Bat file to list files, using semicolon delimiter? - string

So far I have this:
dir *.txt /c /b /on > content.txt
Which gives output:
But I need it like this, separated with semicolon on each line:
I assume I probably need to write for loop and add string ";" somewhere, but I don't know where or how to do this. Or is there a way to just set a specific delimiter?
My usecase changed, I thought it would be better if there are files in subfolders listed as well, but "/" should be replaced with space " ".
Example output:
subfolder1 file1.txt;
subfolder2 file1.txt;
Note that I do not want the full parent path, only subfolders.

Quick single line batch-file answer:
#(For /F Tokens^=*^ Delims^=^ EOL^= %%G In ('Dir "*.txt" /A:-D /B /O:N 2^>NUL') Do #Echo %%G;) 1>"content.log"
…and in cmd:
(For /F Tokens^=*^ Delims^=^ EOL^= %G In ('Dir "*.txt" /A:-D /B /O:N 2^>NUL') Do #Echo %G;) 1>"content.log"
I have decided to output to a .log file, so that the listing doesn't include itself.
Please use the built-in help to learn how each command works.
When you read the help information, please be aware that a 'simple' for loop will not pick up all files, it will ignore all hidden files for instance. Also despite any first impressions you may have from testing, the order of files returned, depends upon both the file system and type. The dir command is the most efficient way of ensuring that sort order.
[EDIT /]
Here is a batch-file solution, (as that's what you posted as an answer), for your New and completely different question.
#(For /F Tokens^=*^ Delims^=^ EOL^= %%G In ('Dir "*.txt" /A:-D /B /O:N /S 2^>NUL') Do #(Set "FileName=%%~dpG" & SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion & Set "Filename=!FileName:~,-1!" & For %%H In ("!FileName:%__CD__%=!") Do #EndLocal & Echo %%~H %%~nxG;)) 1>"content.log"
In future, when you have existing answers to your asked question, do not change that question when not only the main command is different, but the intended result format too.

a Simple for loop will do:
#(for %%i in (*.txt) do #echo %%i;)>"content.txt"
That will however also echo the content of contents.txt to itself if it exists, so you can exclude it.
#(for %%i in (*.txt) do #if /i not "%%~i" == "content.txt" #echo %%i;)>"content.txt"
if the plan is to iterate through subdirs as well, run for /R

I found a partial solution to list subfolders, excluding parent path. It is not perfect (for loop is not accurate as mentioned in above comments, neither I am happy with pushd command), but works. I left "space" in place of \ because thats how I need it.
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
pushd "c:\users\documents\"
for /r %%a in (*.txt) do (
set x=%%a
set x=!x:%cd%=!;
echo !x:\= !
Code explanation:
First I remove the parent path with set x=!x:%cd%=!; (exclamation marks replace the %, see enabledelayedexpansion help) and then remove the slashes when echoing.


Windows Batch: find a string in file with "[" in the string

I have a function already working to remove all lines which doesn't contain a string in several files, it's working great to use with common strings:
#echo off
set "string_to_find=level.waypoints["
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /B *.gsc') do (
set "tempfile=%temp%\%%a"
if exist "%tempfile%" del "%tempfile%" >NUL
findstr /C:"%string_to_find%" "%~dp0\%%a" >> "%tempfile%"
if not errorlevel 1 (
del "%%a" >NUL
move /Y "%tempfile%" "%~dp0\%%a" >NUL
if exist "%tempfile%" del "%tempfile%" >NUL
echo File "%~dp0\%%a" processed successfully
) else (
echo Problem processing file "%~dp0\%%a"
If I search for just "level.waypoints" (without the "[") works fine but few lines that I don't want to keep are not deleted. I need to search for "level.waypoints[" to really delete all the lines that I need to, but because the char "[" make everything goes wrong, messing up with the temp files, giving in the end the error "file not found"...
I think should have some char that I need to put before "[" like "[" to make it work, but I can't find it... tryed already many without luck. :/
So how can I search for the string "level.waypoints[" and works?
On the link sent by #jmoon says:
Special Cases
A small number of commands follow slightly different rules, FINDSTR, REG and RUNAS all use \ as an escape character instead of ^
Tryed and works! so the end string is "level.waypoints\["

Batch search multiple strings simultaneously

I have this large database of equipment:
As well as an even larger database with details about equipment:
What i need, is to select only the details for equipment i need:
for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in (%cd%\equipment.db) do (
findstr /i /c:"%%a" details.db > Output\%%a
The output will be, of course, a folder with files:
In Equipment500 it will be Equipment500:details....
In Equipment501 it will be Equipment501:details....
In Equipment998 it will be Equipment998:details....
In Equipment999 it will be Equipment999:details....
The problem is that it takes a lot of time.
I need this multithreaded so that it runs more instances of findstr (preferably all 500) at the sametime to do processing instantly.
Any idea is appreciated. Thank you!
#echo off
echo building input files (this needs some time):
del *.db
for /l %%i in (500,1,999) do #echo Equipment%%i>>equipment.db
for /l %%i in (1,1,9999) do #echo Equipment%%i:Detailswhatever>>details.db
echo %time% start adapting
REM adapt equipment.db:
(for /f "delims=" %%i in (equipment.db) do echo %%i:)>equip.db
REM find all strings:
echo %time% start searching
findstr /g:equip.db details.db >output.txt
echo %time% done
NOTE: "Equipment.db" has to be adapted, because searching for "Equipment2" would also find "Equipment20", Equipment21"... "Equipment200" ...
Since you only provide vague information about your file structure, I'd suggest
#echo off
for /f "tokens=1*delims=:" %%a in (details.db) do >>%%a.dat echo %%b
which assumes each entry in details.db is of the form

search multiple strings in multiple files via command-line

I have a txt file that contains about 500 values, one per line. I need to check to see of any of those 500 values appear in any of 6 csv files each containing 100k lines. I can search for one value in those 6 csv files using
for /f "delims==" %%f in ('dir /s /b "P:\*.txt"') do FIND /N "[SEARCHSTRING]" "%~1%%f" >> "C:\found.txt"
but how do I do multiple searches automatically via command-line or batch file (CaSe SenSiTIve)?
SET "sourcedir=c:\sourcedir"
SET "destdir=C:\destdir"
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /s /b "%sourcedir%\*.csv"') do (
FINDSTR /N /g:"yourtextfilecontaining500linestomatch.txt" "%%~fa") > "%destdir%\%%~nafound.txt"
What you are asking is rather unclear. I used c:\sourcedir as the location of the .csv files and c:\destdir as the location for the reports. Replacing
FINDSTR /N /g:"yourtextfilecontaining500linestomatch.txt" "%%~fa") > "%destdir%\%%~nafound.txt with your original (with the double > would accumulate the lines into a single file - if that's what you want. As it stands, a new file will be created with name the same as your .csv+found.txt
An easy way is to use a batch script. You can loop through each of the files one by one. If you want to do them all at once you need to thread your program.
for /L %%A in (1,1,6) do (
Your code goes here
That batch script will loop six times. I am not really sure how you specify the file but if you loop through each file it will work.
So put your current batch script where I said "Your code goes here"
for /f "delims==" %%f in ('dir /s /b "P:\*.txt"') do FIND /N "[SEARCHSTRING]" "%~1%%f" >> "C:\found.txt"
But you need to edit it to point to the file that you want to search. If your files are 1.txt, 2.txt 3.txt then all you need to do is set your file name to the current loop iteration number.
I've been using variants of this shell function for years:
ematch () {
for f in $(find . -type f | grep -v '~' | grep -v \.svn\/) ; do
egrep "$1" "$f" /dev/null 2> /dev/null
-> ematch "(string1|string2|string3)"
Feel free to adapt to your needs and post your mods here.

can find string if a variable batch (existing code needs editing)

I have devised a way to remove a files name from its path and extension (replacing the files name with an asterisk).
However the out put file adds an extra space just before the closing quotation marks and i dont know why or how to fix this?
#echo off
SET PATH=%~dp1
Type C:\HELLO.txt | findstr /I /V /C:%FILETYPE% >>C:\TEMP.txt
DEL /S/Q "C:\HELLO.txt"
ren "C:\TEMP.txt" "HELLO.txt"
DEL /s/q "C:\TEMP.txt"
I changed this answer after gaining a better understanding of the question.
I think this code is close to what you want. You may need to play around with regexes for the FINDSTR command.
SET EXT=%~x1

Search by date using command line

Is there any way to search for files in a directory based on date? I want to find all files with created date greater than a specific date, is it possible to do it with dir command?
Just discovered the forfiles command.
forfiles /s /m *.log /d -7 /c "cmd /c echo #path"
Will list all the log files modified more than seven days old, in all subdirectories, though it does not appear to look at the create date. It does support specifying a specific date.
See forfiles /? for more info.
an easier way for me is something like
dir /s *.xlsx | find "07/14/2016"
dir by itself can not filter by date, but you can parse the output of dir using for command. If in your country dir prints the date in YMD format, then you only need to compare it with given date. If the order of date parts is different, then you have to use another for command to parse the date and change it to YMD. This will display a list of files modified after 5th Februrary.
#Echo Off
for /f "usebackq tokens=1,4 skip=5" %%A in (`dir /-c`) do (
if %%A GTR 2012-02-05 echo %%A %%B
if does standard string comparison, so at the end you can get additional line if summary line passes the comparison. To avoid it, you can use if %%A GTR 2012-02-05 if exist %%B echo %%A %%B
There is even better approach which avoids parsing of dir output and also allows searching by time, not only by date:
#Echo Off
for /r %%A in (*) do (
if "%%~tA" GTR "2012-02-05 00:00" echo %%~tA %%A
Well you cant as far as i know, but this sort of think will work, but still really useless unless you have a short date range ;)
for /R %a in (01 02 03 04 05) do dir | find "02/%a/2012"
This is easy to do with PowerShell. I know that your question was about cmd, but PS is included in windows 7 and later. It can also be installed on XP and Vista.
Use the Get-ChildItem command (aliased as dir) to get all files. Pipe the output to the Where-Object command (aliased as ?) to return files where the date is greater then (-gt) a specific date.
For Powershell 2.0 (default on Windows 7), you must use a scriptblock:
dir -file | ? {$_.LastWriteTimeUtc -gt ([datetime]"2013-05-01")}
For Powershell 3.0 (default on Windows 8) and up you can use this simpler syntax instead:
dir -file | ? LastWriteTimeUtc -gt ([datetime]"2013-05-01")
The dir -file command returns a collection of System.IO.FileInfo objects. This file object has many properties that you can use for complex filtering (file size, creation date, etc.). See MSDN for documentation.
