For some reason, ParameterType is giving me the below error:
Undefined parameter type {query}. Please register a ParameterType for {query}.
However, if you see the below code, I have created a method for this. Any input is really appreciated. I tried reading the cucumber docs but couldn't understand how to resolve this.
public class SearchFeatureStepDefs {
public String query(String inputQuery) {
return inputQuery;
#Given("the search page is open")
public void theSearchPageIsOpen() {}
#When("I search the query {query}")
public void iSearchTheQuery(String query) {}
#Then("the query result should be displayed")
public void theQueryResultShouldBeDisplayed() {}
Below is the Gherkin:
Feature: Google search
Background: Load google homepage
Scenario Outline: searching queries
Given the search page is open
When I search the query <query>
Then the query result should be displayed
| query |
| "How to train your dragon" |
I have the following class:
public class ProcessInstance
public int Id { get; set; }
public ProcessDefinition ProcessDefinition { get; set; }
public int ProcessDefinitionId { get; set; }
// and more...
Then running the following, which looks fine to me:
var q = db.From<ProcessInstance>().Where(inst => inst.ProcessDefinition.Id == id
&& Sql.In(inst.Status, enProcessStatus.READY, enProcessStatus.ACTIVE));
return db.Exists(q);
When I inspect the last command text SQL from the "db" object, it's wrong:
SELECT 'exists'
FROM "ProcessInstance"
WHERE (("Id" = #0) AND "Status" IN (#1,#2))
Note that it's filtering on Id instead of ProcessDefinition.Id, which of course is wrong. Don't know why it's doing that -- at least I'd appreciate getting an error instead of just a wrong result.
However, I've found how to fix it: Use ProcessDefinitionId: Where(inst => inst.ProcessDefinitionId == id gives the correct SLQ:
SELECT 'exists'
FROM "ProcessInstance"
WHERE (("ProcessDefinitionId" = #0) AND "Status" IN (#1,#2))
Why didn't the first one work? Why is there no error?
OrmLite is designed for providing a typed api around an SQL Expression so that it should be intuitive to determine the SQL generated from a typed Expression. It doesn’t support magic behavior such as querying any nested objects as attempted with the reference complex type property, I.e. you can only query direct column properties as done in your 2nd query.
I am having problem retrieving records from azure storage table when the record is inserted from the portal itself. The table structure is fairly simple:
public class BatchJobConfigEntity extends TableServiceEntity {
public BatchJobConfigEntity(String jobPrefix, String configName) {
this.partitionKey = jobPrefix;
this.rowKey = configName;
public BatchJobConfigEntity() {
public String configValue;
public void setConfigValue(String configValue) {
this.configValue = configValue;
public String getConfigValue() {
return this.configValue;
I am just trying to fetch the configValue stored in the table but I am having no luck, as you can see from the screen shot. However I have noticed that if I add the record using java application "TableOperation.insertOrMerge" then it works but I just do not understand why it should matter!
Ok found the solution just trying random stuff! I hope this will come handy for folks who are facing the same issue. So turns out the propertyName must follow camel case but with first character capitalized. So :
had to be changed to :
Only after inserting like that I was able to get the configValue from table entity object correctly.
I have REST API working, but I need a way to return all products within a certain category. Right now I'm using findSearchResultsByCategoryAndQuery by passing the category id and using a very generic query to get almost all the products in the category. What I really need is a method called findAllProductsForCategory which returns all products in the category.
I'm new to Broadleaf and REST API, can someone please guide me through how to extend CatalogEndpoint to get the functionality I need.
Althought broadleaf provides SQL injection protection (ExploitProtectionServiceImpl) I recommend you to use ProductDao.
Extend org.broadleafcommerce.core.web.api.endpoint.catalog.CatalogEndpoint or add in your implementation new method that utilize ProductDao
private ProductDao productDao;
#RequestMapping(value = "search/products-by-category/{categoryId}") //GET is by default
public List<Product> findSearchResultsByCategory(HttpServletRequest request, #PathVariable("categoryId") Long categoryId {
return productDao.readProductsByCategory(categoryId);
It's querying database with:
SELECT categoryProduct.product_id
WHERE categoryProduct.category_id = :categoryId
ORDER BY COALESCE (categoryProduct.display_order,999999)
Or if you want to create your own dao
public class MyProductDaoImpl extends ProductDaoImpl implements MyProductDao {
public static final String QUERY = "SELECT categoryProduct.product_id " +
"WHERE categoryProduct.category_id = :categoryId";
public List<Product> meFindingProductsByCategory(String categoryId) {
Query query = em.createQuery(QUERY);
query.setParameter("categoryId", categoryId);
return query.getResultList();
You can choose if you are producing JSON or XML. Be sure that you have coresponding Product model for binding results
What I'm trying to achieve here is to save the current user instance in my ApiConfigurationRecord table. I already dig around the internet, and most of the example is using UserPartRecord. But the troble I encounter is to get the UserPartRecord object itself.
This is my Entity class look like:
public class ApiConfigurationRecord
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
public virtual UserPartRecord RegisterBy { get; set; }
This is my Migration.cs code look like:
public int Create()
SchemaBuilder.CreateTable("ApiConfigurationRecord", table => table
.Column<int>("Id", column => column.PrimaryKey().Identity())
.Column<string>("Name", column => column.NotNull())
return 1;
This is my Action Controller codes:
public ActionResult Test()
var userId = this._orchardServices.WorkContext.CurrentUser.Id;
// below code got error: The non-generic method IContentManager.Query() cannot be used with type arguments
this._orchardServices.ContentManager.Query<UserPart, UserPartRecord>().Where(u => u.Id == userId);
return null;
For hours I stuck in this problem. Need to know how to save this User relationship object, and most importantly, get the object itself. Please guide me.
Or you could just do
Though you will probably want to check user is not null there too. And as Bertrand Le Roy says, you will also need
using Orchard.ContentManagement;
to make use of the .As extension method.
My super-powers tell me that you are missing the following on top of your controller file:
using Orchard.ContentManagement;
The generic version of the Query method is an extension method that is in this namespace.
I'm attempting to use the SimpleRepository to perform a fetch based on a non-ID property. Here's the Customer class I'm using:
public class Customer : IEntity<Guid>
public Guid ProviderUserKey { get; set; }
public Guid ID
get; set;
I'm using SimpleRepository with migrations turned on. The code that throws the "Lambda Parameter not in scope" is below:
public class CustomerRepository :
private readonly IRepository _impl;
public CustomerRepository(string connectionStringName)
_impl = new SimpleRepository(connectionStringName,
public Customer GetCustomer(string userName)
var user = Membership.GetUser(userName);
// Code to guard against a missing user would go here
// This line throws the exception
var customer = _impl.Single<Customer>(c => c.ProviderUserKey.Equals(user.ProviderUserKey));
// Code to create a new customer based on the
// ASP.NET Membership user would go here
return customer;
I'm not sure at what point in the LINQ expression compilation this throws, but I am running this example on an empty database. The schema generations gets far enough to create the table structure, but can't evaluate the expression.
Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong?
I've had reports of this - can you add this (and your code) as an issue please?