Sudo gets separate PID when starting a command - linux

I do not understand why sudo gets a separate PID (e.g. 1620) while starting dockerd (e.g. 1628) with sudo? To which PID should I send SIGTERM to stop the dockerd?
ps aux | grep dockerd
pstree -ps

I do not understand why sudo gets a separate PID (e.g. 1620) while starting dockerd (e.g. 1628) with sudo?
It is just the way that sudo works. It runs the command as a child process because it needs to do things after the child process exits.
You may be able to tweak the sudo configs to so that sudo doesn't fork a child process. On my system, man sudo says:
"If no I/O logging plugins are loaded and the policy plugin has not defined a close() function, set a command timeout or required that the command be run in a new pty, sudo may execute the command directly instead of running it as a child process."
But notice that :
it says may rather than will, and
you are necessarily sacrificing some functionality to achieve this "no fork" behavior.
To which PID should I send SIGTERM to stop the dockerd?
You can send signals to the sudo process and they will be relayed to the dockerd process. That's what man sudo says. Look in the man page's section on signal handling.


sudo ignores SIGTERM sent from same script

I'm trying to figure out why this doesn't work:
sudo sleep 60 &
sudo kill $sudo_pid
I'd expect that after the kill, the sudo command and its child sleep process would be terminated, but they aren't, as shown by this script:
sudo sleep 60 &
sudo kill $sudo_pid
if ps -p $sudo_pid > /dev/null; then
sudo kill $sudo_pid
echo "No sudo process running"
exit 1
if ps -p $sudo_pid > /dev/null; then
echo "sudo (pid $sudo_pid) is still running"
ps -F $sudo_pid
echo "sudo successfully killed"
Which yields this output when I run it (with sudo creds cached):
jon#ubuntu:~$ ./
sudo (pid 46199) is still running
root 46199 46198 0 14764 3984 3 13:37 pts/0 S+ 0:00 sudo sleep 60
After the script completes (and sudo sleep 60 is still running), it is possible to kill it with the identical command:
jon#ubuntu:~$ ps -F 46199
root 46199 1 0 14764 3984 3 13:37 pts/0 S 0:00 sudo sleep 60
jon#ubuntu:~$ sudo kill 46199
jon#ubuntu:~$ ps -F 46199
I notice that after the script exits, the parent process ID for sudo sleep 60 has changed from the script to the init process, which I think is significant. It's also possible to successfully kill the sudo sleep 60 process from a different shell while the script is still running.
I also noticed that using sudo kill -ABRT in the script (as opposed to kill's default SIGTERM) does successfully kill the sudo process, so I assume that is has something to do with the way sudo handles SIGTERM. However, based on the man page, I don't think it should be doing anything special:
Signal handling
When the command is run as a child of the sudo process, sudo will relay
signals it receives to the command. The SIGINT and SIGQUIT signals are
only relayed when the command is being run in a new pty or when the sig‐
nal was sent by a user process, not the kernel. This prevents the com‐
mand from receiving SIGINT twice each time the user enters control-C.
The only special handling of SIGTERM mentioned in the man page is for signals that were sent by the command it is running; not the case here. Furthermore, I changed the ps -F in above script to ps -o blocked,caught,ignored,pending and it output
sudo (pid 46429) is still running
0000000000000000 00000001800b7a07 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
Which seems to indicate that SIGTERM isn't being blocked or ignored, so why isn't the sudo sleep 60 process getting terminated?
I've come up with several workarounds (setsid, sudo -b, killing the child sleep process rather than the parent sudo process), so I'm not looking for alternate approach answers. I just want to understand what's going on here.
In case it matters:
jon#ubuntu:~$ uname -a
Linux ubuntu 4.13.0-16-generic #19-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 11 18:35:14 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
jon#ubuntu:~$ sudo --version
Sudo version 1.8.20p2
Sudoers policy plugin version 1.8.20p2
Sudoers file grammar version 46
Sudoers I/O plugin version 1.8.20p2
I found following comments in source code of sudo
* Do not forward signals sent by a process in the command's process
* group, as we don't want the command to indirectly kill itself.
* For example, this can happen with some versions of reboot that
* call kill(-1, SIGTERM) to kill all other processes.
The signal mask bit for any given signal is:
(1ULL << ((signal_number) - 1))
(for standard signals in the 1-32 range anyway; additional signals are in the "real time" signal sets and are handled somewhat differently, though the same concept applies). So the interesting part of the CAUGHT mask is:
which is (+ for caught, - for not caught, in the expanded part):
xxx7: signals 1, 2, 3, but not 4: +SIGHUP +SIGINT +SIGQUIT -SIGILL
xaxx: not 9, 10, not 11, 12: -SIGKILL +SIGUSR1 -SIGSEGV +SIGUSR2
7xxx: 13, 14, 15, not 16: +SIGPIPE +SIGALRM +SIGTERM -SIGSTKFLT
(you can continue decoding the rest if you like; see /usr/include/asm-generic/signal.h for the Linux-specific signal numbers; note that the numeric definitions differ on OSX and BSD but the technique is the same: caught or blocked or whatever signals are represented as 1-bits in the mask).
So, this means sudo is catching SIGTERM but not catching SIGABRT. The fact that SIGTERM is not passed on must have something to do with the sudo code itself. The source (apt-get source sudo) has some rather complicated code for doing the signal handling, including some interesting debug tricks you can turn on in the sudo config file to help you track down what's going on.
If you will change your sudo kill $sudo_pid to setsid sudo kill $sudo_pid it will work.
Found this here: starting a new process group from bash script

How to make killall close the terminal that the process is in?

So how can I close the terminal where the process is in with killall.
I have tried this:
In 1st terminal:
killall node
In 2nd terminal:
But I want only the 2nd terminal to close after the node is killed.
You can use the -t option:
killall -t $(tty)
will call all processes started from the terminal session (even with nohup), including the shell. So, your terminal will get closed.
You need to also kill the process which runs the terminal, which is usually the parent process of the node process.
The question How do I get the parent process ID of a given child process? is a good place to start. You can find the PIDs of the node processes via How to find the Process ID of a running terminal program.

What happens to other processes when a Docker container's PID1 exits?

Consider the following, which runs sleep 60 in the background and then exits:
$ cat
sleep 60&
echo Goodbye!!!
$ docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/ ubuntu:16.04 bash /
1 ? 00:00:00 bash
5 ? 00:00:00 sleep
6 ? 00:00:00 ps
This will start a Docker container, with bash as PID1. It then fork/execs a sleep process, and then bash exits. When the Docker container dies, the sleep process somehow dies too.
My question is: what is the mechanism by which the sleep process is killed? I tried trapping SIGTERM in a child process, and that appears to not get tripped. My presumption is that something (either Docker or the Linux kernel) is sending SIGKILL when shutting down the cgroup the container is using, but I've found no documentation anywhere clarifying this.
EDIT The closest I've come to an explanation is the following quote from baseimage-docker:
If your init process is your app, then it'll probably only shut down itself, not all the other processes in the container. The kernel will then forcefully kill those other processes, not giving them a chance to gracefully shut down, potentially resulting in file corruption, stale temporary files, etc. You really want to shut down all your processes gracefully.
So at least according to this, the implication is that when the container exits, the kernel will sending a SIGKILL to all remaining processes. But I'd still like clarity on how it decides to do that (i.e., is it a feature of cgroups?), and ideally a more authoritative source would be nice.
OK, I seem to have come up with some more solid evidence that this is, in fact, the Linux kernel doing the terminating. In the clone(2) man page, there's this useful section:
CLONE_NEWPID (since Linux 2.6.24)
The first process created in a new namespace (i.e., the process
created using the CLONE_NEWPID flag) has the PID 1, and is the
"init" process for the namespace. Children that are orphaned
within the namespace will be reparented to this process rather than
init(8). Unlike the traditional init process, the "init" process of a
PID namespace can terminate, and if it does, all of the processes in
the namespace are terminated.
Unfortunately this is still vague on how exactly the processes in the namespace are terminated, but perhaps that's because, unlike a normal process exit, no entry is left in the process table. Whatever the case is, it seems clear that:
The kernel itself is killing the other processes
They are not killed in a way that allows them any chance to do cleanup, making it (almost?) identical to a SIGKILL

Shell Script for Killing PID

I run a few processes that I created myself on my Ubuntu Server, and to kill them I run:
sudo fuser -n tcp PORT
Is there any way I can obtain the PID from a port using a shell script, then kill it by running the shell script.
fuser can kill it:
-k, --kill
Kill processes accessing the file. Unless changed
with -SIGNAL, SIGKILL is sent. An fuser process
never kills itself, but may kill other fuser processes.
The effective user ID of the process executing fuser is
set to its real user ID before attempting to kill.
Try using either killall, or pkill, either of which will close all processes of the type of argument you describe, for example:
killall firefox
Will kill all running instances of firefox.
this link of pkill.

linux: suspend process at startup

I would like to spawn a process suspended, possibly in the context of another user (e.g. via sudo -u ...), set up some iptables rules for the spawned process, continue running the process, and remove the iptable rules when the process exists.
Is there any standart means (bash, corutils, etc.) that allows me to achieve the above? In particular, how can I spawn a process in a suspended state and get its pid?
Write a wrapper script like this:
kill -STOP $$ # suspend myself
# ... until I receive SIGCONT
exec $# # exec argument list
And then call it like:
sudo -u $SOME_USER mycommand & # start mycommand in stopped state
setup_iptables $MYCOMMAND_PID # use its PID to setup iptables
sudo -u $SOME_USER kill -CONT $MYCOMMAND_PID # make mycommand continue
wait $MYCOMMAND_PID # wait for its termination
teardown_iptables # remove iptables rules
report $MYCOMMAND_EXIT_STATUS # report errors, if necessary
All this is overkill, however. You don't need to spawn your process in a suspended state to get the job done. Just make a wrapper script setup_iptables_and_start:
setup_iptables $$ # use my own PID to setup iptables
exec sudo -u $SOME_USER $# # exec'ed command will have same PID
And then call it like
setup_iptables_and_start mycommand || report errors
You can write a C wrapper for your program that will do something like this :
fork and print child pid.
In the child, wait for user to press Enter. This puts the child in sleep and you can add the rules with the pid.
Once rules are added, user presses enter. The child runs your original program, either using exec or system.
Will this work?
Actually you can do above procedure with a shell script. Try following bash script:
echo "Pid is $$"
echo -n "Press Enter.."
exec $#
You can run this as /bin/bash ./ <your command>
One way to do it is to enlist gdb to pause the program at the start of its main function (using the command "break main"). This will guarantee that the process is suspended fast enough (although some initialisation routines can run before main, they probably won't do anything relevant). However, for this you will need debugging information for the program you want to start suspended.
I suggest you try this manually first, see how it works, and then work out how to script what you've done.
Alternatively, it may be possible to constrain the process (if indeed that is what you're trying to do!) without using iptables, using SELinux or a ptrace-based tool like sydbox instead.
I suppose you could write a util yourself that forks, and wherein the child of the fork suspends itself just before doing an exec. Otherwise, consider using an LD_PRELOAD lib to do your 'custom' business.
If you care about making that secure, you should probably look at bigger guns (with chroot, perhaps paravirtualization, user mode linux etc. etc);
Last tip: if you don't mind doing some more coding, the ptrace interface should allow you to do what you describe (since it is used to implement debuggers with)
You probably need the PID of a program you're starting, before that program actually starts running. You could do it like this.
Start a plain script
Force the script to wait
You can probably use suspend which is a bash builitin but in the worst case you can make it stop itself with a signal
Use the PID of the bash process in every way you want
Restart the stopped bash process (SIGCONT) and do an exec - another builtin - starting your real process (it will inherit the PID)
