aantal - 1
For i = 1 To aantal - passNum
If n(i) < n(i + 1) Then
temp = n(i)
n(i) = n(i + 1)
n(i + 1) = temp
End If
Next i
Next passNum
'Rem display alphabetized list
For i = 1 To aantal
Worksheets(1).Cells(i, 1) = n(i)
Next i
'find the median
t = aantal Mod 2
If t > 0 Then
median = n(aantal + 1) / 2
median = (n(aantal / 2) + (n(aatnal) / 2) + 1) / 2
End If
Worksheets(1).Cells(1, 2) = median
End Sub
this is the code that I have right now but it won't find the median everything else works fine.
I've tried changing n(aantal) for something else but that doesn't work either it just either gives me the wrong number or nothing.
Maybe try this:
Sub Median()
Dim i As Integer
Dim aantal As Integer, tmp as double
ReDim n(0) As Double
aantal = InputBox("how many n variables do you want max 50")
If aantal > 50 Then Goto 100
ReDim n(aantal - 1)
For i = 0 To UBound(n)
n(i) = CDbl(InputBox("Geef nr " & i + 1 & " van " & aantal & " nummers"))
For i = LBound(n) To UBound(n)
For j = i + 1 To UBound(n)
If n(i) > n(j) Then
tmp = n(j)
n(j) = n(i)
n(i) = tmp
End If
m = aantal Mod 2
ix = ((aantal + m) / 2) - 1
If (m = 1) Then
nMedian = n(ix)
nMedian = (n(ix) + n(ix + 1)) / 2
End If
Debug.Print nMedian
End Sub

In Excel VBA, how could I compute sum of values which has a total limit that should not exceed $500, and then get corresponding product combination?

I have a table with two Columns Product and Price($).
I am trying to use vba to get combination of value of all products that will not exceed $500. I have been trying with this code and I am not sure how to proceed from this point on.
Sub getCombination()
Dim price As Long
Dim limit As Long
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim combination As String
limit = 500
combination = ""
price = Range("B2").Value
For i = 1 To 6
For j = 1 To 6
If price <= limit Then
price = price + ActiveCell.Offset(j, 0).Value
combination = combination & ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Value & "," & ActiveCell.Offset(1, -1).Value
End If
Next j
Next i
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate
MsgBox combination
End Sub
My Expected output is something like
(Please note: Not All output combinations are specified here!)
How should I proceed with the existing code? Or do I really have a better way for me to implement this?
Since the item can be used or not, that is a binary response. Using a binary number with the same number of digits as the number of items we can do all the combinations and do the testing:
Sub getCombination()
Dim rngArr As Variant
rngArr = ActiveSheet.Range("A2:B7")
Dim cnt As Long
cnt = 2 ^ UBound(rngArr, 1) - 1
Dim OutArray As Variant
ReDim OutArray(1 To cnt, 1 To 2)
Dim k As Long
k = 1
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To cnt
Dim bin As String
bin = Application.Dec2Bin(i, UBound(rngArr, 1))
Dim delim As String
delim = ""
Dim j As Long
For j = 1 To UBound(rngArr, 1)
If Mid(bin, j, 1) = "1" Then
OutArray(k, 1) = OutArray(k, 1) & delim & rngArr(j, 1)
delim = ", "
OutArray(k, 2) = OutArray(k, 2) + rngArr(j, 2)
End If
Next j
If OutArray(k, 2) <= 500 Then
k = k + 1
OutArray(k, 1) = ""
OutArray(k, 2) = 0
End If
Next i
Dim fnlarr As Variant
ReDim fnlarr(1 To k - 1)
For i = 1 To k - 1
fnlarr(i) = OutArray(i, 1)
Next i
Debug.Print Join(fnlarr, " | ")
End Sub

Problem with finding similar numbers in 2 columns in vba

i have problem with my code in vba. I have to find how much similar numbers are in column 1 and 2, but for example Column 1 (6,6,34,21,23,40) and column2 (49,34,6,9,6,20) should write 3 cause there are pairs 6-6, 6-6 and 34-34. I know its messy explenation but i hope its understandable. My code so far is:
Sub totolotek()
Dim i As Integer
Dim x As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim liczba As Integer
Dim suma As Integer
Dim ileLosowan As Integer
Range("B2:C7").Interior.Color = RGB(135, 134, 125)
Range("B2:B7").Font.ColorIndex = 3
Range("C2:C7").Font.ColorIndex = 5
ileLosowan = 7
For i = 2 To ileLosowan
x = Int(Rnd * (49) + 1)
Range("c" & i) = x
Next i
For i = 2 To 7
liczba = Range("c" & i)
For j = 2 To 7
liczbe = Range("b" & j)
If liczbe = liczba Then
Range("c" & i).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0)
Range("b" & j).Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0)
suma = suma + 1
End If
Next j
Next i
Range("c" & 9) = suma
End Sub
Try this. I invested some time and I added some lines of code. The macro find all the number pairs.
Example (6,6,3,4,2) (2,3,6,9,0) --> results 3: (6-6, 3-3, 2-2)
Sub totolotek()
Dim i As Integer
Dim x As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim liczba As Integer
Dim suma As Integer
Dim ileLosowan As Integer
Dim str_B As String, str_C As String, str_BC As String
Dim max_rand As Long
ileLosowan = 20 ' you can change the number of element in the column
max_rand = 49 ' max randum number
start_row = 2 'start_row
str_BC = "B2:C" & ileLosowan
str_B = "B2:B" & ileLosowan
str_C = "C2:C" & ileLosowan
Range(str_BC).Interior.Color = RGB(135, 134, 125)
Range(str_B).Font.ColorIndex = 5
Range(str_C).Font.ColorIndex = 5
For i = start_row To ileLosowan
x = Int(Rnd * (max_rand) + 1)
Range("C" & i) = x
Next i
For i = start_row To ileLosowan
x = Int(Rnd * (max_rand) + 1)
Range("B" & i) = x
Next i
liczba_array = Range("B" & start_row & ":B" & ileLosowan).Value2
liczbe_array = Range("C" & start_row & ":C" & ileLosowan).Value2
ReDim ID_array(1 To 1)
ID_array(1) = max_rand + 1
Count = 1
For i = 1 To UBound(liczba_array, 1)
For j = 1 To UBound(liczbe_array, 1)
For k = 1 To UBound(ID_array, 1)
If ID_array(k) = j Then
GoTo out
End If
Next k
If liczba_array(i, 1) = liczbe_array(j, 1) Then
Range("B" & (start_row + i - 1)).Interior.Color = RGB(150 + Count * 20, 0, 0)
Range("C" & (start_row + j - 1)).Interior.Color = RGB(150 + Count * 20, 0, 0)
suma = suma + 1
ID_array(Count) = j
Count = Count + 1
ReDim Preserve ID_array(1 To Count)
Exit For
End If
Next j
Next i
Range("C" & ileLosowan + 2) = suma
End Sub
Something like this will do what you're after. Just incorporate it into you're code cause I don't really know what's going on there.
Dim i As Long, j As Long, arr As Variant, Total As Integer
For i = 2 To 7 'Rows to loop through in the column
Total = 0
arr = Split(Range("A" & i), ",") 'Split column A using the comma
For j = 0 To UBound(arr) 'Loop through the split values
If InStr(Range("B" & i), arr(j)) > 0 Then 'Find if value is within other column
Total = Total + 1 'If it is, add 1 to total
End If
Next j
Range("C" & i) = Total 'Write total to another column on same row
Next i
Or if you want a basic function for it that you can use in your sheet you can use this:
Public Function CountMatches(Cell As String, Rng As Range, Optional Delim As String)
Dim i As Long, j As Long, arr As Variant, Total As Integer
If Delim = "" Then Delim = ","
If Rng.Count > 1 Then
CountMatches = "Please choose 1 cell to compare to."
Exit Function
End If
Total = 0
arr = Split(Cell, Delim) 'Split column A using the comma
For j = 0 To UBound(arr) 'Loop through the split values
If InStr(Rng, arr(j)) > 0 Then 'Find if value is within other column
Total = Total + 1 'If it is, add 1 to total
End If
Next j
CountMatches = Total
End Function
Use it like =CountMatches(A1,B1,",")

How can I add looping per 250 cells and offset the array?

I have this code that looks at column A and loops through to create an array to paste to another destination, but I want to manipulate it to loop through sets of 250 cells and create a concatenated array and print it to cells B1. After that set of 250, I go cells a251-a501, and so forth until I reach the end of the list and have each set of 250 concatenated ID's (separated by a ";") to print to the next destination row (B1>B2>B3, etc..)
Sub JC_Fill()
Dim varArray() As Variant
Dim x As Long, i As Long
i = 0
x = 1
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Rows.Count
ReDim varArray(1) 'resize array
Do Until Cells(x, 1).Value = ""
If Cells(x, 1) <> "" Then
varArray(i) = Cells(x, 1).Value
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve varArray(i)
End If
x = x + 1
ReDim Preserve varArray(i - 1)
End With
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B1").Value = varArray
End Sub
How could I edit my Do While/Loop to repeat the process every 250 cells and then concatenate the array to one cell separated by ; and then offset the next batch until I have no more ID's to cycle through?
Try changing your code this way:
Sub JC_Fill()
Dim OutString
Dim x As Long, i As Long
Dim out_row As Long
i = 0
x = 1
out_row = 1
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Rows.Count
OutString = ""
Do Until Cells(x, 1).Value = ""
If Cells(x, 1) <> "" Then
If (x > 1) Then OutString = OutString & ";"
OutString = OutString & Cells(x, 1).Value
End If
If (x Mod 250) = 0 Then
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B" & out_row).Value = OutString
OutString = ""
out_row = out_row + 1
End If
x = x + 1
End With
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B" & out_row).Value = OutString
End Sub
For interest, you can do this without looping each of the 250 cells.
Sub x()
Dim n As Long, v As Variant, r As Range, n2 As Long
n = 5 '250 for you
n2 = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set r = Range("A1").Resize(n)
Do While Len(r(1)) > 0
If n2 - r(1).Row < n Then Set r = r.Resize(n2 - r(1).Row + 1)
If r.Count = 1 Then
v = r.Value
v = Join(Application.Transpose(r), ";")
End If
Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)(2).Value = v
Set r = r.Offset(n)
End Sub

Unique Random Numbers using VBA

I am trying to create a series of unique (non-duplicating) random numbers within a user defined range. I have managed to create the random numbers, but I am getting duplicate values. How can I ensure that the random numbers will never be a duplicate?
Sub GenerateCodesUser()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
MAXNUMBER = 9999999
Dim Row As Integer
Dim Number As Long
Dim high As Double
Dim Low As Double
Dim i As Integer
If (CustomCodes.CardNumberMin.Value = "") Then
MsgBox ("Fill Card Number Field!")
Exit Sub
ElseIf (CustomCodes.CardNumberMin.Value < MINNUMBER) Then
MsgBox ("Card Number Value must be equal or higher then" & MINNUMBER)
Exit Sub
End If
If (CustomCodes.CardNumberMax.Value = "") Then
MsgBox ("Fill Card Number Field!")
Exit Sub
ElseIf (CustomCodes.CardNumberMax.Value > MAXNUMBER) Then
MsgBox ("Card Number Value must be equal or higher then " & MAXNUMBER)
Exit Sub
End If
Low = CustomCodes.CardNumberMin.Value
high = CustomCodes.CardNumberMax.Value '<<< CHANGE AS DESIRED
If (Low < 1000) Then
End If
For i = 1 To Cells(1, 1).End(xlToRight).Column
If InStr(Cells(1, i), "CardNumber") Then
Row = 2
While Cells(Row, 1) <> 0
Number = ((high - Low + 1) * Rnd() + Low)
Loop Until Number > Low
Cells(Row, i) = Number
Row = Row + 1
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Here's a method of guaranteeing unique integer random numbers. Inline comments describe the method.
Function UniuqeRandom(Mn As Long, Mx As Long, Sample As Long) As Long()
Dim dat() As Long
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim tmp As Long
' Input validation checks here
If Mn > Mx Or Sample > (Mx - Mn + 1) Then
' declare error to suit your needs
Exit Function
End If
' size array to hold all possible values
ReDim dat(0 To Mx - Mn)
' Fill the array
For i = 0 To UBound(dat)
dat(i) = Mn + i
' Shuffle array, unbiased
For i = UBound(dat) To 1 Step -1
tmp = dat(i)
j = Int((i + 1) * Rnd)
dat(i) = dat(j)
dat(j) = tmp
'original biased shuffle
'For i = 0 To UBound(dat)
' tmp = dat(i)
' j = Int((Mx - Mn) * Rnd)
' dat(i) = dat(j)
' dat(j) = tmp
' Return sample
ReDim Preserve dat(0 To Sample - 1)
UniuqeRandom = dat
End Function
use it like this
Dim low As Long, high As Long
Dim rng As Range
Dim dat() As Long
Set rng = Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, 1).End(xlToRight))
dat = UniuqeRandom(low, high, rng.Columns.Count)
rng.Offset(1, 0) = dat
Note: see this Wikipedia article regarding shuffle bias
The edit fixed one source of bias. The inherent limitations of Rnd (based on a 32 bit seed) and Modulo bias remain.
I see you have an accepted answer, but for whatever it's worth here is my stab at this question. This one uses a boolean function instead of numerical arrays. It's very simple yet fast. The advantage of it, which I'm not saying is perfect, is an effective solution for numbers in a long range because you only ever check the numbers you have already picked and saved and don't need a potentially large array to hold the values you have rejected so it won't cause memory problems because of the size of the array.
Sub UniqueRandomGenerator()
Dim N As Long, MaxNum As Long, MinNum As Long, Rand As Long, i As Long
MinNum = 1 'Put the input of minimum number here
MaxNum = 100 'Put the input of maximum number here
N = MaxNum - MinNum + 1
ReDim Unique(1 To N, 1 To 1)
For i = 1 To N
Randomize 'I put this inside the loop to make sure of generating "good" random numbers
Rand = Int(MinNum + N * Rnd)
If IsUnique(Rand, Unique) Then Unique(i, 1) = Rand: Exit Do
Sheet1.[A1].Resize(N) = Unique
End Sub
Function IsUnique(Num As Long, Data As Variant) As Boolean
Dim iFind As Long
On Error GoTo Unique
iFind = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(Num, Data, 0)
If iFind > 0 Then IsUnique = False: Exit Function
IsUnique = True
End Function
It Works perfectly:
Option Base 1
Public Function u(a As Variant, b As Variant) As Variant
Dim k%, p As Double, flag As Boolean, x() As Variant
k = 1
flag = False
ReDim x(1)
x(1) = Application.RandBetween(a, b)
Do Until k = b - a + 1
Do While flag = False
p = Application.RandBetween(a, b)
'Debug.Assert p = 2
resultado = Application.Match(p, x, False)
If IsError(resultado) Then
k = k + 1
ReDim Preserve x(k)
x(k) = p
flag = True
flag = False
End If
flag = False
u = x
End Function
