Connect to database oracle using token msal - node.js

I am developing a backend in node with express, passport-azure-ad and oracledb, using this library to connect to Oracle, in the front end I use angular with the msal library to authenticate and obtain a token, is there any way to connect to a Oracle XE/Enteprise database with this same token?
I need to maintain data traceability with registered users

You can't use that token to authenticate. However once you have connected, you can set one or more of the 'end-to-end' tracing attributes shown in the node-oracledb doc End-to-end Tracing, Mid-tier Authentication, and Auditing to maintain data traceability, for example:
const connection = await oracledb.getConnection(
user : "mygenericuser",
password : mypw,
connectString : "localhost/orclpdb1"
connection.clientId = "myactualname"; // This gets recorded in audit trails etc
The old article PHP Web Auditing, Authorization and Monitoring with Oracle Database may also be useful background.


Getting Error AADB2C99067 when trying to request access token from Azure B2C

I have an Azure AD B2C tenant setup with an Angular app on the front-end using Authorization Code Flow with PKCE and a back-end api. Everything is working fine. I now have a need to allow the user to access certain pages on the front-end anonymously. I would prefer to still protect the apis these pages will call using the same access token.
I have followed the article here to set up Client Credentials flow. I am able to get an access token successfully using Postman and use it to call my back-end apis fine. However, when I try to do the same from the Angular app, I get the following error:
{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"AADB2C99067: Public Client XXXXX-XXXXXX is not supported for Client Credentials Grant Flow\r\nCorrelation ID: 2b3346ef-1828-4900-b890-06cdb8e0bb52\r\nTimestamp: 2022-07-28 04:12:21Z\r\n"}
Below is the code snippet I am using in Angular to retrieve the access token.
const urlencoded = new URLSearchParams();
urlencoded.set('grant_type', 'client_credentials');
urlencoded.set('client_id', '<clientid>');
urlencoded.set('client_secret', '<clientsecret>');
urlencoded.set('scope', '<scope>');
const httpOptions = {
headers: new HttpHeaders({ 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }),
const url = 'https://<b2ctenant><b2ctenant><customPolicy>/oauth2/v2.0/token';
return, urlencoded, httpOptions);
Any ideas what could be missing?
Though azureadb2c supports client_credential flow.One may not use them with SPA apps.
This scenario is not supported by MSAL.js. Client credential flow/ grant type will not work in SPAs(Angular) because browsers cannot securely keep client secrets.
As they may end up in the browser, visible to everyone and to attackers that load them.
Note:As the application's own credentials itself are being used, they must be kept safe - never publish that credential in your source
If you are using it for web app , please make sure to select the platform as web or change the reply url type to be web.
"replyUrlsWithType": [
"url": "https......",
"type": "Web"
Please refer :
Configure authentication in a sample Angular SPA by using Azure
Active Directory B2C | Microsoft Docs
OAuth 2.0 client credentials flow on the Microsoft identity platform- Microsoft Entra | Microsoft Docs

How to refresh Azure AD B2C (Angular) SPA session data?

Scenario :
I am logged-in through an AD B2C account in my Angular application.
I have integrated msal-browser (^2.15.0) and msal-angular (^2.0.1), for authentication and to access session data.
I use Graph API (from my .NET server) to update my AD B2C User record from my Angular application.
Requirement :
Whenever I update the User record through Graph APIs (indirectly through my server) from my Angular application, I want my browser session to reflect those changes as well.
// user-data.service.ts
public updateUserRecord(userUpdateObj: CustomUserModel) {
this.http.put("", userUpdateObj ,this.HTTP_OPTIONS)
map((updatedResult: CustomUserModel) => {
console.log('Updated User Record -> ', updatedResult);
this.usersList = this.msalService.instance.getAllAccounts();
const userCustomAttributes = this.usersList[0].idTokenClaims;
console.log('Existing User Record -> ', userCustomAttributes);
} // FN
Question :
Is there a way to silently get the session data updated in the background through any msal service calls or should I redirect to login to receive the session data freshly?
The only way to achieve this is to call acquireTokenRedirect() or ssoSilent() MSAL method. These use cookie based logins which will then reprocess the user journey and fetch the latest data. ssoSilent() occurs in a hidden iframe. You may find, due to replication delays, that this still doesn't work reliably.
To avoid this issue, the end user can edit their user profile using an Edit Profile flow. This would be the recommended path.

Can an open id connect id token be used to authenticate to an api

I am building a mern application.
the backend built using express exposes an api which users can create data and access the data they have created.
I want to allow users to sign in with google and get authorization to create and access the resources on this api which i control (not on google apis).
I keep coming across oauth 2 / open id connect articles stating that an Id token is for use by a client and a access token provided by a resource server should be used to get access to an api.
the reason stated for this is that the aud property on the id token wont be correct if used on the api.
I realise that some sources say: that if the spa and api are served from same server and have same client id and therefore audience I can use and id token to authenticate to the api, but I am looking to understand what I can do when this is not the case?
I feel using oauth2 for authorization is overkill for my app and I cant find any information about how to use open id connect to authenticate to my api.
Surely when you sign in to Auth0 authourization server using google it is just requesting an open id connect id token from google?
I am wondering if using Authorization Code Grant flow to receive an id token on the api server would allow me to authenticate a user to my api?
in this case would the api server be the client as far as open id connect is concerned and therefore the aud value would be correct?
I can generate an url to visit the google oauth server using the node googleapis library like so:
const { google } = require("googleapis");
const oauth2Client = new google.auth.OAuth2(
"http://localhost:3000/oauthcallback",//this is where the react app is served from
const calendar = google.calendar({ version: "v3", auth: oauth2Client });
const scopes = ["openid"];
const url = oauth2Client.generateAuthUrl({
// 'online' (default) or 'offline' (gets refresh_token)
access_type: "offline",
// If you only need one scope you can pass it as a string
scope: scopes,
async function getUrl(req, res) {
and use the following flow.
You are not supposed to access any API's using the ID-Token. First of all the life-time of the ID-token is very short, typically like 5 minutes.
You should always use the access-token to access API's and you can using the refresh token get new access-tokens. The ID-token you can only get one time and you use that to create the local user and local cookie session.
If you are using a SPA application, you should also consider using the BFF pattern, to avoid using any tokens in the SPA-Application
see The BFF Pattern (Backend for Frontend): An Introduction
I agree with one of the commenters that you should follow the principle of separation of concern and keep the authorization server as a separate service. Otherwise it will be a pin to debug and troubleshoot when it does not work.

Hide OracleDatabase credentials in Node.js

I'm connecting to an external Oracle Database with the example function that can be found here
const oracledb = require('oracledb');
const connection = await oracledb.getConnection(
user : "hr",
password : mypw, // mypw contains the hr schema password
connectString : ""
So, as you can see, my credentials would be 'exposed' to everyone who can access the code (maybe github repository or something).
Is there any way of hiding my username and password or making them confidential, or I just shouldn't worry about it?
Note: I'm using the oracledb node module
You could use .env, and access to it with process.env.
check here:
Store your database secrets encrypted in Secrets Manager or Parameter Store and have your app read them at runtime. Be sure to update the IAM role that your app uses so that it has IAM permissions to retrieve the credentials.
Note: for certain databases, Secrets Manager supports auto-rotation of credentials.
Choices include:
prompt for the password at runtime
pass the password in an environment variable
use kerberos and then use 'external' authentication in node-oracledb. All this is configured and enabled in code layers below node-oracledb, see the Oracle Database Security Guide.
use an Oracle Wallet and then use 'external' authentication in node-oracledb.

Using Google API's for one's own account without OAuth

Specifically, I'd like to use the Gmail API to access my own mail only. Is there a way to do this without OAuth and just an API key and/or client id and secret?
Using an API key like:
require('googleapis').gmail('v1').users.messages.list({ auth: '<KEY>', userId: '<EMAIL>') });
yields the following error:
{ errors:
[ { domain: 'global',
reason: 'required',
message: 'Login Required',
locationType: 'header',
location: 'Authorization' } ],
code: 401,
message: 'Login Required' }
I suppose that message means they want a valid OAuth "Authorization" header. I would do that but I suppose that's not possible without presenting a webpage.
The strict answer to "Is there a way to do this without OAuth and just an API key and/or client id and secret?" is no.
However, you can achieve what you are looking for using OAuth. You simply need to store a Refresh Token, which you can then use any time to request an Auth Token to access your gmail.
In order to get the refresh token, you can either write a simple web app to do a one time auth, or follow the steps here How do I authorise an app (web or installed) without user intervention? (canonical ?) which allows you to do the whole auth flow using the Oauth Playground.
The question is rather old, but the problem is not. For now Google API has an option to create service accounts. I think it suits for everybody who wants "just connect application to its own google workspace" and not to do some actions on users behalf. Google documentation writes about it:
Typically, an application uses a service account when the application uses Google APIs to work with its own data rather than a user's data. For example, an application that uses Google Cloud Datastore for data persistence would use a service account to authenticate its calls to the Google Cloud Datastore API.
Here is the example in Java (there was no JS, but the meaning is clear):
GoogleCredential credential = GoogleCredential.fromStream(new FileInputStream("MyProject-1234.json"))
SQLAdmin sqladmin =
new SQLAdmin.Builder(httpTransport, JSON_FACTORY, credential).build();
SQLAdmin.Instances.List instances =
