adobe illustrator script- check if swatch color is on list - colors

I'm trying to make a script that will go through the swatches list and will search for a swatch named "Line".
if it will not be found I want to add it but if it already been found I want the script to be ignored.
this is what I did so far, the problem is that if it finds a swatch named "Line" it will create a new pink color for some reason.
var doc = app.activeDocument;
for (i = 0; i < doc.swatches.length; i++)
if (doc.swatches[i].name != "Line")
var newSpot = doc.spots.add();
var newColor = new CMYKColor();
newColor.cyan = 100;
newColor.magenta = 100;
newColor.yellow = 100; = 100; = "Line";
newSpot.colorType = ColorModel.SPOT;
newSpot.color = newColor;

You can try to pick the color by its name first and create a new color only if there is the error:
var doc = app.activeDocument;
try { var color = doc.swatches.getByName('Line') }
catch(e) {
var newColor = new CMYKColor();
newColor.cyan = 100;
newColor.magenta = 100;
newColor.yellow = 100; = 100;
var newSpot = doc.spots.add(); = 'Line';
newSpot.colorType = ColorModel.SPOT;
newSpot.color = newColor;


freeDrawingBrush.onMouseMove fix x or y to draw only straight line

I am trying to draw a straight line making x fix using freeDrawingBrush.
For example:
canvas.isDrawingMode = 1;
canvas.freeDrawingBrush.color = "purple";
canvas.freeDrawingBrush.width = 10;
canvas._onMouseMoveInDrawingMode = function (e) {
var pointer = canvas.getPointer(e);
pointer.x = 100;
this doing the work but it is drawing continuously on mousemove. I want user to be able to draw multiple lines at a fix (for e.g.) x=100 at distances on y-axis.
I added following code :
canvas._onMouseUpInDrawingMode = function (e) {
this._isCurrentlyDrawing = false;
//canvas.selection = true;
canvas.isDrawingMode = 0;
this._handleEvent(e, 'up');
This stops drawing continuously but new problem raised. When I enable drawing mode again and try to draw new line it also add previous line to new line
After a lot of research I found the way:
var brush = new fabric.PencilBrush(canvas);
canvas.isDrawingMode = 1;
brush.width = 10;
canvas._onMouseMoveInDrawingMode = function (e) {
var pointer = canvas.getPointer(e);
pointer.x = 100;
brush.onMouseDown({x:pointer.x, y:pointer.y});

Add dimension between link and element

i am tried to find the link wall face,but when i use the reference to create a new dimension , i will get result about 'invaild number of references'. i cant trans link face to active face.
public Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements)
UIDocument uidoc = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument;
Document doc = uidoc.Document;
var rf1 = uidoc.Selection.PickObject(ObjectType.PointOnElement, "select");
var element1 = doc.GetElement(rf1);
var location = element1.Location as LocationPoint;
var point = location.Point;
var rf2 = uidoc.Selection.PickObject(ObjectType.LinkedElement, "select");
var linkElement = doc.GetElement(rf2) as RevitLinkInstance;
var linkDoc = linkElement.GetLinkDocument();
var linkWall = linkDoc.GetElement(rf2.LinkedElementId) as Wall;
var wallLocation = linkWall.Location as LocationCurve;
var curve = wallLocation.Curve;
var cRf = curve.Reference;
var solid = BIMTools.Geometry.GetSolid(linkWall);
Face face = null;
foreach (var solidFace in solid.Faces)
XYZ normal = ((Face)solidFace).ComputeNormal(new UV(0, 0));
if (normal.Y < 0)
face = solidFace as Face;
var viewLevel = uidoc.ActiveView.GenLevel.Elevation;
var tPoint = new XYZ(point.X,(face as PlanarFace).Origin.Y, viewLevel);
point = new XYZ(point.X, point.Y, viewLevel);
var line = Line.CreateBound(point, tPoint);
var references = new ReferenceArray();
using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(doc,"create"))
var dimension = doc.Create.NewDimension(uidoc.ActiveView, line, references);
return Result.Succeeded;
The Building Coder provides a whole list of articles on creating dimensioning.

How to get individual object's width, height, left and top in selection:created event?

I am getting the values of the properties of an object(top,width...) as an object is being scaled/moved by using this function :
canvas.on('object:scaling', onObjectModification);
canvas.on('object:moving', onObjectModification);
canvas.on('object:rotating', onObjectModification);
function onObjectModification(e) {
var activeObject =;
var reachedLimit = false;
objectLeft = activeObject.left,
objectTop =,
objectWidth = activeObject.width,
objectHeight = activeObject.height,
canvasWidth = canvas.width,
canvasHeight = canvas.height;
How can I get the same for each object that are being moved as a group? I need the values to be constantly changing as the object:scaling event provide.
I know of the event selection:created but I am lost how to use that to attain what I want. Any help from you guys would be highly appreciated.
during object scaling width and height will not change. They will be the same all the time, just scaleX and scaleY will change.
You have to write a function that will iterate on possibile group sub objects.
canvas.on('object:scaling', onObjectModification);
canvas.on('object:moving', onObjectModification);
canvas.on('object:rotating', onObjectModification);
function onObjectModification(e) {
var activeObject =;
if (!activeObject) {
var canvasWidth = canvas.width;
var canvasHeight = canvas.height;
var reachedLimit = false;
var objectLeft = activeObject.left;
var objectTop =;
// this provide scaled height and width
var objectWidth = activeObject.getWidth();
var objectHeight = activeObject.getHeight();
if (activeObject._objects) {
objs = activeObject._objects;
for (var i= 0; i < objs.length; i++) {
var obj = objs[i];
var objWidth = activeObject.getWidth() * activeObject.scaleX;
var objHeight = activeObject.getHeight() * activeObject.scaleY;

rotate textfield in flash cs5

I have a dynamic textfield with anti-alias type "use device font".When I rotate the textfield the text dissappears and reappears when textfield has been rotated to 360 degree.Please suggest me way to achieve this.Thanks in advance.
Since Flash Player 10 you can rotate DisplayObjects' by adjusting their rotationZ property. You can also do this with your TextField. Besides that you can also use the TextBlock class to parse TextLines and rotate them accordingly.
For more information check out this blogpost:
And here's the code from that same blogpost:
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
import flash.text.engine.*;
public class TextTest extends Sprite
public function TextTest ()
for (var i:int = 0; i <= 20; i++)
var txt:TextField = new TextField();
txt.selectable = false;
txt.width = 300;
txt.height = 100;
txt.text = "Hello world!";
txt.setTextFormat(new TextFormat("Georgia", 2 + 2*i));
txt.x = 6*(i*(i+1)/2);
txt.y = 30;
txt.rotationZ = 20;
for (var j:int=0; j<=20; j++)
var myString:String = "Hello world!";
var myFormat:ElementFormat = new ElementFormat();
var myFontDesc:FontDescription = new FontDescription("Georgia");
myFormat.fontSize = 2 + 2*j;
myFormat.fontDescription = myFontDesc;
var textElement:TextElement = new TextElement(myString, myFormat);
var textBlock:TextBlock = new TextBlock();
textBlock.content = textElement;
var myTextLine:TextLine = textBlock.createTextLine(null, 300);
myTextLine.x = 6*(j*(j+1)/2);
myTextLine.y = 150;
myTextLine.rotation = 20;

How can I create a new document out of a subset of another document's pages (in InDesign (CS6) using ExtendScript)?

I need to offer a feature which allows InDesign users to select a page range in an InDesign document and create a new document out of those pages. This sounds simple, but it isn't...
I have tried many different ways of doing this but they have all failed to some degree. Some methods put all pages in a single spread (which sometimes makes InDesign crash). The best I've been able to do (see code below) still has problems at the beginning and the end (see screenshots below):
The original document:
The new document:
The question: How can I create a new document out of a subset of another document's pages (in InDesign using ExtendScript) without having the problems shown in the screenshots?
note: The behavior of the script is quite different in CS5.5 and CS6. My question concerns CS6.
The second screenshot was obtained by applying the following code to the document shown in the first screenshot:
var firstPageName = { editContents: "117" }; // This page number is actually entered by the user in an integerEditbox
var lastPageName = { editContents: "136" }; // This page number is actually entered by the user in an integerEditbox
var sourceDocument = app.activeDocument;
var destDocument = app.documents.add();
destDocument.importStyles(ImportFormat.paragraphStylesFormat, new File(sourceDocument.filePath + "/" +, GlobalClashResolutionStrategy.LOAD_ALL_WITH_OVERWRITE);
destDocument.importStyles(ImportFormat.characterStylesFormat, new File(sourceDocument.filePath + "/" +, GlobalClashResolutionStrategy.LOAD_ALL_WITH_OVERWRITE);
destDocument.viewPreferences.horizontalMeasurementUnits = sourceDocument.viewPreferences.horizontalMeasurementUnits;
destDocument.viewPreferences.verticalMeasurementUnits = sourceDocument.viewPreferences.verticalMeasurementUnits;
destDocument.documentPreferences.facingPages = sourceDocument.documentPreferences.facingPages;
destDocument.documentPreferences.pageHeight = sourceDocument.documentPreferences.pageHeight;
destDocument.documentPreferences.pageWidth = sourceDocument.documentPreferences.pageWidth;
destDocument.documentPreferences.pageSize = sourceDocument.documentPreferences.pageSize;
var sourceSpreads = sourceDocument.spreads;
var nbSourceSpreads = sourceSpreads.length;
var firstPageFound = false;
var lastPageFound = false;
var i;
var newSpreadNeeded;
var currentDestSpread;
for (i = 0; !lastPageFound, i < nbSourceSpreads; ++i) {
newSpreadNeeded = true;
var sourcePages = sourceSpreads[i].pages;
var nbSourcePages = sourcePages.length;
var j;
for (j = 0; !lastPageFound, j < nbSourcePages; ++j) {
if (sourcePages[j].name === firstPageName.editContents) {
firstPageFound = true;
destDocument.documentPreferences.startPageNumber = parseInt(firstPageName.editContents); // We want to preserve page numbers
if (firstPageFound) {
// Copy this page over to the new document.
var firstInNewSpread = false;
if (newSpreadNeeded) {
currentDestSpread = destDocument.spreads.add();
newSpreadNeeded = false;
firstInNewSpread = true;
var newPage = sourcePages[j].duplicate(LocationOptions.AT_END, currentDestSpread);
var k;
for (k = 0; k < newPage.index; ++k) {
if (sourcePages[j].name === lastPageName.editContents) {
lastPageFound = true;
I was hacking around and came up with this little script. Although it approaches the problem from the opposite direction, it seems to work fine here. Also, I'm still running in InDesign CS5, but maybe it will work for you. Hopefully I got the gist of your question?
This will extract pages 3 through 5 into a separate document:
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var newFilePath = doc.filePath + "/subset_" +;
var newFile = File(newFilePath); // Create a new file path
doc.saveACopy(newFile); // Save a copy of the doc
var newDoc =; // Open the copy
var firstPageNum = 3; // First page number in the range
var lastPageNum = 5; // Last page number in the range
var firstPage = newDoc.pages[firstPageNum-1];
var lastPage = newDoc.pages[lastPageNum-1];
// Remove all text from the last page in the range to the end of the document
var lastPageFrames = lastPage.textFrames.everyItem().getElements();
for (var i=0; i < lastPageFrames.length; i++) {
var frame = lastPageFrames[i];
var parentStory = frame.parentStory;
var lastFrameInsert = frame.insertionPoints.lastItem();
var lastStoryInsert = parentStory.insertionPoints.lastItem();
var textAfter = parentStory.insertionPoints.itemByRange(lastFrameInsert,lastStoryInsert);
// Remove all text from the beginning of the document to the first page in the range
var firstPageFrames = firstPage.textFrames.everyItem().getElements();
for (var i=0; i < firstPageFrames.length; i++) {
var frame = firstPageFrames[i];
var parentStory = frame.parentStory;
var firstFrameInsert = frame.insertionPoints.firstItem();
var textBefore = parentStory.insertionPoints.itemByRange(0,firstFrameInsert.index);
// Remove the pages that aren't in the range
var allPages = newDoc.pages.everyItem().getElements();
for (var i=0; i < allPages.length; i++) {
var page = allPages[i];
if (i < firstPageNum || i > lastPageNum) {
