How to parametrize JMeter Loop Controller with Groovy function? - groovy

I am pretty new to Jmeter but can handle "simple" test plans. I really do need help with the issue I am facing. Currently I run into a problem regarding how to parametrize the Loop Controller loop count Groovy function.
I did found a lot of examples but they are all with static loop count like: ${__groovy(new File('test.csv').readLines().size(),)}.
I really would like to parametrize the part 'test.csv'. Therefor I replaced that with ${csvFile}, like:
${__groovy(new File(${csvFile}).readLines().size(),)}.
In the 'User Defined Variables' section of the 'Test Plan' I created the variable 'csvFile'.
Test plan image in here
When I execute the script I retrieve an error in the log like:
2022-01-25 11:35:14,870 WARN o.a.j.f.Groovy: Error running groovy script
javax.script.ScriptException: org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
Script16.groovy: 1: Unexpected input: '\' # line 1, column 12.
new File(D:\devenv\projecten\JM_InterestDeterminationService\inputmessages.csv).readLines().size()
1 error
Is the error pointing to the backslash? Is that because of the Windows OS?
Must I replace the '\' with a '/'? How and where can I do that?
I started fiddling around with .replaceAll("\\", "/") and .replaceAll("\\\\", "/"), but I don't know where to put it and what the correct syntax is.
Could any of you please help me?

That's one of the reasons why it's not recommended to inline JMeter Functions or Variables into Groovy scripts.
Just use vars shorthand for JMeterVariables class instance to read your csvFile variable value like:
${__groovy(new File(vars.get('csvFile')).readLines().size(),)}
and it should resolve your issue.
More information on this and other JMeter API shorthands: Top 8 JMeter Java Classes You Should Be Using with Groovy


How to stop the whole test execution but with PASS status in RobotFramework?

Is there any way I can stop the whole robot test execution with PASS status?
For some specific reasons, I need to stop the whole test but still get a GREEN report.
Currently I am using FATAL ERROR which will raise a assertion error and return FAIL to report.
I was trying to create a user keyword to do this, but I am not really familiar with the robot error handling process, could anyone help?
There's an attribute ROBOT_EXIT_ON_FAILURE in, and I am thinking about to create another attribute like ROBOT_EXIT_ON_SUCCESS, but have no idea how to.
Environment: robotframework==3.0.2 with Python 3.6.5
There is nothing built-in to support this. By design, a fatal error will cause all remaining tests and suites to have a FAIL status.
Just about your only choice is to write a keyword that sets a global variable, and then have every test include a setup that uses pass execution if to skip the test if the flag is set.
If I understood you correctly, you need to pass the test execution forcefully and return green status for that test, is that right? You have a built in keyword "Pass Execution" for that. Did you try using that?

Call function from different sampler in JMeter - Groovy

I have a sampler that get data from DB (budget), and I have some assertions that I made using JSR223 assertion.
In each assertion I write the same function (check_budget) and to each assertion I pass different values (start_budget, end_budget etc)
The problem is that I duplicate the code for each assertion and it is not friendly for maintenance.(if logic change need to change at 7 duplicate functions)
It there a way to create a sampler and write generic function in it (calc_budget) and to call it from each assertion,
like creating a class in java and perform import?
In Groovy you have evaluate() function, so given you stored it into a JMeter Variable or JMeter Property or into a file you can call it like:
evaluate(new File('your_test.groovy'))
See Scripting JMeter Assertions in Groovy - A Tutorial article for more information.
In that case, and in general also, you can keep groovy script in a script file and call the same script file from all JSR223 elements
Script File
Name of a file to be used as a JSR223 script, if a relative file path is used, then it will be relative to directory referenced by "user.dir" System property

Jmeter passes steps and not print to consul

I am facing an issue that I could not understand how to resolve.
I created a test plan that need to connect DB and count the results.
The problem is that Jmeter not perform any validation afterwards, I created a JSSR223 in the JDBC request and just want to print the results and Jmeter not print.
I created another sampler to print the DB results and still Jmeter not printing.
Jmeter just passes this steps,
In the results tree I saw that it connects to DB and failed in the assertion, but why it passes the other steps? and just moving to debug sampler?
I can not print the results, I can not perform any debug since it is just black box.
can someone please advise?
you can see in yellow all the steps that Jmeter not performed and just not exists in the results tree.
enter image description here
Get used to check jmeter.log file, it normally contains information regarding what went wrong, you should be able to figure out the root cause by looking into the log file. If you are not - update your question with jmeter.log file contents (at least essential parts)
My expectation is that your ${Conv_sense} variable is not defined (or cannot be cast to Integer). Double check whether it is defined or not using Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination.
Also don't refer JMeter Variables like ${Conv_sense} in Groovy scripts body, use vars.get('Conv_sense}') instead, otherwise it might conflict with Groovy GStringTemplate resulting in undefined behavior.

BSF Assertion from script file does not load UDVs

I am trying to use groovy scripts as BSF assertion in JMeter. The script written inside the JMETER assertion script box works well, but when I try to use it through a groovy file it is not loading the User Defined Variables it needs for assertions
It says
org.apache.bsf.BSFException: exception from Groovy: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: mobileNumber class: D__RESTAPITesting_JmeterBSFAssertionScripts_Script1
Not sure why it is looking for property when ${..} refers to a variable (if I am not wrong). Any help on the error message and how to use a script file for assertions ?
The scripts I have written are saved as *.groovy. Do I need to save scripts in some other extensions for BSF to read it correctly ?
Pass your User Defined Variables via Parameters input like ${foo} ${bar}
In your .groovy script body refer variables as args[0] args[1]
See image below for details (the solution works fine for file inputs as well) and How to Use JMeter Assertions in 3 Easy Steps guide for advanced information on using JMeter's assertions.

Can I use Groovy scripts in SoapUI to enable/disable assertions?

I'm using SoapUI Pro and a DataSource/DataSink loop to test a web service.
To make life more fun, I need to pull from four distinct source files, all of which will cause different expected results.
I'd really like to do this in a single test loop, because having scripts with multiple loops tends to crash SoapUI more often than not, but the sticking point is assertions.
How can I enable or disable assertions in a Groovy script in SoapUI? GetData doesn't give me anything to hook onto, and a documentation dive did not reveal the proper syntax. I'd assume something like testCase.assertion, but there's no such property as "assertion" on testCase.
Alternately, can I use a Groovy script to change the assertion's content? In other words, if I want phrase X with file 1, phrase Y with file 2, I'm just as happy using the same assertion, so long as I can change the content it's trying to match.
You could use your Groovy script to set some kind of property testCase.setPropertyValue('expected', 'value'), based on which file you are reading. You could then use property expansion ${testCase#expected#} in the assertion content.
