Error in adding subnet while creating WAFV2 application gateway in azure - azure

While adding subnet for creating a WAFV2 application gateway in azure, I tried to use the subnet used in WAFV1 gateway.
But it is showing an error "Subnet does not support application gateway tier".

In your virtual network, an application gateway is a dedicated deployment. The application gateway requires its own subnet within your virtual network.
In a subnet, you can have many instances of the same application gateway deployment.
Both v2 and v1 Application Gateway SKUs cannot be supported by the same subnet.
please refer this document.


Multisite application gateway with different VNET

I have 2 resource group with different vnet but same address type, Can i create a common application gateway on either of the resource group with out VNET peering?
(I am using private endpoints for app services, I need to create single application gateway for both the resource groups with out vnet peering)
I tried to reproduce with my environment but I found some issues. They are as below: -
a) In application gateway we can surely connect with resources, i.e., App services, VMs, VMSS in different resource groups and different VNets but they should all have a public IP address or a publicly accessible FQDN (endpoint).
b) Also, in an application gateway, we can add resources with private endpoints in the backend pool but they should be in the same resource group as the application gateway.
Please find the below snapshots for more clarification: -
Application gateway --> Frontends
In the front end pool, application gateway supports only one public or one private IP address
Backend pool
In the backend pool, the target IP address allows only private ip address in current resource group or public endpoints for app service in the any other resource group.
Reference: -
Application Gateway integration
Frequently asked questions about Azure Application Gateway

Can't add existing Virtual Network to Virtual network gateway in Azure

While creating the Virtual network gateway and selecting the vnet, it says the VNet is "in use".
VNET address space is
Any idea why I'm getting this error?
I created a new subnet and it has no devices connected to it.
The connected devices are not on GatewaySubnet.
I reproduce your scenario and it is working fine for me.
Below Point Should be notice before creating VNET Gateway
Gateway subnet address range: This field only appears if your VNet doesn't have a gateway subnet. It's best to specify /27 or larger (/26,/25 etc.).
Please check the same for Gateway Subnet address range from this MS doc: Tutorial - Create and manage a VPN gateway: Azure portal - Azure VPN Gateway | Microsoft Docs

Azure Application Gateway not showing VM from other VNet in backend pool

When setting up the Backend pools of an Azure Application Gateway, I want to set a specific VM in the pool.
This VM is in another VNet, and I've set up peering between the App Gateway's VNet and the VM's VNet.
Still, when I choose Virtual Machine as the target type of the Backend pool, the list is empty and I don't see any VM.
What's the problem? Am I missing something?
It seems that you only could see VMs in the same VNet as the application gateway located when you select the virtual machine as the target type of the backend pool.
If you have VNet peering, you can just add the internal IP of the VM to target the backend pool.
A backend pool routes request to backend servers, which serve the request. Backend pools can contain:
Virtual machine scale sets
Public IP addresses
Internal IP addresses
Multitenant backends (such as App Service)
If you use internal IPs as backend pool members, you must use virtual
network peering or a VPN gateway. Virtual network peering is supported
and beneficial for load-balancing traffic in other virtual networks.

How to add user route to Azure App Services

I have an Azure VM with inside custom vpn to route.
I am able to reach that VM from another azure VM adding an "user route" to a "route table" in that VM. It works perfectly.
Now I have an Azure App Services web application.
I need to add the route above too.
But I am stuck I am not able to do it.
Integrate your app with an Azure Virtual Network
The VNet Integration feature has two variations.
Regional VNet Integration - When connecting to Resource Manager VNets in the same region, you must have a dedicated subnet in the VNet you are integrating with.
Gateway required VNet Integration - When connecting to VNets in other regions or to a Classic VNet in the same region you need a Virtual Network gateway provisioned in the target VNet.
Gateway required VNet Integration only provides access to resources in the target VNet or in networks connected to the target VNet with peering or VPNs. Gateway required VNet Integration doesn't enable access to resources available across ExpressRoute connections or works with service endpoints.

Azure: Add existing Virtual Machines to new Application Gateway in same region

We already have created two virtual machines in the North Europe region.
Now, I want to add these two machines in Application Gateway, but as per Azure documents while creating an Application gateway one cannot use a virtual network with existing VMs in it.
Is there a way around to create an Application gateway in the same network as VMs?
You can create Application Gateway and the VM in the same VNET.
VNET can have multiple subnets. When you deploy Application Gateway, you need to specify a Subnet and you are not supposed to deploy VMs in the same subnet where Application Gateway resides.
So create a new subent and place your VM or if the VMs already exists, you create a new subnet for your Application Gateway.
