Opening a Chrome extension as a pop-up using a link - google-chrome-extension

I have a chrome extension installed in my browser. When I click the extension's icon in the menu bar the extension opens as a floating pop-up, as expected.
What I am trying to do is to open the extension in Chrome via a link/shortcut/whatever from another program. As a first step I've tried opening the extension from the command line, ex:
chrome "chrome-extension://abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/index.html"
This works but the extension opens as a new tab and takes up a full broswer page instead of a just being a pop-up. Is there a way to open the extension as a pop-up on top of any open tabs?

Sadly, it's completely impossible.
There is an API in the works, but it would require at a minimum a user gesture, at a maximum explicit invocation of the extension.
So opening a link would not be enough, nor would a Native Message be.

you cant make the native extension popup to show programatically but you could use a content script that displays the popup (using the new for example) on the tab that you want.


Chrome extension (manifest 3): Keep popup open

I'm develop Google Chrome extension, when i try to load a file to my extension, during the search for it in folder popup apparently lose focus and close. what I need is keeping the popup open during this process of select a file. how can I do that, working around the problem present in manifest 3.

How to open a browser within VSCode just like another editor tab

For a VSCode extension i want open browser within VSCode not externally, wherein i can load some URL (
I tried looking into various options to achieve it in VScode extension, what i came across is with help of webview i.e 'vscode.previewHtml' we can pass html content which would be rendered with in VSCode editor tab, but what i have is url to load. Can pass it to iframe but i can't open it in iframe
Another option is to open it in browser but it opens external browser.
what i need is to open a browser within IDE (VSCode), experience should be similar to what we get for 'vscode.previewHtml'
or as we see in IDEs like eclipse where browser window is opened right inside IDE.
As we can see below
Please give inputs, suggestions
It's possible now without extension. Open command palette (CTRL+P) and search for "Simple Browser: Show".
This is how it looks:
In order to render your html you can use the WebView API:
Microsoft has an extension in development, Live Preview. I use it to view html codecov reports inside of VSCODE and it at least works for that.
You just search for it in extensions and add it to VSCODE

How can I reload my Chrome extension when it is not possible to do so from chrome://extensions because of my extension?

I'm testing out Chrome Extension development and was testing how to do a page redirect through Chrome Extension.
Well it works, but now because of that I can't access the extension settings page.
How do I manually reload/disable the extension? Or do that from the Mac terminal?
My Chrome is pretty much unusable now thanks to my own code.
Thank you!
Your question seems to be "How can I reload my Chrome extension when it is not possible to do so from chrome://extensions because of my extension?"
A possible answer is:
Press Shift + Esc to open the task manager (or click on the hamburger menu -> More tools -> Task manager).
Select your extension.
Click on the "End process" button.
Now you can visit chrome://extensions and reload your extension in the usual way.
The previous only works if there is an extension process, not if your extension is purely a content script extension. If you still want to use the above method, you can force an extension process to become visible by opening chrome-extension://[extension id here]/manifest.json in a new tab.

How can I remain on same page window on Chrome browser extension when it closes?

I'm developing a Chrome browser extension that that has different menu links that go to different pages in the extension. I noticed each time the extension closes I have to navigate back to the last page I was on in the extension.
Is there a way to keep the last page I'm on current even if the extension window closes?

How to get chrome to run extensions automatically?

I am trying to develop a chrome extensions. I've developed a few firefox extensions a few years ago. In firefox it was possible to automatically run your extension of the page, and alter the page's content (add HTML and style it). I'd like the extension to automatically change the html, without requiring the user to click a button up in the browser's window.
How to get chrome to run extensions automatically?
Thank you
You just have to declare a content script in your manifest.json, it will be automatically executed on all pages matching the corresponding URL pattern without any user interaction.
