Push Notifications for multiple users in multiple events - node.js

I am building an app in which users can register themselves in events.
I'd like to send push notifications to the users registered in a particular event when, for example, the organizer makes a modification to the event.
Stack :
Server : NodeJS, Graphql (Apollo), Firebase for authentication.
Client : React-Native, Graphql (Apollo), Firebase for authentication.
For now I send in-app alerts using subscriptions, but I'd like to use push notifications so the users have the notification event if the app isn't launched.
I have read the docs of Firebase Cloud Messaging, and it uses topics to send notifications to users.
I could create a topic for each particular event, and have each user subscribe to each "event-topic" that corresponds to each event they are in, but this sounds like a misuse of FCM topics. To my understanding topics are made for a more general behavior, in the docs they only use topics like "weather", "highscores" ...
I'm not sure which approach I should use. Is the "one topic per event" wrong ? What are your thoughts about it ?

Topics actually sound like a great mapping for your use-case, as you could subscribe the users to the FCM topic (similar to how you already subscribe to to database ) to receive updates about the event.
The only thing to be aware of is that topics are public: any user can subscribe to any topic they know off. So in your case if you use the event ID as the topic, then anyone can subscribe to any event they know (or can guess) the ID of.
If that is a concern, you should not use topics and instead manage your own tokens and fan out from event ID to the FCM tokens of the folks who receive updates.


FCM, send multiple devices without tokens?

I want to send FCM to everyone who installed the app. Is it essential to get everyone's tokens from the database every time?
My app is using firebase firestore overall. If there are 100,000 users,
do I have to read 100,000 from database to send fcm each time? (I think it`s little heavy stuff isn`t it?)
another workroad exists?
I wonder Is the only way to send it by putting it in the registration ID?
And can you send it on time? All apps on the market send push messages on time, but if you read 100,000 and send fcm separately, shouldn't it arrive like this at 9:01 or 9:02? But why do I always get messages at 9 o'clock?
What are the methods, logic, algorithms they use (the way companies usually use)
I still have no clue at all.
There is no "send to all users" operation in FCM. You either will have to send to each token (that's not a heave operation for FCM, which handles billions of such calls every second), or you have to subscribe all instances to a specific topic and then send to that topics (which ends up the same behind the scenes, just with Firebase loading the tokens for the topic for you).
This has been covered a few times before, so I recommend checking:
How do you send a Firebase Notification to all devices via CURL?
How to send notifications to all devices using Firebase Cloud Messaging
Firebase Cloud Messaging - Send message to all users
The notifications panel in the Firebase console has an option to deliver messages at a specific time, but no such option exists in the Firebase Cloud Messaging API. You'll have to either implement your own mechanism to schedule the delivery, or you can deliver a data message right away and then only display the notification on the device when it's time.
This also has been covered a few times before, so check:
Firebase Messaging FCM Distribution over configurable time interval
How can scheduled Firebase Cloud Messaging notifications be made outside of the Firebase Console?
Flutter Firebase Messaging: How to send push notifications to users at specified time

Send notification to one user with firebase cloud function node

I am trying to send a notification to a specific user using FCM, but I haven't found a way. I have a mobile app and a node server running.
I want to be able to send a notification when the shipment status changes. I have already a function for it in my server I just have to send the notification to the user. Is it possible to achieve this using nodejs or is there a way to implement it in flutter?
I found this code
    var FCM = require('fcm-node')
var serverKey = require('path/to/privatekey.json') //put the generated private key path here            
var fcm = new FCM(serverKey)     
var message = { //this may vary according to the message type (single recipient, multicast, topic, et cetera)        
to: 'registration_token',         
collapse_key: 'your_collapse_key',                
notification: {            
title: 'Title of your push notification',             
body: 'Body of your push notification'         
data: {  //you can send only notification or only data(or include both)            
my_key: 'my value',            
my_another_key: 'my another value'        
fcm.send(message, function(err, response){        
if (err) {            
console.log("Something has gone wrong!")        
} else {            
console.log("Successfully sent with response: ", response)        
this is a npm package taht lets send a notification but it asks for a registration token.
I hope you can help me. Thanks in advance!
Firebase Cloud Messaging has no concept of a user. Instead it can send messages to:
Specific app instances (so your specific app as installed on one specific device), as identified by an FCM/device token.
A group of app instances/tokens, as defined by your application logic.
A specific topic, to which app instances can then subscribe.
It's up to your application logic to decide how to map from your user ID to one of these options. The most common are to:
Store the device token(s) and your user ID in your own database, then look up the device token(s) for a user when needed and fill them in to the API call you already have.
Use a specific topic for each user ID, subscribe the application to that when it starts, and then send a message to that topic when needed. Note that anyone can subscribe to any topic though, so this approach would allow folks to receive message for anyone whose user ID they know.

Using the Bot Framework to post to a Microsoft Teams channel with NodeJS

Is there a way to send proactive cards from a bot to a Teams channel? The use case is a channel for service tickets. Once they get posted, a user will be able to interact with them with a few actions.
I’m looking at the documentation here for sending proactive messages. At the bottom, there’s a section for ”Creating channel conversations”, with a small reference to the startReplyChain(). However, the actual code and sample on GitHub still seem to reference a conversation with a member rather than sending something proactive to a channel.
There does appear to be documentation for incoming and outgoing webhooks, which is what I may end up doing. My only real concern is that it requires using Actionable Cards, which it references as legacy everywhere. This is despite saying that you can’t send Adaptive Cards with them. Perhaps they intend to enable these connectors to send Adaptive Cards, it’s not just very clear to me if this is a long-term solution I should be focusing on.
This is definitely possible, and it's important to note that you can even send from another process/application (e.g. on a schedule from an AWS Lamba). You can see a sample here for this.
The process of sending the message is just part of the story though - you need to have certain information already saved (e.g. in your database) to know how to contact the right user, group chat, or channel conversation, but there are a few ways to get that information. The most common is, when you bot is added to the conversation, to get it from the conversationUpdate event. You'll need conversation id, service url, tenant id, and your bot's App Id (what you get in the Azure portal for your bot, and which you're using already in your app's configuration, teams manifest, etc.). You can read more about the topic here and here.
Another option, if you don't have access to conversationUpdate (e.g. the user hasn't installed your app) is to call the Graph API to install your app. It's only possible to do this to a channel (on the v1 or beta api) (see here) or to a user (see here), but on the beta api only, and not (yet?) for a group chat.

Slack API client for push notification

I'm building a Slack (instant messaging) chat client, I'm looking for a way to trigger a notification to receipent when a new message is sent to him, push notification of course.
What's the endpoint or stream API to be able to trigger a push notification to devices?
I think it should be some backend microservice listening for incoming messages in a channel with a list for users to notify.
If you want to get instant notifications about new messages posted to a channel you can either use the Real Time Messaging API (RTM API) or the Events API.
The main difference:
RTM API uses Websockets and you will receive a constant stream of events about everything that happens on the connected workspace.
Events API uses standard HTTP requests and Slack will only send events to your endpoint that you subscribed too.
There are many factors to consider when choosing the right API for a project. Please also see the official FAQ from Slack on the topic for more details.

How to create an azure chat bot which can send chat messages without any user input

I have tried developing azure bots before. Currently I am trying to find out whether there is any way we could set up a bot that can constantly monitor something and send messages to particular users without user initiating a chat.
For instance, a bot monitors a system and find something wrong and sends a chat message to the user ( Bot initiates the chat in this case ). I did some research but couldn't find any way to achieve this yet.
Thanks in advance,
This concept is called Proactive Messaging in the Bot Framework. There are some example in C# here: https://github.com/Microsoft/BotBuilder-Samples/tree/master/CSharp/core-proactiveMessages and node.js here: https://github.com/Microsoft/BotBuilder-Samples/tree/master/Node/core-proactiveMessages
Something to note is that different channels have different restrictions on when a proactive message can be sent to a user. For instance, on Facebook you have a 24 hour window from the time the user messaged the bot. After 24 hours, if the user has not messaged the bot, then proactive messages will not be allowed through.
More information can be found in this doc: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/bot-framework/dotnet/bot-builder-dotnet-proactive-messages
You can also create a Functions Bot in Azure using the Proactive template and it will create a bot that has BasicProactiveEchoDialog.csx that demonstrates how to en-queue a CloudQueueMessage into a CloudStorageAccount. The template will also create an Azure Function that is triggered by additions to the queue. When the function is triggered, it will send the queued message to the user on the channel.
