Odd screenshot naming difference between linux and windows - atata

Here are snippets from two different test logs.
Linux does this on a screenshot:
2022-01-07 19:34:02.6043 INFO - Screenshot saved to file "/source/fs.automation.fsol/FS.Automation.Tests/bin/Debug/net5.0/Logs/2022-01-07 19_33_47/CharityAKA/01 - "Charity Details FSOL" page - Test Failure.png"
Windows does this:
2021-12-17 22:49:29.5490 INFO - Screenshot saved to file "C:\BuildAgent\work\84629dc95880ab61\fs.automation.impactfully\FS.Automation.Tests\bin\Debug\net5.0\Logs\2021-12-17 22_48_13\ImportedCharityList\01 - Search Charities Impactfully Tab page - Test Failure.png"
Notice the double quotes in the file name in linux that are not there when running in windows - is thing something that can be made uniform between linux and windows?

Atata sanitizes the file names to be valid for current OS. Double quotes is invalid file name character in Windows, so they are removed there. But I agree that a name should be the same for both OS.
The default screenshot file name format renders PageObjectFullName property, which looks like "Charity Details FSOL" page. But we can configure format to use {PageObjectName} {PageObjectTypeName} instead, which will render Charity Details FSOL page without quotes. You can reconfigure a screenshot file name format this way:
.WithFileName(screenshotInfo => $"{screenshotInfo.Number:D2} - {screenshotInfo.PageObjectName} {screenshotInfo.PageObjectTypeName}{screenshotInfo.Title?.Prepend(" - ")}");
.WithFileName("{screenshot-number:D2} - {screenshot-pageobjectname} {screenshot-pageobjecttypename}{screenshot-title: - *}")
By the way, I will apply such format as the default for Atata v2. Thanks for finding and reporting this issue.


Azure adds timestamp at the beginning logs

I have a problem with the logs retrieving from my docker containers with Azure log analytics, all logs are retrieving well but Azure adds a date at the beginning of each line of the log, which means that an entry is created for each line and I can't analyze my logs correctly because they are divided...
For example on this image I have in the black rectangle an added date (by azure I think) and in the red rectangle the date appearing in my logs :
Also, if there is no date on a line of my logs, there is still an added date on all lines, even the empty ones
The problem is that azure cuts my log file line by line by adding a date on each line when I would like it to delimit with the dates already present in my logs files.
Do you have any solutions?
One of the solution I can think of is that, when you query the logs, you can use the replace() method to replace the redundant date(replace it with a empty string etc.). And you need to write the proper regular expression for your purpose.
A false query like below:
| extend new_logEntry=replace(#'xxx', #'xxx', LogEntry)
Currently Azure Monitor for containers doesn’t support multi-line logging, but there are workarounds available. You can configure all the services to write in JSON format and then Docker/Moby will write them as a single line.

file transfer Extra attachmate appends username to host file name

Hi when I try to download a file from mainframe, using attachmate extra it appends the username also along with it. I dont know where to turn it off.
like for example - file name is yyyy.file.name, then when i try to transfer of file it transfers username.yyyy.file.name.
in 3.4 the option to append user name is turned off. Still its happening
Enclose the entire dataset name (including the high-level qualifier) in single quotes. This is a TSO (not JCL) convention - if you refer to a dataset without single quotes, it pre-pends your user ID as the high-level qualifier; however if you place single quotes around the dataset name it will take it 'as is' (well, it will uppercase it, since all z/OS dataset names are uppercase, but otherwise it will be 'as is').

Difference in bdf format between Patran and Virtual Lab

Here is my problem, i received a body-in-white in the bdf format which, by reading the file, seems to have been created through Patran 2013 and i need to make some changes to the body-in-white. I use LMS Virtual Lab in order to make my modifications but unfortunately with Virtual Lab i can only import the bdf file and then after modifications i need to export the work into a new bdf file. One remarkable difference is the size of the bdf file shortening from 128MB to 92MB.
My next step is to compute the normal modal analysis through MD Nastran which works fine with the original bdf file giving me an OP2 result file. However with the modified bdf file it runs, gives an exit(0) (which means no abnormal exit) as does the original file and then when i try to look at the resulting OP2 file (in Nastran NX) it tells me it can't find any results (whereas in the original it does).
Any thoughts ?
Maybe you already found the answer but I would do the following:
First step would be to check f06 for Fatal Errors. If no errors found, you can check if Eigenvalues are listet in f06. If no clue by checking f06, I would check what LMS is doing with the model:
1.) input original file in LMS and output it as BDF
-> check if output-file contains same entities as input-file (number of grids,number of rbe2/3, number of quads,trias,hex, number of forces,spc)
2.) if 1.) shows you that input and output are the same, this means that LMS output-settings are ok
3.) if 1.) shows that there are some small differences, but size of the file is the same it means that some LMS settings are not suitable for your output
-> check LMS output Settings
-> start modal analysis
I hope it helps

Output other than .txt

I'm looking to build a simple program that will simply modify existing output files from an other program so I don't have to open the program and enter a bunch of data the long way. This program is very specific to my domain and has an extension named .wcc. However, when I change the extension of one of these output files to .txt, I get half gibberish :
ÿÿ WPointÿÿ WPolygonÿÿ  WQuadrilateralÿÿ  WMemberDataÿÿ
WLoadÿÿ WLStandardMembersÿÿ WLSavedDesignSettingsÿÿ WLSavedFormatSettingsÿÿ  WLSavedViewSettingsÿÿ WLSavedProjectSettingsÿÿ  WLSavedSettingsÿÿ  WLSavedLoadSettingsÿÿ WLSavedDefaultSettingsÿÿ WLineÿÿ WProductÿÿ WBeamDataÿÿ  WColumnDataÿÿ
WWallStudDataÿÿ WSupportingMemberDataÿÿ WSavedAnalysisSettingsÿÿ WSavedGravityDesignSettingsÿÿ WSavedPreferencesSettingsÿÿ WNotchÿÿ WIJoistÿÿ WFloorCWC37 ÀAE LumberS-P-F No.1/No.2 # À# lumwall.cww ÿÿÿÿ1.2.3.1.Mur_1_EX-D ÿÿÿÿÿÿ B Cÿÿ B C €? 4C 4C   Neige #F #F ÈC ÿÿÿ
WLStandardMembersÿÿ "
There are also musical notes and perpendicular signs which I can't copy paste here. I can sorta read the text, but still not enough to make modifications via txt file. What type of file could this be? Is it even possible to do what I'm trying to do? Thanks!
I am surprised that you are trying to open a .wcc file as a text file (it's contents - as you will see - don't lend themselves to being converted to such a file type); however, the attempt to open the file as a .txt file seems to be specific to your domain.
I noticed part of your question is as follows: "What type of file could this be?"
You are right in thinking that the .wcc file is a rather obscure file type - we don't think about that file type a lot (or are not conscious of it existing). A .wcc file is a WinCam 2000 Cache file that allows WinCam 2000 movies to be previewed in the slide browser - these were often generated by older WinCam 2000 screen recording and editing programs.
Again, the file extension is very rare these days (a Google search only returns ~700 results). But, it appears you have a program that is producing the file, which - as you are saying - "is quite specific to your domain". You may be out of luck with regard to opening them for modification purposes.
Supposedly, you can covert .wac files to .wav files, which are much more relevant to today's technology (and definitely alterable from code); however, without knowing the purpose of the file, e.g. what you are trying to do with the file domain-side, I can't say that this will suit your needs.
Also, the above comments are "correct": changing a file extension will not convert the file to the file extension type. Typically, converters - like a simple software - are needed to convert files.

TCL (thermal control language) [printer protocol] references

I'm working on supporting of the TCL (thermal control protocol, stupid name, its a printer protocol of futurelogic) but i cannot find resources about this protocol, how it is, how it works, nothing, on theirs site i only found this mention http://www.futurelogic-inc.com/trademarks.aspx
any one had worked with it? does any one knows where can i find the data sheet?
The protocol is documented on their website http://www.futurelogic-inc.com/support/downloads/
If you are targetting the PSA66ST model it supports a number of protocols TCL, which is quite nice for delivering templated tickets and, line printing using the Epson ESC/P protocol.
This is all explained in the protocol document.
Oops, these links are incorrect and only correspond to marketing brochures. You will need to contact Futurelogic for the protocol documents. Probably also need to sign an NDA. Anyway, the information may guide you some more.
From what I can gather, it seems the FutureLogic thermal printers do not support general printing, but only printing using predefined templates stored in the printer's firmware. The basic command structure is a caret ^ followed by a one or two character command code, with arguments delimited using a pipe |, and the command ended with another caret ^. I've been able to reverse-engineer a few commands:
^S^ - Printer status
^Se^ - Extended printer status
^C|x|^ - Clear. Known arguments:
a - all
j - jam
^P|x|y0|...|yn|^ - Print fields y0 through yn using template x.
Data areas are defined in the firmware using a similar command format, command ^D|x|y0|...|yn|^, and templates are defined from data areas using command ^T|z|x0|...|xn|^.
