I am writing API for Revit using C#, try to add insulation code for different type and thickness, to be tagged wit duct size.
I can get ductID, InSuID of the duct, and insulation name, however I cannot get value of insulation thickness. Where and how can I get value of insulation thickness? Thanks
Here are some discussions of this topic by The Building Coder:
Pipe Insulation and Insulation Material
What's New in the Revit 2012 API
Pipe Insulation Retrieval Performance
I have a Revit Face, think of a RuledFace with holes, or NurbsSurface, maybe. I need a copy of that Face in a new family document.
Currently, I'm tesselating/triangulating the face and put those triangles into my family, which kind of works, but I have these intermediate edges between the triangles, which is very bad in my scenario.
I could not find a way to create e.g. a BRepBuilder with the exact information of the Face element.
The easiest way to transfer geometry from one Revit document to another is by using the copy and paste functionality provided by the CopyElements method. Examples of using it are provided in the Revit SDK samples DuplicateViews and GenericStructuralConnection.
I am currently using Microsoft Academic's datadump for a project and unable to identify the total number of theses & dissertations(T&D) present. Based on their website, 38% of data is categorised to OTHERS type (one among them is T&D). But their 60+GB CSV dump doesn't explicitly indicate the T&D records. Can someone help me with the statistics for T&D or how find the same?
I tried their API too and unable to find using their API too.
The Microsoft Academic Graph does not explicitly segment publication sub-types by thesis or dissertations, which means that neither the API or website will either.
If this is something you'd like to see added, please let them know by using the "Feedback" link in the lower-right corner on the Microsoft Academic website.
I am working at revit api to get walls of special room this is the part i have completed with Projecting rays technique. This is the main point that i am unable to do Wall thickness. Is there any way i can extract wall thickness. i am using revit 2020.
Thank you
You can only get the wall width via the WallType of the wall.
On top of that, Revit will give you the width in its native unit (usually the imperial system). It is possible to convert it easily with the UnitUtils class. Documentation here
The first step is to get the WallType. To do that, you have to retrieve the type ElementId via GetTypeId(), then the element via document.GetElement(), and finally cast it to WallType.
From the type, we obtain the width in Revit native units, which we convert into milimeters via the UnitUnits class.
Here is a code snippet:
WallType wallType = document.GetElement(wall.GetTypeId()) as WallType;
double nativeWitdh = wallType.Width;
double milimeterWidth = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(nativeWitdh,DisplayUnitType.DUT_MILLIMETERS);
Best regards,
Sure, very easy.
Use the WallType Width property.
You could very easily have answered this question by yourself, either by searching the Internet or by exploring the wall and its properties using RevitLookup.
Please perform some minimal research for yourself before asking a question and making others do the work for you.
Here is some more advice on researching how to solve a Revit API programming task.
Referring to a previous question I posted here, I also have a problem with the units required by Revit. In the RevitAPI.chm help, I read for the ThermalAsset.SpecificHeat Property that "Values are in feet per Kelvin, squared-second (ft/(K s²))...". These units can't be converted to J/(kg K), if I'm not mistaken.
So, I guess it is actually (ft²/(K s²)). Can someone confirm this?
I checked this for you with the development team.
They confirm what you suspected:
You are right.
The unit for specific heat in the thermal asset library is J/(g·°C).
The units available in Revit Project Units UI are J/(g·°C) and BTU/(lb·°F) = ft²/( s²·°F).
So, the help file should be corrected to read, "Values are in squared-feet per Kelvin, squared-second (ft²/(K s²))...".
Wondering, how do I recognize if an image contains a specific object and this object is completely visible (not partially).
Cognitive Services Computer Vision API provides set of tags and description of the image I send, however, there is no information if object is completely or partially represented.
My goal is to have a service that I can upload a picture of, say, car, and get information is it a full car visible or just part of it.
Unfortunately the Computer Vision API is currently unable to perform such a function.
The tags returned do have a 'score' which represents the confidence that this item is in the image. You may find there's some correlation between the confidence and how much of the item is in the image, but you'd need to run some experiments to see how well it matches up. If the object is obscured too much, it may not even detect it all.
Feel free to drop a suggestion on our User Voice, if you think this would be a useful feature.