Increment Date by One Day in Formula - Excel - excel

I want to have separate two columns that each row has a date, and another row containing total sale of the date.
I want my formula to increment the date by a day and automatically sum every transactions in that day.
I apologize if my explanation is awful.

Use Sumif To Sum Value See Bellow Mention Screenshot


Excel COUNTIF increment date for pasting

I have a transaction table with two columns- ID and Date. Each id is unique and never repeated.
I want to count the number of transactions for each day of the past few years, without typing the formula for each day. When I try to pull down the formula =COUNTIF(B2:B5000, "1/1/17") to cells below, it changes the cell range rather than the date.

How to make criteria in AVERAGEIFS update automatically?

I am trying to make my AVERAGEIFS criteria update automatically according to the day of the year (in this case only for 2014). My original AVERAGEIFS formula works perfect =AVERAGEIFS($B$2:$B$35041,$A$2:$A$35041,">=1/1/2014",$A$2:$A$35041,"<1/2/2014"), but I have to manually edit it for each day of the year.
I have tried modifying formulas I have seen in other posts here, but no luck so far. I want to average the values in column B (Amount) for each day in column A (Date). I have 96 time slots for each day of the year, hence the 96 entries in column A with the same date, e.g. 1/1/2014 and so on until 12/31/2014. How can I modify the formula so that it automatically adjusts the day when I drag it down?
Here is a screenshot of the data:
Screenshot of data
Any help is much appreciated!
EDIT: Updated formula below; I had misread the original question as to how your data was formatted. You can put this formula in B2 and copy down.
Your original comparison operator hardcoded a date as a string. We can simply concatenate the value of a cell into that comparison string instead.
Granted, this will do the same calculation for each of the 96 entries for each of the days in your sheet. You could add a second sheet for the averages with just the distinct days of the year listed in A and an average calculation in B.
If your entries in column A have fractional date information (i.e. with hours, minutes, and seconds), converting the dates to integers will drop any fractional component:

Calculate monthly average from daily data without PivotTable

My worksheet contains two columns: column A contains the date in the format dd/mm/yyyy and column B contains the daily data. From the daily data I have to generate the monthly average for each month without a PivotTable. Some of the days contain no data at all. I cannot use a PivotTable as I have to use the monthly average to identify outliers in the daily data at a later stage.
For this example it's important that I don't use a PivotTable and that I can generate the monthly average data for any month and year in my list. The solution can be an Excel formula or VBA.
Assuming you have the months in column D enter this formula in E2 and copy till last month
Some of the days contain no data at all.
In case this means that there are no row for some dates and you want to calculate average based on full month than you can use the below formula:
Continuing with example given by EEM
In case Daily Data contains some #N/A, one can add a additional criteria to skip non number data:
Given a single date you can calculate both the End of the Month and the First of the Month for that date. Assume any given date is in E4:
For the End of the Month
For the First of the Month
If you place a date, any date, of the month you want to review into cell E4 the two above code snipets will give you and last and first days of the month. EDATE allows you to add and subtract whole numbers to change the month. We take one month away from the current month, found within the date in cell E4, and then find the end of the month and add a one to it to become the first day of the next month. It will work with any date. The below example shows grade averages over a month referencing any given date within the month.
Pic of the above Excel example
=AVERAGEIFS(C2:C11, B2:B11,">=" & EOMONTH(EDATE(E4,-1),0)+1, B2:B11,"<=" &EOMONTH(E4,0), A2:A11, E2)

Month-to-date totals

I have an Excel workbook that has several different worksheets in it. The one worksheet that contains the main data has 100's of entries. This sheet also gets a new entry every day in the row column. The first column is the date column that is formatted as date and time.
I need a formula that checks the newest entry's date to see if its month matches the current month and then sums all entries for that month. I know that I am going to use a SUMIF but the hard part is the rest of the formula. I forgot to mention that I need the formula to divide by the number of current month entries used.
Assuming your dates are in A1:A26 and amounts to be summed are in in B1:B26 here is the formula to use.
This returns the amounts that are in a date that is greater than or equal to the first day of the current month, AND less than or equal to TODAY.
There are a couple ways you could do this and I would suggest using sumproduct formula.
I'm assuming your data has dates in column A starting in row 2, and a value in column B.
In column C you could have a total in each line which is the sum of all rows above the current one that the month matches.
Formula in C2 would be below which can be carried down
Otherwise if you have a single cell and just want to get the latest total this formula would do it. This assumes the latest entry will also be the newest date (highest value)
In sumproduct the first part of the formula --(A=B) returns true or false values which equate to 1s and 0s. The second part is just your value columns.
The second formula does the same thing but it compares the month of the newest date to all others in the column.
Since new entries are added daily I am assuming these are in date order ascending, so please try:
or adjust the AD range to suit (could use AD:AD).

Generate trend graph in excel

I encountered a practical problem that can be simplified as follows:
My excel sheet has a single column which is the date I had a beer can. It can repeat based on the number of beers cans I had a day. (eg. I had three beers on 5/9/2012) I need to generate the trend of my beer consumption per week. How can I do it in excel?
**Date of beer**
You could make a pivot table. Date as a row field, Count of Date (i.e., count of beers) as a data field. Group the row field Date by 7 days to get weekly totals.
You'd probably be better off with a two column spreadsheet. Column A = Date; Column B = Number of cans. Then you could easily just make a line graph from that.
If you already have a large amount of data in your format you can use excel's subtotal function to create the two column format for you.
First i would put a formula in to get a week number for each date, and then use a count if for each week of the year.
This formula will assign each day of the year the week number of the year it falls in. Put this in each cell next to your dates.
Once that is done create a column of numbers 1-52 (53 for leap year) and do
and copy that down for all 52 or 53 weeks
Then make a graph based on the final two columns
