Chrome extension (manifest 3): Keep popup open - google-chrome-extension

I'm develop Google Chrome extension, when i try to load a file to my extension, during the search for it in folder popup apparently lose focus and close. what I need is keeping the popup open during this process of select a file. how can I do that, working around the problem present in manifest 3.


Where can I see if my chrome extension is enabled without opening the browser?

I have an extension loaded into my Google Chrome and I’d like to be able to tell whether it is enabled or not without having to open Chrome and go to the extensions page. Is there a way to do that?
If that matters, the extension is located in the appdata/local/Google/chrome/default/extensions folder.

How to open a browser within VSCode just like another editor tab

For a VSCode extension i want open browser within VSCode not externally, wherein i can load some URL (
I tried looking into various options to achieve it in VScode extension, what i came across is with help of webview i.e 'vscode.previewHtml' we can pass html content which would be rendered with in VSCode editor tab, but what i have is url to load. Can pass it to iframe but i can't open it in iframe
Another option is to open it in browser but it opens external browser.
what i need is to open a browser within IDE (VSCode), experience should be similar to what we get for 'vscode.previewHtml'
or as we see in IDEs like eclipse where browser window is opened right inside IDE.
As we can see below
Please give inputs, suggestions
It's possible now without extension. Open command palette (CTRL+P) and search for "Simple Browser: Show".
This is how it looks:
In order to render your html you can use the WebView API:
Microsoft has an extension in development, Live Preview. I use it to view html codecov reports inside of VSCODE and it at least works for that.
You just search for it in extensions and add it to VSCODE

Opening a Chrome extension as a pop-up using a link

I have a chrome extension installed in my browser. When I click the extension's icon in the menu bar the extension opens as a floating pop-up, as expected.
What I am trying to do is to open the extension in Chrome via a link/shortcut/whatever from another program. As a first step I've tried opening the extension from the command line, ex:
chrome "chrome-extension://abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/index.html"
This works but the extension opens as a new tab and takes up a full broswer page instead of a just being a pop-up. Is there a way to open the extension as a pop-up on top of any open tabs?
Sadly, it's completely impossible.
There is an API in the works, but it would require at a minimum a user gesture, at a maximum explicit invocation of the extension.
So opening a link would not be enough, nor would a Native Message be.
you cant make the native extension popup to show programatically but you could use a content script that displays the popup (using the new for example) on the tab that you want.

How can I remain on same page window on Chrome browser extension when it closes?

I'm developing a Chrome browser extension that that has different menu links that go to different pages in the extension. I noticed each time the extension closes I have to navigate back to the last page I was on in the extension.
Is there a way to keep the last page I'm on current even if the extension window closes?

Closing tabs when a chrome extension is disabled/reloaded

I have a Chrome extension that opens a number of tabs, which it keeps open and uses to display data. I want those tabs to close when the extension is disabled or reloaded. My initial thought was that background.html would be unloaded when I restarted the plugin, but I can't seem to get anything that involves this to work. Any suggestions?
Chrome automatically closes pages with chrome-extension://<your_extension_id>/local.html urls (pages from the extension directory) when an extension is disabled. So if you can display your data using those pages - they will get closed. If it is some external site you are displaying - maybe you can make a local stub page with iframe and load your external site there.
Otherwise I can't think about any other way (besides having another extension watching this one).
i dont' know so much about chrome extensions, but, I think you are openning new windows by something like var w =, so, you can close the window with w.close().
if not, ignore my answer :P
