How to write this kind of documentation easily? - text

I love pure ascii text documentation, like this one:
But I don't know how to write it easily. There are lots of tables in it. Anyone can explain it please?

Try the Emacs Table Mode: (

Take a look at
As far as I remember there're such feature.


Is there a way to disable coc-pyright type annotations in vim?

I use Vim 9.0.105 and python3.9.5 and I'm on WSL2 with Ubuntu20.04
Like I say in the Title, I have an issue with coc-pyright which when I write variables
coc-pyright automatically "write" the type annotation.
Here is a little example
The problem is that the annotations are not really written, they are just displayed, so there is a gap between the cursor and what I write when I want to modify or something.
Is there a way to disable the completions of annotations ? Because I haven't find any.
Thank you for your help and sorry for my bad English. If I haven't explained something well, don't hesitate to tell me.
Open :CocConfig, set pyright.inlayHints.enable: false

Find locations of all matches in a range

I would like to list the lines where there is a FAIL written.
As it sounds very simple in VBA it seems fairly complicated to integrate that in a cell formula.
So I wanted to know if there was a simple way of listing all thoses matches.
I have tried this =TEXTJOIN(",";TRUE;IF(Y23:Z90="FAIL";1;"")) just to try a function I saw on internet but it gives me #value! error and I don't know why.
I then wanted to do something like =TEXTJOIN(",";TRUE;IF(Y23:Z90="FAIL";ROW(Y23:Z90);"")) but I'm guessing this would definitely not work.
I saw that we could do it with index and aggregate but it seems really too complicated for such a simple problem. However if this is the only solution I will take a more serious look at it.
Does anyone has a better way to do what I want to do?
Thanks in advance!
Ok thanks to Peter, I solved my problem and {=TEXTJOIN(",";TRUE;IF(Y23:Z90="FAIL";ROW(Y23:Z90);""))} works and gives me a list of the lines.

How do I use matplotlib.patch?

I got a set of elements, each element has four node (points). I want to use patch it as it can be done in MATLAB. I tried to find an example of matplotlib.patch but I could not find any. Does anyone have an example of matplotlib.patch ?
After looking into what patches in MATLAB are I think I found what you are looking for. There is quite an extensive code snippet over at the matplotlib documentation that will help you: tutorial

How to read data from GPS gadget

I got unreadable characters from gps. Mby someone know format or how to make it readable. I think it is ASCII. But I dont know.
Some data here:
Definitely looks like some internal encoding. You would need to know how it is created to know how to decode/decrypt it. More information would be nice.

Do we have any asp vbs complete for vim?

I see a lot of complete for gvim such as php, c , css, but I can't find any complete form aspvbs
Are you talking about auto completion? Do you know about ctags? (
Anyway, here's an OK solution. Well actually i haven't tested it too much yet but it seems to work fairly well. Assuming you are using ctags, add
to your ~/.ctags file and it will tell ctags to generate tags for your *.vbs files (as Asp, whatever that is =D). I'm don't know much about asp / vbs and their relationship (not sure i want to, hehe), so once again I'm telling you I don't know how well this works. Perhaps someone can fill in on this?
I guess even better... Add your own language (and share with me) : )
I don't use Vim much, but 5 seconds of googling turned up this: - is that what you're looking for, or something different?
