Azure apim developer portal customization issue - azure

I am new to APIM, facing issue when I tries to add maps & pop-up kind of widgets in Developer portal. before adding widgets it was working fine but once I added widgets in Home page shows an error message as
"Oops, something went wrong".
Could not get object 'files/e0987ca1-f458-b546-7697-7be594b35583'
I would like to display well formatted document to our users in the Developer portal,so suggest some good docs or resourceses on customization of Dev portal.
Many Thanks in advance

One of the workaround to save the changes made to layout in APIM developer portal as following:
Go to the developer portal of the APIM Instance > Click on APIs option on right top corner > Click on Edit Layouts option comes in the bottom right corner >
Edit your layout by adding the required options like List of APIs or API History or Widgets and then click on Save button is available on left side.
After making selection, Save option will be enabled to apply changes.
Customize Azure API developer Portal
Implement Widgets in the Azure APIM Developer Portal
Updated Answer:
If you have issues when creating the widgets in the Azure APIM Developer portal, Please raise a request to Microsoft Service Team or please send your service name to


developer portal in azure management api is not correctly working

Why it is that when clicking on API, it is displaying the popup as shown in the picture, rather then going to the API page?
I have publish the project and reset content but then also no change?
How can I activate the site?
It seems to me that some setting is still remaining
You open the developer portal as administrator:
Follow the steps below to access the managed version of the portal.
In the Azure portal, navigate to your API Management instance.
Select the Developer portal button in the top navigation bar.
A new browser tab with an administrative version of the portal will open.
In this administrative version of the developer portal, you are able to modify the look & feel,...
If you want to use the developer portal as a usual user, you have to open the developer portal in a browser with private mode or with a different browser and sign in.

Widgets such as dropdown disappear when publishing dashboard in databricks

I have created a dashboard with a few widgets which runs varies queries to change the visualisations.I would like to share the dashboard alone but unable to do so via publishing it as the dropdowns are removed in the published dashboard.
is there any solution to this problem without integrating any other third party visualisation tools.
searched various documentation for the solution but could not find any hints.
Widgets should be visible when you share the dashboard. Double check the permissions the dashboard receiver has as well as the sharing setting (which credentials are used when running the queries behind the dashboard).
For more details, refer to Dashboard access control
Note: If permissions look okay you could file a support ticket via the portal for further investigation.
FYI - There are more publishing options for dashboards in the roadmap.

In Azure, while enabling Application Insight, getting message Resource group could not be found

While studying Azure 204 from Microsoft azure docs,
I have created new function app esclator-function-{name} as asked in documentation.
I am also able to create a function and Test/Run it in Azure portal mode with "Run" button and also in postman using function url.
Now I want to monitor it using Application Insight. So as instructed in article, I've choosed Application Insight from Settings and clicked "Turn on Application Insight" button , kept the default settings and clicked "Apply" and then "Yes" buttons.
But now when I see in "Notifications" from top right icons, I get message
"Deployment validation failed.
Additional details from the underlying API that might be helpful: Resource group 'DefaultResourceGroup-CID' could not be found."
Also the "Apply Changes" shows "10% Completed" progress all time, it don't proceed further.
So I am not able to proceed to the article further, I will apricate the workaround if any.
In Azure, while enabling Application Insight, getting message Resource group could not be found
As per the below Image You need to create new resource group or set the existing resource group and you need to enable Application Sight extensions and them you need to apply it.
For further information check Enable application Insights Integration
Check How to configure for Azure Functions.

No longer able to Customize a Blade in Azure Portal

Up until recently, it was possible to customize Azure resource blades by clicking the buttons maked "Add Tiles".
See these out-of-date instructions.
It appears that the latest iteration of the portal has minor changes to the look-and-feel, but has also moved or removed vital controls.
Now there is no clickackable element titled "Add parts" or "Add tiles". The image below shows what my Web App blade currently looks like, and the image below that shows what it had previously looked like.
So, for THIS month at least, how do we begin customizing a blade in the Azure portal?
Here is what the Web App blade used to look like. See the 'Add tiles' buttons that are no longer there.
From Docs:
Since launching dashboards a few months ago, there has been a steady decline in blade customizations and a rapid increase in dashboard customizations. This strong usage trend shows that you prefer customizing dashboards over blades. To support that trend, we will remove the ability to customize blades and dedicate our efforts to enhancing dashboard functionality.
If you customized a blade, your customization will soon be removed. To preserve that customization, pin the customized tiles to a dashboard. Simply right-click the tile and select Pin to dashboard as shown in the following image.
The Azure portal no longer allows customizing blades. This was removed due to low usage and to improve performance. Use dashboards instead. WebApp Panel without info/tabs

I have 4 different azure accounts, each on with its own subscription and 5 WebApps on each subscription.
On my last created account+subscription+WebApps something really strange is happening in the "WebApp Panel" of the when I select any of my webapps the panel does not have the usual information.
It is best explained with pictures:
A normal WebApp Panel:
A fail WebApp Panel
As you can see it doesn't contain the usual information.
For more info, I don't know if it has any sense, autoswap is not working for these WebApps :S
I've created an empty website following these steps:
We have removed parts that users were not using often from the default web app blade, you can add any of the parts you like by click on the "Add Tile" Button and You can add a group via the "Add Group" button on the bottom and add your tiles there as well.
You should see a pane of tile that you can drag tiles from and drop on your blade. Let us know if this helps, and if you like to see any other part more often on the website blade after creating the blade. After you have customized the blade it will not change again.
The Part Gallery will look like this,
Hope this helps !
