How to make a strict match with awk - linux

I am querying one file with the other file and have them as following:
Angela S Darvill| text text text text
Helen Stanley| text text text text
Carol Haigh S|text text text text .....
Carol Haigh
Helen Stanley
Angela Darvill
This command:
awk 'NR==FNR{_[$1];next} ($1 in _)' File2.txt File1.txt
returns lines that overlap, BUT doesn’t have a strict match. Having a strict match, only Helen Stanley should have been returned.
How do you restrict awk on a strict overlap?

With your shown samples please try following. You were on right track, you need to do 2 things, 1st: take whole line as an index in array a while reading file2.txt and set field seapeator to | before awk starts reading file1
awk -F'|' 'NR==FNR{a[$0];next} $1 in a' File2.txt File1.txt
Command above doesn’t work for me (I am on Mac, don’t know whether it matters), but
awk 'NR==FNR{_[$0];next} ($1 in _)' File2.txt. FS="|" File1.txt
worked well

You can also use grep to match from File2.txt as a list of regexes to make an exact match.
You can use sed to prepare the matches. Here is an example:
sed -E 's/[ \t]*$//; s/^(.*)$/^\1|/' File2.txt
^Carol Haigh|
^Helen Stanley|
^Angela Darvill|
Then use process with that sed as an -f argument to grep:
grep -f <(sed -E 's/[ \t]*$//; s/^(.*)$/^\1|/' File2.txt) File1.txt
Helen Stanley| text text text text
Since your example File2.txt has trailing spaces, the sed has s/[ \t]*$//; as the first substitution. If your actual file does not have those trading spaces, you can do:
grep -f <(sed -E 's/.*/^&|/' File2.txt) File1.txt
Ed Morton brings up a good point that grep will still interpret RE meta-characters in File2.txt. You can use the flag -F so only literal strings are used:
grep -F -f <(sed -E 's/.*/&|/' File2.txt) File1.txt


Add an extra column after grep content

I understand that grep can extract the specific content from a file line by line.
Just wondering how can add another column before or after each line as an index.
For example:
grep "aaa" text.txt > tmp.txt
In the tmp.txt file, we can see the content as follows,
However, I would like to add a specific index as an extra column.
Therefore, the tmp.txt might look like this:
John aaawekjre
John qejrteraaa
John wrgeaaaere
You can use awk:
awk '/aaa/{print "John", $0}' text.txt > tmp.txt
$ sed -n '/aaa/ s/^/John /p' text.txt
John aaawekjre
John qejrteraaa
John wrgeaaaere
How it works
This tells sed not to print anything unless we explicitly ask it to.
/aaa/ s/^/John /p
This selects lines that contain aaa. For those lines, we do a substitution (s/^/John /) to put John at the beginning of the line and we print the line (p).
In this way, lines that do not contain aaa are never printed. Thus, there is no need for a separate grep process.
try this
grep "aaa" text.txt | awk '{print "John " $0}' > tmp.txt

grep between two files

I want to find matching lines from file 2 when compared to file 1.
file2 contains multiple columns and column one contains information that could match file1.
I tried below commands and they didn't give any matching results (contents in file1 are definitely in file2) . I have used these commands previously to compare between different files and they worked.
grep -f file1 file2
grep -Fwf file1 file2
When i tried to grep whatever that's not matching, i get results
grep -vf file1 file2
file1 contains list of genes (754 genes) , one line each
I have a feeling the problem is with my file1. When I tried to type several items manually in my file1 just to test, and do grep with file2, I get the matching lines from file2.
When I copied the contents of file1 (originally in excel) into notepad making a .txt file, I didn't get any matching results.
I can't see any problem with my file1. Any suggestion?
You said,
I copied the contents of file1 (originally in excel) into notepad making a .txt file
It's likely that the txt file contains carriage-return/linefeed pairs which are screwing up the grep. As I suggested in a comment, try this:
tr -d '\015' < file1 > file1a
grep -Fwf file1a file2
The tr invocation deletes all the carriage returns, giving you a proper Unix/Linux text file with only newlines (\n) as line terminators.
You said:
I can't see any problem with my file1.
Here's how to see the extra-carriage-return problem:
cat -v test1
Those little ^M markers at the end of each line are cat -v's way of showing you the carriage return control codes.
Carriage Return (CR) is decimal 13, hex 0x0d, octal 015, \r in C.
Line Feed (LF) is decimal 10, hex 0x0a, octal 012, \n in C.
Because it's an old-school utility, tr accepts octal (base 8) notation for control characters.
(I think in some versions tr -d '\r' would work, but I'm not sure, and anyway I'm not sure what version you have. tr -d '\015' should be universal.)
Simple shell script that performs grep for every input in file1.txt
while read content; do
grep -q "$content" file2.txt
if [ $? -eq "0" ]; then
echo "$content" was found in file2 >> results.txt
done < file1.txt
Let's suppose this is file2:
$ cat file2
a b ATM
c d e
f ATR g
Using grep and process substitution
We can get lines from file1 that match any of the columns in file2 via:
$ grep -wFf <(sed 's/[[:space:]]/\n/g' file2) file1
This works because it converts file2 to a form that grep understands:
$ sed 's/[[:space:]]/\n/g' file2
Using awk
$ awk 'FNR==NR{for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) seen[$i]; next} $0 in seen' file2 file1
Here, awk keeps track of every column that it sees in file2 and then print only those lines in file1 that match one of those columns
Try to use command
it is a reversed version of diff

shell script to compare two files and write the difference to third file

I want to compare two files and redirect the difference between the two files to third one.
In case any file has # before /opt/c/c.sql, it should skip #
I want to get the difference between the two files. In this case, /opt/b/b.sql should be stored in a different file. Can anyone help me to achieve the above scenarios?
$ cat file1 #both file1 and file2 may contain spaces which are ignored
$ cat file2
awk 'NR==FNR{line[$1];next}
{if(!($1 in line)){if($0!=""){print}}}
' file2 file1 > file3
$ cat file3
The order of files passed to awk is important here, pass the file to check - file2 here - first followed by the master file -file1.
Check awk documentation to understand what is done here.
You can use some tools like cat, sed, sort and uniq.
The main observation is this: if the line is in both files then it is not unique in cat file1 file2.
Furthermore in cat file1 file2| sort, all doubles are in sequence. Using uniq -u we get unique lines and have this pipe:
cat file1 file2 | sort | uniq -u
Using sed to remove leading whitespace, empty and comment lines, we get this final pipe:
cat file1 file2 | sed -r 's/^[ \t]+//; /^#/ d; /^$/ d;' | sort | uniq -u > file3

Using file1 as an Index to search file2 when file1 contains extra informations

as you can read in the title Im dealing with two files. Her is the example how the look like.
Name (additional info separated by a tab from the name)
Peter Schwarzer<tab>Best friend of mine
Name (followed by a float separated by a tab from the name)
Peter Schwarzer<tab>1456
So what i want to do is use file1 one as an index for searching file2. If the Names match it should be written in file3 which should contain the Name followed by the float from file2 followed by the additional info from file1.
So file3 should look like:
Peter Schwarzer<tab>1456<tab>Best friend of mine
(everything separated by tab)
I tried grep -f to read a pattern from a file and without the additional information it works. So is there any way to get the desired result with grep or is AWK the answer?
Thanks in advance,
give this line a try, I didn't test, but should go:
awk -F'\t' -v OFS="\t" 'NR==FNR{n[$1]=$2;next}$1 in n{print $0,n[$1]}' file1 file2 > file3
Try this awk one liner!
awk -v FS="\t" -v OFS="\t" 'FNR==NR{ A[$1]=$2; next}$1 in A{print $0,A[$1];}' file1.txt file2.txt > file3.txt
To me this looks like a job for join:
join -t '\t' file1 file2
This assumes file1 and file2 are sorted. If not, sort them first:
sort -o file1 file1
sort -o file2 file2
join -t '\t' file1 file2
If you can't modify file1 and file2 (if you need to leave them in their original, unsorted state), use a temporary file:
sort file1 > $tmpfile
sort file2 | join -t '\t' $tmpfile -
If join says "illegal tab character specification" you'll have to use join -t ' ' where you type an actual tab between the single quotes (and depending on your shell, you may have to use control-V before that tab).

Linux cut string

In Linux (Cento OS) I have a file that contains a set of additional information that I want to removed. I want to generate a new file with all characters until to the first |.
The file has the following information:
Beta0-XPTO-2|30452|90 385|29
ZETA2334423 435; 2|2|90dd5|dddd29|dqe3
The output expected will be:
Beta0 XPTO-2
ZETA2334423 435; 2
That is removed all characters after the character | (inclusive).
Any suggestion for a script that reads File1 and generates File2 with this specific requirement?
cut -d'|' -f1 oldfile > newfile
And, to round out the "big 3", here's the awk version:
awk -F\| '{print $1}' in.dat
You can use a simple sed script.
sed 's/^\([^|]*\).*/\1/g' in.dat
ZETA2334423 435; 2
Redirect to a file to capture the output.
sed 's/^\([^|]*\).*/\1/g' in.dat > out.dat
And with grep:
$ grep -o '^[^|]*' file1
ZETA2334423 435; 2
$ grep -o '^[^|]*' file1 > file2
