Migrate Applications with ADFS Activity Report to actual application - azure

Using the ADFS activity report to migrate our applications to AAD. Everything shows as Ready.
But how do you import the ADFS configuration into a new enterprise application?
Or do you need to create everything from scratch?
You can find the image below for your reference, it shows the ‘Dropbox’ application as ready for migration from ADFS to Azure AD: -

• You don’t need to import ADFS configuration into a new Enterprise application for ‘Dropbox’ as its application federation configuration is already imported and made available for Azure AD users for smooth SSO authentication purposes in Enterprise application gallery. The image as posted by you regarding Dropbox application import into Azure from ADFS confirms that Dropbox is available for migration in Azure AD and its relative setup is a matter of few clicks and configurations.
• Also, the message in the image posted by you is only displayed for those applications that are readily available in Azure AD Enterprise applications and not legacy applications (applications that are not SaaS apps and need to be setup manually in Azure AD enterprise applications as a non-gallery app). When ADFS Health Connect communicates with Azure AD and syncs the relying party trust information from ADFS on-premises server, Azure AD compares it with the ready, available and Integrated SaaS applications in its gallery to be provisioned in the respective Azure AD tenant through the ‘create’ option. Similarly, when you do this provision/create ‘Dropbox’ SaaS application from Enterprise application gallery, it detects automatically through the ADFS Health Connect activity report that ‘Dropbox’ is configured as a federated RPT in the synced on-premises ADFS server and asks the user to migrate it to Azure AD.
For more detailed information on migrating Dropbox application from ADFS to Azure AD, please refer to the link below which discusses setting up of SSO authentication through SAML in Azure AD.


Azure Active Directory Enterprise App OpenID and User Provisioning (SCIM)

I'm trying to build an Enterprise App in Azure that will support SSO using OpenID Connect and User Provisioning using a SCIM API.
When I create the application using the OpenID Connect approach I don't have an option to enable user provisioning. If I do the Non-gallery approach I can enable user provisioning and test out my SCIM API. Am I missing something? Why is that option not available for OpenID Connect?
I followed this diagram to pick the correct SSO. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/manage-apps/plan-sso-deployment#single-sign-on-options
Then selected the "App you're developing" option in Azure.
Once I go to the Provisioning part the "Get started" button is disable:
BUT if I choose the Non-Gallery option when creating the application the Provisioning part is enabled and allows we to step through the wizard to wireup to a SCIM API:
According to Azure ad app-provisioning-known-issues -microsoft docs
If you create an app registration, the corresponding service principal
in enterprise apps won't be enabled for automatic user provisioning.
Your app needs to be in the gallery to have provisioning enabled.For
that You'll need to either request the app be added to the gallery, if
intended for use by multiple organizations, or create a second
non-gallery app for provisioning.
To get your app in the gallery, see how to-app gallery listing
See SaaS App Integration Tutorials for use with Azure AD | Microsoft Docs
Azure AD Enterprise application not showing 'automatic' provisioning
mode - Stack Overflow
Problem configuring user provisioning to an Azure Active Directory
Gallery app | Microsoft Docs
You've already identified what works right now - non-gallery OIDC apps can't support SCIM provisioning today, so you'll need a second app. We're (Microsoft) looking to enable the ability to enable SCIM provisioning on non-gallery OIDC apps, but there are some security/privilege escalation issues that need to be addressed first.

Develop Azure Active Directory Enterprise App

There doesn't appear to be much information available on developing a custom Azure Active Directory Enterprise Application. Is the developer information available anywhere?
e.g. develop an application that will appear in the list of Enterprise Applications in the Azure Active Directory gallery and that, once developed (in C#), allows SSO and provisioning of an external system, based on users and groups in Azure Active Directory
If you want to publish your app to azure ad gallery, you submit your request for access in the Application Network portal and implement SSO by using the federation protocol or by using the password SSO and request for user provisioning.
For more details of these steps, you can refer to this tutorial about how to publish the app to azure ad gallery. In this tutorial, there are also some links which may help you on how to do the development(such as integrate your application with Azure AD by using the Open ID Connect protocol, how to support SAML 2.0 and so on).

Right way to register Enterprise App in Azure

Can someone describe to me the differences in registering Enterprise Applications via
Application Registration Portal (https://apps.dev.microsoft.com)
Azure Portal (https://portal.azure.com, Home -> Azure Active Directory -> Enterprise Applications)
Azure AAD Portal (https://aad.portal.azure.com)
Perhaps there are even others that you may know of.
The application registered in the Application Registration Portal is the v2.0 application, which supports both Azure AD & Microsoft Accounts. Works with MSAL & most 3rd party oAuth/OIDC libraries. Can call the Microsoft Graph, and your own web API with ID tokens. If you register an application using personal Microsoft account, the application won't be visible in Azure Active Directory. For more details, you can refer to here.
While the application registered in the Azure Portal is the v1.0 application, which only supports sign in with Azure AD accounts. Can call the Microsoft Graph, other Microsoft resources, your own web API. For more details, take a look at the doc.
There's a doc describe the difference between the two endpoints.
As far as I know, the application registration is almost the same in the Azure Portal and Azure AAD Portal.

How to configure SAML Federation between Azure Active Directory (as IDP) and an Enterprise Application using apis?

I need to configure Azure Active Directory as Identity Provider for Enterprise application(s) with SAML Federation. Its clear how to do it in Azure portal UI. However, is there a way to do all that via Azure APIs? Do such Azure APIs exist as part of azure subscription?
I'm currently going through - Azure Active Directory Graph API
Unfortunately, you currently cannot configure a custom SAML application via an API (what you can do today in the Azure portal via Enterprise apps).

Create AzureAD app registration when web app is deployed

I understand the concept of AzureAD App Registrations and I'm using it in several projects. Now I need to generate a Web App that should be deployable as a component in any AAD. This Web App should use Azure APIs to discover components in the subscription it is deployed to which I don't know at develop time.
What is the preferred way to accomplish the app registration fully automated at deploy time? I need to register an app in AAD and then to store the informations (App Id, Tenant ID, ...) in my web.config somehow.
The problem is that you can't develop an app that has access to the Azure AD without it being registered first.
The Azure Portal and Powershell have access. Maybe you can use Powershell to script the permission grant in your scenario?
Otherwise, (I did this a while back for a solution) you can create a multi-tenant web app, that your customers' Azure AD tenant administrators can sign in to. With the tenant administrators granting access, the web app can then access their Azure AD graph API and create the required application definition for your application.
In my scenario the Azure AD client application ran on-premise. It required access to the Azure AD graph API and also needed certificate based authentication towards the Outlook 365 Exchange Web Service. So the web app could create the certificate, grant access to the required APIs, and let the user download the certificate, application ID etc. The on-prem app could then use the downloaded file as its configuration for accessing the Azure AD and other APIs.
