Is Meshlab affected by the Log4j vulnerability - log4j

My employer wants to know if MeshLab is affected by the Log4j vulnerability. Could someone help me out? Does Meshlab use Log4J at all?
PS. I really know nothing about programming so "for dummies" answers only, please. Thx

If you check the source code on Github
Meshlab does not use Log4J, looks like they created their on logger.


Using Stanford Tregex in Python for German text

The accepted answer in
Using Stanford Tregex in Python
is almost solving my problem, but I don't know how to set the language to German. Can anybody help me?
It should work if when you start the server you add -serverProperties Let me know if that doesn't work. Also make sure you have the German models jar on your CLASSPATH.

How do I change Sublime Text 3 user config directory?

Sublime Text 3 user configuration directory is, by default, at:
I would like to change it to somewhere else. Is it possible? The workaround I've done so far is to create the above directory as a symbolic link pointing to the folder I want, but it doesn't seem right. Is there a better way of doing this?
Thanks for your attention in advance.
It's been one year and no answer, so I'll describe what I've been doing, so I can close this topic. The best way to deal with it is by creating a symbolic link, as I mentioned before. The second way to do this is by editing Sublime's code, what I didn't figure out completly how to do, but I know it's possible. If someone knows a better solution, please post in the comments. This topic is being closed now.

How to compile BNF Converter?

Did anyone succeed in building BNFC with ghc-7.2.1 and alex-3? I was trying to fix it manually, but there are lots of errors. Does anybody know where can I find some patches that will help me to get it done? Thanks in advance.
I've placed a modified darcs repo at . It works with ghc-7.4 and alex-3 (I didn't change the docs, so it still says alex-2). Very hackish, YMMV.

How to make the prompt like this image(link)?
Is that zsh?
Could somebody share the PS1 code to everyone :P?
Thank you.
Use __git_ps1:
PS1='\u#\h:\w$(__git_ps1)\$ '
it's probably a theme from oh-my-zsh, git support is part of a lot of them. see their theme gallery for lots of examples…

How to write this kind of documentation easily?

I love pure ascii text documentation, like this one:
But I don't know how to write it easily. There are lots of tables in it. Anyone can explain it please?
Try the Emacs Table Mode: (
Take a look at
As far as I remember there're such feature.
