How do I disable a specific Resharper inspection across an entire project? - resharper

Resharper alerts me about public functions that are never accessed. This is useful in most areas in my code, but I have a project that contains classes that function as a public API (actually Hot-Chocolate GraphAPI functions), so, naturally, there are no calls to them elsewhere in the code. I don't need Resharper to tell me about them.
I know it's possible to disable these kinds of warnings per file by including a comment. I'm wondering if there is a way to disable this warning across an entire project.
N.B. I don't want to disable Resharper itself in this project (as described in this answer). Resharper is still providing value to me and it's just this specific warning that I want to disable.

ReSharper's help lists various ways to disable a specific inspection. You can disable a specific inspection in a scope either using an .editorconfig file, or with a ReSharper settings file.

Following the link provided (thanks #IgorAkhmetov) I created an .editorSettings file in the scope I wanted (the root of the single project) with the following contents:
resharper_unused_member_global_highlighting = none
resharper_class_never_instantiated_global_highlighting = none
Outcome: Resharper stopped telling me about unused public members, or uninstantiated public classes, in that project only. It carries on telling me about those problems in the rest of my codebase.

Option "Solution-wide inspections" can be turned off in project's properties:


MFC ID_ vs IDM_ prefixes and their range

I have been working on cleaning an old project's resource.h.
In the project I am working on, I have some IDs which are in the form:
IDM_XXXX 32771
but are referred in code in ON_COMMAND and ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI statements.
So am I right in thinking that they are following the command architecture and ideally should be named as ID_XXX instead of IDM_XXXX?
I have read through TN022: Standard Commands Implementation and see that Microsoft says:
We recommend you use the standard "IDM_" prefix for menu items which
do not follow the command architecture and need menu-specific code to
enable and disable them.
I am not sure what is meant by menu-specific code here.
How are IDM_XXXX resources normally handled? Also what is the valid range range for IDM_XXXX? I have gone through TN020: ID Naming and Numbering Conventions but am confused.
ID_ and IDM_ are interchangeable because commands are accessible via command bars, menus or maybe ribbons. I never use IDM_, I only use ID_
Reserved by the MFC is 0xE000->0xEFFF and 0x7000->0x7FFF.
TN020 says that menu/command IDs must be in the range of 0x8000 and greater, but I found no reason why to do this. In the tooltip handling and command routing of the dialogs of the 16bit MFC version and AFAIK an old MFC4.x version, there was a specific code that looks for commands being greater than 0x8000.
By accident I had cases were an ID <0x8000 was created, but it worked.
I would resist not following the recommendations in the technical note. Microsoft does have undocumented messages that may interfere with your code if you violate their recommendations. And, debugging such an issue would be difficult. Additionally, following the recommendation allows you the extra benefit of...
following the MFC command architecture not only makes command handlers
more powerful (since they will work with toolbars) but makes the
command handler code reusable
This means MFC will use the same code to handle any menu and toolbar interactions that are linked together.

Adding new section in control panel of Liferay

I want to add a new section in control panel of liferay and within that section I want to have my custom-portlet. I did it using ext. However I want to do it with hook . Is it possible ?
I don't think it would be that easy with a hook, because of the following reasons:
You can't modify in a Hook - the class com.liferay.portal.util.PortletCategoryKeys which contains the keys for displaying the different sections. The different sections are hard-coded in this class in a String array ALL.
You can't modify the logic of PortalImpl#isControlPanelPortlet() which uses the PortletCategoryKeys#ALL to determine if the request in question is for a control panel portlet.
Then you also have another method which you can't modify with a Hook and is used extensively PortalImpl#getControlPanelCategory()
Doing it with a hook:
I have not tried this but I think if you need to do it with a hook you would have to change all those JSPs which make use of PortletCategoryKeys#ALL and the methods of PortalImpl as stated above, and provide your custom implementation for all these methods in the JSP.
I would really like to know how you implemented it with an EXT may be just the steps or the methods you have overridden. So that I can try to convert those in terms of a hook.
This is as far as my understanding goes. Hope this helps.
With the advent of Marketplace, ControlPanel has a new category named "Marketplace" and that section is introduced in a plugin. However, I never checked if 6.1 GA2 introduced a new section that this plugin just fills. Check the marketplace plugin if you can find a trace of this section implemented there.
On the other hand, nobody has yet named any section that definitely required a new section (though some have asked me how to solve the same problem). For this reason, you might want to re-think the requirement and choose one of the existing sections. If you don't, at least I'd be interested in the name and purpose of the new section - I might find a first one actually justifying this kind of implementation...

CodeContracts and resharper vs2012 not working

I have Resharper and it's a fantastic tool
Starting a projects and I need to use CodeContracts. However Resharper ignores them.
After checking a few blogs I came across this one:
However I get an error
Error 2
The command ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Contracts\Bin\ccrewrite"
"#MyProject.Coreccrewrite.rsp"" exited with code 1.
Has anybody managed to have codecontracts and resharper to work together?
What I am doing is
Trying to use codeContract and resharper gives a Method invocation is skipped etc..
Googled and found lots of people with same problem and no solution.
As you can see I attached a link that should have done the trick but didnt
Create a new project in vs2012 and try to use code contract and resharper will not let you.
It will be disabled and if you enable it you get another error
Comment from Resharper team on
ReSharper will not support "Code Contracts" as is in the mid-term
future. There are 2 main reasons for this:
CodeContracts are written in the code block, and, moreover, in the separate assembly. ReSharper requires contracts to be at the
metadata level
Current contract are too complex and are not supposed to be analyzed in real-time.
During ReSharper development, we analyze CodeContracts and building
corresponding ReSharper code annotation marks. We are going to extent
our annotations, and always keep them in-sync with contracts.
I am stuffed!!!

How do I make Resharper stop flagging my test function as not used?

I'm using xUnit for unit testing and in one of my test classes I have 65 tests. Resharper is flagging one of them as not used and is keeping the file flagged yellow/orange until I delete it. I don't want to delete it. I want to keep that test method.
I assume that you have xunitcontrib for ReSharper installed, since other test methods are not marked as unused. I also assume that your method is public and has the same test attributes as other test methods (e.g., Fact or Theory). If that is not the case, you might check that you have external annotations for attributes of this method (they are provided with xunitcontrib for ReSharper).
One of possible reasons for incorrect issue reporting by ReSharper is that some of its caches have not been updated. If you can reproduce the problem (given that almost a month passed since you asked your question, it seems to be unlikely), try clearing caches via menu RESHARPER -> Options -> General -> Clear Caches and then restart Visual Studio.
It could also be that the ReSharper annotations are turned off.
You could verify this via RESHARPER > Options > Code Inspection - Code Annotations.

What can I do to make my sub-derived custom control appear in the Blend Assets library?

I am creating a series of window mockup templates based on the excellent Mockups library available on CodePlex.
I'm using their BaseMockup as the base for my control as well, and I followed the same outline of the steps listed here for sub-deriving from existing controls (Create a new empty class, add your default style to /Themes/generic.xaml, etc.)
The control is working great - the only thing is that it doesn't show up in the Assets library. I think this is because it's sub-derived, or because I need some attribute (the equivalent of the ToolboxItemAttribute for WinForms controls? ... which didn't work) to get it hooked up.
When I modify the code to derive directly from Control, it shows up - no custom attribute necessary. Of course that defeats the purpose of what I'm trying to do though...
The only thing I can find are several articles telling me to muck with registry keys, and none of them are clear or suggest a definitive way to do this with Blend 4. That last one advertises as a Blend 4 tips article, but admits at the end that it plagiarizes the content from the other two (for Blend 3).
Is that my only option - register my DLL? Is there a better way to do this?
A while ago I wrote a blogpost about this. I've included a .reg file and a .bat file for setting up the register and some directories. I think that's what you are looking for.
I believe you do need to muck with registry keys. Specifically,
32 bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NET Framework\v4.0.30319\AssemblyFoldersEx
64 bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\.NET Framework\v4.0.30319\AssemblyFoldersEx
Create a new key with the name of your control assembly. Then edit the Default string value under this key and set the value to the directory where the control assemblies are installed. See here for a full example (using the Silverlight paths).
Found it - there is an analogue attribute after all, it's ToolboxBrowsableAttribute.
You have to go through a little more rigmarole to get it set up, but it works great - no registry mucking necessary. It requires creating a designer metadata provider class, attributing your assembly so it's designer-discoverable, and then adding the attributes to your sub-derived controls inside your metadata provider.
Make sure you choose the appropriate version of the page for your version of Visual Studio, because the interface changes a good bit between 2008 and 2010.
This article on CodeProject has some good, real-world examples of setting this up. They're all in the 2008 style though, so bear that in mind if you're using 2010.
