how do I fix HTTP Error 401.3 - Unauthorized? - iis

So I've come across a problem, what I am trying to do is "Check if the python file is ready to execute" as verbatim by my CS professor. So here I what I have done so far:
-Enabled Directory Browsing
-Added a new Script Map
-Linked the executable to the python executable of my python project
-Changed its directory to a new folder (as instructed)
-Created a New Python File with this code in it:
print("Content-Tytpe: text/html\n");
number1 = 1
while number < 10:
print("Hello Python World! <br>");
number = number+1
-and finally clicked on "Browse .80"
I clicked on "" (the python file) and this showed up:
I researched a couple of fixes in this site and among others and this is what I have tried:
-Checked the permissions in the folder and made added a new permission for Everyone with Full Control Access
-Checked Authentication and Anonymous Authentication and set it to Application Pool Identity, both on the Desktop and the Default Website
-I even went to go as far as resetting my PC to check if some other third party application is affecting it
I am really at the end of my rope here so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Try to refer to the steps below.
In IIS, select your site -> Double click on Authentication -> Select Anonymous authentication-> Right-click on it and select Edit option.
Select a Specific user option. Set IUSR, click OK.
Go to the site folder-> open its properties-> go to Security tab-> Make sure IIS_USRS has Read & execute, List folder contents, Read permissions.
After that try to visit the page again.
If the issue persists, try to check whether you are able to visit any HTML file in that folder or not.


Rename an Azure Function

How to rename an Azure Function?
I want to replace a default 'HttpTriggerCSharp1' name to my own. At the moment unfortunately this name is included in the function url and there is no option to change it:
The UI does not directly support renaming a Function, but you can work around this using the following manual steps:
Stop your Function App. To do this, go under Function app settings / Go To App Service Settings, and click on the Stop button.
Go to Kudu Console: Function app settings / Go to Kudu (article about that)
In Kudu Console, go to D:\home\site\wwwroot and rename the Function folder to the new name
Now go to D:\home\data\Functions\secrets and rename [oldname].json to [newname].json
Then go to D:\home\data\Functions\sampledata and rename [oldname].dat to [newname].dat
Start your function app, in the same place where you stopped it above
In the Functions UI, click the refresh button in the top left corner, and your renamed function should appear
Note: doing this can lose some historical logging.
Github Issue for renaming Azure Function
Edit for new info
To anyone like myself that arrived here looking to rename their function, despite this being the previously correct answer, there is now a much smoother CMD based process as detailed in this answer by SLdragon and an even smoother GUI based process detailed in this answer by Amerdeep below.
Now (2017.10) we can use console to rename the Azure Function name
Open the Console from your Function APP -> Platform features:
Rename the Function folder using command line:
Restart the Function:
Create a new function and you will have an option to name it, then delete the default one(HttpTriggerCSharp1).
I know it's not renaming, but the easiest option around.
Go to Function Apps
Click on platform features
Click on app service editor
Right click on your default function name-select
Below worked for me.
I wanted to rename my azure function from "HttpTriggerCSharp1" to "my-new-func1"
Go to
Function Apps >
My-Function-App >
Platform Features TAB >
Console >
Run below commands:
cd D:\home\site\wwwroot
move HttpTriggerCSharp1 my-new-func1
Now restart the application:
Function Apps >
My-Function-App >
Overview TAB >
NOTE: The function 'code' query param changes by doing this.

How do I modify the Site Collection in SharePoint 2013?

When I try to open a form published from InfoPath I now get this error:
"The following location is not accessible, because it is in a different site collection:
Correlation ID:12c0ab9c-caff-80a8-f1b4-64d81dcfa6ea
Following are some options that you can try:
1) Save the form template (.xsn) as the source files in the publish options. Look at the manifest file in notepad and see if you can find a reference to the incorrect location. If so, correct it and Republish the form.
2) Clear the InfoPath cache on that machine. Start->Run "infopath /cache clearall"
3) See if the site collection has a managed path, if so, give the proper url while publishing. The XSN might be getting deployed on the root site and throws error since the intended list does'nt exist.
I found this worked for me. Got the answer from another post.
"I had a similar problem and found it was due to the request management service routing from my web application host header to the server name.
There was a routing rule in my request management settings. I just disabled routing and the problem went away. I used the following powershell to disable it. "
$w = Get-SPWebApplication "http://webapphostname"
$r = $w | Get-SPRequestManagementSettings
$r.RoutingEnabled = $false
You may want to configure it rather than disable it. Here’s a good resource to get you started:

How to add a new LDAP'ed user to subversion

Our SVN administrator is on holidays, and I need to add a new user to subversion.
We're using Collabnet Subversion on a RedHat box.
I've found the CollabNet_Subversion/conf/ directory with all the configuration files, including an auth file that I can see contains all our users and the groups that they belong to.
All our users need to log in with their LDAP credentials, so I don't need to change any of that.
It looks something like this:
it-leads = jsmith, hsimpson, pgriffin
it-all = ajolie, rwitherspoon, #it-leads
* =
#it-all = rw
So I added the new user and restarted subversion. But that doesn't seem to have done the trick. Am I missing something else ? Thanks
a. You have mention that there is "company_auth_production" file. Please check if there is some other authorization file, probably "authz". Can you please provide more information on this.
As per the structure in your file
#it-all = rw
should have given the read write access to all the users of "it-all" till the path "prod".
b. If this is not working then please try using "VisualSVN Server". It has a very nice gui to add users and give them priviledges also.
Hope this helps.
In your apache Configuration is usually a require directive (eg "require group" or "require user"). Often there is a specific group which user has to belong to access svn (eg svnusers, etc...)

SignataureTool doesn't open in Blackberry

I have build an application in BB.It works fine on the simulator.Now i have to run it on device,so i bought keys from RIM,and installed them successfully.I can see three file (2 .csk file and one .db file) being created in the vmTool folder of eclipse.I copy those file in the respective bin folder of the particular OS.When i try to open the SignatureTool via command line,the SignatureTool opens and closes within a blink of an eye.Even i can't do code signing from eclipse,it shows at the bottom right "Packaging Project 99%" and after few seconds my eclipse freezes.So if anyone has encountered the same problem,kindly help.
maybe the signing server was not responding in time? check and retry signing.

Cannot use SPWeb, database login failed

We have an archive site that is an exact copy of the "live" site, but uses a different service account. I have built an EditControlBlock extension that redirects a user to a page in the _layouts folder. The page has some text on it and an Ok button.
Edit: The SPWeb i am trying to use is in a different WebApplication. I am trying to move file x to the archive site.
When the Ok buttons is clicked, it should execute the following code:
using (var archive = new SPSite(archiveurl, SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser.UserToken))
using (var newsArchive = archive.RootWeb.Webs[SPContext.Current.Web.Name])
//move file
The weird thing is, it breaks on line 2: using (var newsArchive = archive.RootWeb.Webs[SPContext.Current.Web.Name]) Which is weird, because the first line DOES work.
The error I get is:
login failed for user x on database y
Anyone have an idea here? Is code on a page derived from LayoutsPageBase always run as the web app apppool account or something?
I have set the Database ights for the moment on the target database. I had to make the apppool user of the source web app a member of the db_owner group in the target database. Not to sure if this is the way to go. Anyone with a better idea please tell me.
