stimulsoft 2017: Display name as cell by cell - stimulsoft

I have an object that has a field inside that is an array of strings.
How can be displayed like this?


Excel Chart title will not accept a date concatonated to a string

I'm trying to include a date in my excel chart title by putting a formula inside the title formula box:
="Some text "&TEXT(NOW(),"mmm dd")
I've tried putting the date into a cell, and referencing the cell, but that doesn't work:
="Some text "&TEXT(Statistik!$H$26,"mmm dd")
Strangely, I can put a date into the chart title:
But as soon as I add text ("eg "&), it gives me an error message that there is something wrong in the formula. If I paste the same formula into a cell, it works fine. =Concatonate doesn't work either.
All credit to Rory. Put the whole formula into a cell, then just refer to that cell.
Concatenation within the title cell of the excel chart does not work. The title cell needs to be a single reference to another cell, eg, =A1, in which any concatenation occurs, eg, ="Some text "&TEXT(Statistik!$H$26,"mmm dd").

Excel : have cell range stored in cell to be used by combobox

I am using a ComboBox (basically a drop-down list) in excel, and I would like to select a value from a range. Thing is, I have around 15 of those comboboxes that are linked to the same list, and I'd like to not have to modify the ranges for all of them if I add a value to my list.
Hence my idea of telling the dropdown to take the array given in cell A1 of my data sheet as input for the actual array...
I'm not sure I'm being clear so here's an example : my list is in the range A3:A25. I want to have "A3:A25" written in cell A1, and have my dropdown list take the value of A1 as the actual range, so that if I add an entry to the list I can change A1 to "A3:A26" and not have to change all of my lists.
Thanks in advance
Change the reference to:
Be sure to tick Ignore blank.
Turns out I just selected my list and called it "List" (right click, -> define name), and defined the input range as "List".
Now if I add a value, I just have to redefine List.

Dynamic reference of named range in Excel

I have a list with two items: HUN and EN, this is named as LIST. I also have two other cells named as HUN.L_LANG and EN.L_LANG, and I'd like to fill a cell dynamically based on the selected list item. So if the HUN is selected, then I'd like to fill the cell with the value of HUN.L_LANG, something like this: ="Value of LIST".L_LANG.
Is this possible? I haven't found any workaround. If it's not possible, how do you solve this task with excel formulas? Thanks!
I don't want to overwrite the LIST cell. So let's say LIST is in cell A1 and I'd like to fill B3 based on the selected list item either with EN.L_LANG or HUN.L_LANG.
Eventually I solved it with a vba function:
Function GetLabel(lang, name As String) As String
Dim label As String
label = lang & "." & name
GetLabel = Range(label).Value
End Function
And I use it like this: =GetLabel(LIST;"L_LANG")

Programaticallt Setting an Excel Cell Value that has Validation on it

I have an application that populates an Excel file with data. One of the cells being populated has Cell Validation on it based on a list. When the populated form is opened, I am seeing that my application populates the cell, the value is being seen as invalid, despite the value being in the list.
I am populating the cell value in this manner:
mainSheet.Cells[rowNum, colNum] = cellValue;
Does anyone know what information I am missing to set a cell value to a valid value?
I solved the problem myself. The code was populating the cell with a STRING value. The linked list to the drop down consisted only of INTEGER values. STRING <> INTEGER so the DV routines were reporting a failure. Populating the cell with an INT value resulted in success.

Get the value of a textbox to a cell

I have a textbox called TextBox 1 which contains paragraphs. I defined it with a name (Insert > Name > Define...) called profile_reference.
On a cell, I inputted the formula =profile_reference but I'm getting the value TextBox 1. What I wanted to do is to get the actual value of that textbox. Is that possible?
I'm using a PHP parser to get values from this excel file and it can not get the value for textboxes, it can only get cell values. So I'm trying to copy the value of that textbox to a cell then parse it.
You can retrieve the contents of the textbox but this will require more than just the standard Excel user interface.
A textbox is a Shape object, and a member of the Worksheet's Shapes collection. When you insert a textbox into a worksheet, Excel gives it a name such as "TextBox 1". Therefore, you can refer to the Shape object containing a textbox in VBA as (for example)
Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("TextBox 1")
Because the Shape object can contain a variety of different things (such as pictures or AutoShapes) a few more objects, properties and methods are involved in retrieving the text. The full phrase required is
Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("TextBox 1").TextFrame.Characters.Text
which delivers the contents of the textbox as a String.
However, this requires you to use the name of the textbox specified by Excel (i.e. "TextBox 1"). You have added a a name called "profile_reference" which refers to TextBox 1, so how do you get the contents of the textbox using your name rather than the one created by Excel?
A name is a Name object which is part of the Workbook's Names collection. So you can refer to your specific Name object as (for example)
and the "refers to" part of the object (the bit you specify using the user interface) is
The Value property of a Name object is a character string in the syntax of Excel's formulae so in your case this string is
'="TextBox 1"'
i.e. the bit inside the single quotes. This is almost but not quite the 'TextBox 1' string that you want. Therefore, getting at the contents of the textbox using your name requires a little bit of VBA, such as:
Dim strTB As String
strTB = ActiveWorkbook.Names("profile_reference").Value
strTB = Mid(strTB, 3, Len(strTB) - 3) 'Strips unwanted =" and " chars from start/end
MsgBox Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes(strTB).TextFrame.Characters.Text
I've used a message box to show the contents of the textbox. The contents could equally be assigned to a worksheet cell. You could, if you wanted, wrap this up in a short user-defined function (which perhaps takes your name as its input argument) providing you with a convenient mechanism for placing the contents of the textbox into a worksheet cell.
