Multisite application gateway with different VNET - azure

I have 2 resource group with different vnet but same address type, Can i create a common application gateway on either of the resource group with out VNET peering?
(I am using private endpoints for app services, I need to create single application gateway for both the resource groups with out vnet peering)

I tried to reproduce with my environment but I found some issues. They are as below: -
a) In application gateway we can surely connect with resources, i.e., App services, VMs, VMSS in different resource groups and different VNets but they should all have a public IP address or a publicly accessible FQDN (endpoint).
b) Also, in an application gateway, we can add resources with private endpoints in the backend pool but they should be in the same resource group as the application gateway.
Please find the below snapshots for more clarification: -
Application gateway --> Frontends
In the front end pool, application gateway supports only one public or one private IP address
Backend pool
In the backend pool, the target IP address allows only private ip address in current resource group or public endpoints for app service in the any other resource group.
Reference: -
Application Gateway integration
Frequently asked questions about Azure Application Gateway


Error in adding subnet while creating WAFV2 application gateway in azure

While adding subnet for creating a WAFV2 application gateway in azure, I tried to use the subnet used in WAFV1 gateway.
But it is showing an error "Subnet does not support application gateway tier".
In your virtual network, an application gateway is a dedicated deployment. The application gateway requires its own subnet within your virtual network.
In a subnet, you can have many instances of the same application gateway deployment.
Both v2 and v1 Application Gateway SKUs cannot be supported by the same subnet.
please refer this document.

Azure virtual network not routing traffic between subnets for app services

We deploy to Azure app services and to ensure secure traffic between each service they are configured with out bound traffic on a virtual network subnet. Each app service must have it's own subnet, which is understandable, but to allow the app services to communicate we are having to add inbound ip restrictions for each subnet, on each app service.
As all the subnets for all the app services within an environment are on the same virtual network we were expecting the traffic to route between the subnets. In that way by connecting each app service to an out bound subnet and allowing traffic back in on that subnet it would also allow traffic from the other subnets of the virtual network.
I've read here Azure: Routing between subnets a response that state "Azure routes traffic between all subnets within a virtual network, by default. You can create your own routes to override Azure's default routing." but that does not appear to be happening for us.
Is there a setting we need to change or a route that must be added to allow us to have a single inbound rule from the virtual network that allows all traffic from all subnets of the virtual network.
We are splitting our process into micro app services but this is making security of inter-app traffic complex as each time we add an app service we must update all others with an additional inbound rule before it can communicate.
We also have a similar issue with managing access to the azure sql database where we have connected the sql to a subnet in the virtual network but traffic from the app services cannot access over that subnet.
Any advice please?

Connecting two App Services within the same VNet

I have two NodeJS App Services.
They can connect to each other with no problem using the URL which is created for App Services by default. (That is through the public internet.)
Then I successfully enabled VNet Integration for both App Services, and assigned the same VNet and also subnet two both of them.
How should I modify the connection URL now to connect to appservice2 from appservice1 (without using the URLs which are publicly available on the internet)?
I could not find any host name or IP address information in Azure Portal using which I could have successfully established the connection.
Thanks for any suggestions!
When you want two app services to connect to each other over a private network, there are generally two steps you have to take to set this up correctly. Note that the app service URL will always stay the same, it is only the networking part that changes.
Both app services should have vnet integration enabled, which allows the app service to route its traffic through the vnet.
If you want others (e.g. another app service) to connect to an app service via a vnet you can choose between:
a) Service endpoints
b) Private endpoints
Reading your question, I assume you completed the first step correctly. But you have to complete either step 2a or 2b to get this to work properly. I would recommend you choose service endpoints because they are more straightforward than working with private endpoints. Below you'll find a detailed description and considerations for every step.
1. Vnet Integration
The subnet you use as an integration subnet has to be a dedicated subnet. This means it is only used for vnet integration.
Only one app service plan can be used with this dedicated subnet, this one app service plan may include multiple app services.
If there is a network security group attached to that subnet, it needs to allow outbound traffic.
If there is an azure firewall attached to your vnet and you want to make a call to a public endpoint, it should allow outbound traffic.
Vnet route all should be enabled if you want all the outbound traffic to travel over the vnet.
If you want to read more, I would recommend reading this documentation.
Here is a simple example of how you would create vnet integration by selecting the dedicated subnet:
Service Endpoints
Service endpoints allow you to lock down inbound access to your app so that the source address must come from a set of subnets that you select.
Service endpoints are automatically provisioned by azure when you enable access restrictions to the app service.
This is a much simpler alternative to private endpoints.
Does not work in large-scale networks where you want to connect from an on-prem network to an azure vnet.
You may turn to this documentation to read about all the features and limitations of service endpoints.
Here is an example of how you would enable services endpoints for your app service by creating an access restriction:
Private Endpoints
Private endpoints also need a subnet, but you can connect as many private endpoints to the subnet as there are IP addresses available.
When you use private endpoints, you also need to have a private DNS zone. Otherwise, the app service URL does not resolve correctly to an IP address.
Private endpoints are more complex than service endpoints because of the extra subnet and DNS requirements.
Here is a nice tutorial that let's you set up an app service with private endpoint.
The following example shows you how to create a private endpoint for your app service. You have the option to let azure create a private DNS zone automatically, or you can do this manually:
If you want to access app services without public internet, then enabling VNET integration in those services alone won't be enough. You need to create a private endpoint that provides the IP from the virtual network to access the app service internally within the VNET and it also disables public access to the app service over the internet. Also please be aware that the private endpoint implementation will have some cost implications as well.
If your requirement is just to establish a secure connection between your virtual network & app service and to avoid access over the public internet, a service endpoint is the simplest solution. If you also need to access the app service from on-premises through an express route or Azure Gateway, a regionally peered virtual network, or a globally peered virtual network, Private Endpoint is the solution.
Steps to set up a service endpoint are detailed in the provisioning service endpoint link
Steps to set up a private endpoint are detailed in the connect to the web app using private endpoint link
Also if you want to deep dive into private endpoint configuration for app service, I would recommend you to read through the following tutorial

Azure Application Gateway not showing VM from other VNet in backend pool

When setting up the Backend pools of an Azure Application Gateway, I want to set a specific VM in the pool.
This VM is in another VNet, and I've set up peering between the App Gateway's VNet and the VM's VNet.
Still, when I choose Virtual Machine as the target type of the Backend pool, the list is empty and I don't see any VM.
What's the problem? Am I missing something?
It seems that you only could see VMs in the same VNet as the application gateway located when you select the virtual machine as the target type of the backend pool.
If you have VNet peering, you can just add the internal IP of the VM to target the backend pool.
A backend pool routes request to backend servers, which serve the request. Backend pools can contain:
Virtual machine scale sets
Public IP addresses
Internal IP addresses
Multitenant backends (such as App Service)
If you use internal IPs as backend pool members, you must use virtual
network peering or a VPN gateway. Virtual network peering is supported
and beneficial for load-balancing traffic in other virtual networks.

Azure Container Services (AKS) - Exposing containers to other VNET resources

I am using Azure Container Services (AKS - not ACS) to stand up some API's - some of which are for public consumption, some of which are not.
For the public access route everything is as you might expect, a load-balancer service bound to a public IP is created, DNS zone contains our A record forwarding to the public IP, traffic is routed through to an NGINX controller and then onwards to the correct internal service endpoints.
Currently the preview version assigns a new VNET to place the AKS resource group within, moving forwards I will place the AKS instance inside an already existing VNET which houses other components (App Services, on an App Service Environment).
My question is how to grant access to the private APIs to other components inside the same VNET, as well as components in other VNETS?
I believe AKS supports an ILB-type load balancer, which I think might be what is required for routing traffic from other VNETS? But what about where the components reside already inside the same VNET?
Thank you in advance!
If you need to access these services from other services outside the AKS cluster, you still need an ILB to load balance across your service on the different nodes in your cluster. You can either use the ILB created by using the annotation in your service. The alternative is using NodePort and then stringing up your own way to spread the traffic across all the nodes that host the endpoints.
I would use ILB instead of trying to make your own using NodePort service types. The only thing would be perhaps using some type of API Gateway VM inside your vnet where you can define the backend Pool, that may be a solution if you are hosting API's or something through a 3rd party API Gateway hosted on an Azure VM in the same VNet.
Eddie Villalba
MCSD: Azure Solutions Architect | CKA: Certified Kubernetes Administrator
