How do I apply syntax highlighting to a string literal in Code Mirror? - jupyter-lab

I'm writing a python library that operates on C++ code stored in string literals. The normal use case is to create a code object like so:
void* foo() {
return NULL;
The library is meant to work in Jupyter Lab which uses Code Mirror for syntax highlighting/editing, so I'd like to extend Code Mirror to identify calls to code() and apply C++ syntax highlighting to its argument, so it'd look something like this:
code(r""" # python highlighting
void* foo() { // C++ higlighting
return NULL;
I know how to do something similar in Pygments, but I'm not sure where to get started with Code Mirror.


Match Operator prettier syntax in Groovy

I'm very new to groovy (here working on Jenkinsfile)
One of my coworkers uses a Match Operator to check a condition. But I find it not readable and hard to maintain.
Original Match Operator:
PROJECT_NAME = 'projectA' // User Input from Jenkins params normaly
if ( "${PROJECT_NAME}" ==~ /projectA|projectB|projectC|projectD/) { // The real line is 300 Char long
// Do stuff
There is 15 projects in total, i've shorten up the line because it was too long. So every time he needs to add a project name, he appends at the start or end of his regex.
Also, those project name are in a list before.
projects = ['projectA',
Could there be a way to use this list to build the regex?
Here is what I tried:
string_regex = "/"
for (project in projects) {
string_regex = string_regex + project + "|"
string_regex = string_regex.substring(0, string_regex.length() - 1)
string_regex = string_regex + "/"
print "${string_regex}\n"
if ("${PROJECT_NAME}" ==~ string_regex) {
print "Well Done you did it\n"
// Do stuff
But saddly it doesn't seems to work, since I'm using a string?
EDIT: I found out that I could use the contains method from a list in Groovy. In my case, it fixes my original problem. But I'm still curious on how to build such regex with strings.
if (projects.contains(PROJECT_NAME)) {
// Do stuff
You can join your projects and then turn the string into a regexp via Pattern.compile(). For good measure use Pattern.quote() to safe-guard against chars in your project names with "meaning" in regexp.
import java.util.regex.Pattern
def projects = ['projectA',
def re = Pattern.compile(projects.collect{ Pattern.quote it }.join("|"))
['projectA', 'projectX'].each{
println it ==~ re
// -> true
// -> false
For what it's worth, I came to like the Groovy matching operators for their compact syntax. If you learn about them and practice for a short bit, you will probably get to like them, too.
Regardless, for a simple check, on whether a String is part of a list, there is a much simpler way in Groovy than using full blown regexp : the in operator, e.g.:
def projects = ['projectA',
['projectA', 'projectX'].each {
println "${it} is ${it in projects ? 'IN' : 'NOT IN'} the project list"
which yields e.g.:
projectA is IN the project list
projectX is NOT IN the project list
More info on that operator and many other aspects of the Groovy language from the always excellent MrHaki here
Of course, if you need to account for case differences, etc... you have to massage the code a bit, but at some point, a regexp might be warranted.
If you have already an collection, you should nearly always use an collection operator; E.g. replace
if ( "${PROJECT_NAME}" ==~ /projectA|projectB|projectC|projectD/) {
if (PROJECT_NAME in projects) {
Much easier to read and understand, no? 😉

Vim Create File(s) Using Template(s)

I'm tending to rely on vim more than a full IDE for working on projects, and one of the things I find myself doing on a regular basis is creating a new file(s) with derived values.
For example, creating a new c++ class involves creating a .hpp file and a .cpp file, adding file comments, the license, the author, ctor/dtor, copy, assign, move, etc...
class %Object% {
explicit %Object%() = default;
~%Object%() = default;
%Object%(%Object%&& rhs) = default;
%Object%(const %Object%& rhs) = default;
%Object%& operator=(%Object%&& rhs) = default;
%Object%& operator=(const %Object%& rhs) = default;
#include "%Object%.hpp"
Another example would be a .h and a .c file in c.
I'm a little familiar with UltiSnips and muTemplate, which both seem to cut down on boilerplate a lot. However, I'm not clear if there's a way to use these, or something else, outside of a file scope. I wrote a really quick and dirty set of bash scripts to do it, and I'm getting ready to re-implement it in python, but I'd rather use an existing plugin.
Is there a way to do this with UltiSnips, muTemplate, or something else? If not, is there a good way to extend an existing plugin?
Discl. I'm the maintainer of mu-template and lh-cpp. Unfortunately I'm just seeing your question now -- I would say that you shouldn't have hesitated to drop me an email/an issue/... I'm not sure the question is still opened. I'm not even sure to have exactly grasped what you were looking for.
Since the version you've experimented with, I've added many templates/snippets/wizards in lh-cpp to generate classes according to their semantics. You can now either:
expand things like value-class, base-class, etc
or call a function to expand the same wizard/snippet/template and give it parameters. For instance, expanding a value class with a pointer-like parameter will trigger the generation of the copy constructor and assignment operator (otherwise, they would be defaulted, explicitly or implicitly depending on options and on the C++ flavour detected (C++98/03, C++11 or more -- rule of all or nothing still has to be enforced). Alas this approach is not very ergonomic at the moment. I have to find a way to simplify this task. You can find example of use in the test/spec directory of lh-cpp.
Note that the c++ template for C++ files are also highly customizable -- on a per project basis. Usual licence texts are ready to include. A new C++ file knows how to include its associated header file (if detected).
Add this to one of your start up file:
" Function to substitute the class names in a file
function! SubstituteClassName()
execute "1,$s/%Object%/" . expand("%:t:r") . "/g"
" Function to create the skeleton of a header file
function! CreateHeaderFile()
#pragma once
#ifndef %Object%_H
#define %Object%_H
class %Object% {
explicit %Object%() = default;
~%Object%() = default;
%Object%(%Object%&& rhs) = default;
%Object%(const %Object%& rhs) = default;
%Object%& operator=(%Object%&& rhs) = default;
%Object%& operator=(const %Object%& rhs) = default;
call SubstituteClassName()
" Function to create the skeleton of a source file
function! CreateSourceFile()
#include "%Object%.hpp"
call SubstituteClassName()
function! CreateClassFiles(name)
" Open the header file.
execute "edit " . a:name . ".hpp"
" Create the skeleton of the header file
call CreateHeaderFile()
" Write the file
" Open the source file.
execute "edit " . a:name . ".cpp"
" Create the skeleton of the header file
call CreateSourceFile()
" Write the file
Now you can create the skeleton .hpp and .cpp files using
call CreateClassFiles("myclassname")

What do empty square brackets after a variable name mean in Groovy?

I'm fairly new to groovy, looking at some existing code, and I see this:
def timestamp = event.timestamp[]
I don't understand what the empty square brackets are doing on this line. Note that the timestamp being def'd here should receive a long value.
In this code, event is defined somewhere else in our huge code base, so I'm not sure what it is. I thought it was a map, but when I wrote some separate test code using this notation on a map, the square brackets result in an empty value being assigned to timestamp. In the code above, however, the brackets are necessary to get correct (non-null) values.
Some quick Googling didn't help much (hard to search on "[]").
EDIT: Turns out event and event.timestamp are both zero.core.groovysupport.GCAccessor objects, and as the answer below says, the [] must be calling getAt() on these objects and returning a value (in this case, a long).
The square brackets will invoke the underlying getAt(Object) method of that object, so that line is probably invoking that one.
I made a small script:
class A {
def getAt(p) {
println "getAt: $p"
def a = new A()
b = a[]
println b.getClass()
And it returned the value passed as a parameter. In this case, an ArrayList. Maybe that timestamp object has some metaprogramming on it. What does def timestamp contains after running the code?
Also check your groovy version.
Empty list, found this. Somewhat related/possibly helpful question here.
Not at a computer, but that looks like it's calling the method event.timestamp and passing an empty list as a parameter.
The same as:
def timestamp = event.timestamp( [] )

how can i assign indented block in vim a special syntax highlighter?

for convenience in grouping couchdb functions
i created a file format that groups separate things together using yaml
it basically contains entries in the form of name.ext: |
followed by a intended block of code in the language fitting to .ext
for more pleasant editing i'd like to have vim use the correct syntax highlighters for them
some code examples as requested
simple: |
(doc) ->
for item in doc.items:
emit [doc.category, item], null
reduce: _count
more complex: |
(doc) ->
emit doc.category, {items: 1, val: doc.value}
return |
(keys, values, rereduce) ->
ret = {items: 0, val: 0}
for v in values
ret.items += doc.items
ret.val += doc.val
return ret
I believe that what you want it to make use of Vim's syntax regions (:help syn-region). But regions take delimiters as parameters.
You have a well defined start but not a defined end, maybe you could work your way around by establishing some conventions here like "2 empty new lines at the end".
There are similar answers that might give you a hint (including the docs) on how to implement a solution, like: Embedded syntax highligting in Vim
Also interesting and similar approach is this Vimtip:
You have to write your own syntax file, and define a syntax region for each of your entries. Inside that region, you can then syntax-include the corresponding language as defined by your ext. Read all the details at :help :syn-include.
If that sounds too complicated, check out my SyntaxRange plugin. It is based on the Vimtip mentioned by alfredodeza. With it, you can quickly assign a syntax to a range of lines, e.g. :11,42SyntaxInclude perl

Is there standard method for managing camel cased strings in groovy?

For example groovy converts getSomeProperty() method to someProperty.
I need the same for my string. prefixMyString converted to myString.
Is there standard way to do so?
Groovy doesn't actually convert getSomeProperty() into someProperty. It only converts the other way, turning someProperty into getSomeProperty()
It does this using the capitalize(String property) method on org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.MetaClassHelper. You can run this in the console to see it work:
// outputs 'FredFlintstone'
The full conversion, including adding set, get, or is, can be found in the class groovy.lang.MetaProperty, under the methods getGetterName and getSetterName.
To convert the other way, you'll have to write your own code. However, that's relatively simple:
def convertName(String fullName) {
def out = fullName.replaceAll(/^prefix/, '')
out[0].toLowerCase() + out[1..-1]
println convertName('prefixMyString') // outputs: myString
println convertName('prefixMyOTHERString') // outputs: myOTHERString
Just change the prefix to meet your needs. Note that it's a regex, so you have to escape it.
EDIT: I made a mistake. There actually is a built-in Java method to decapitalize, so you can use this:
def convertName(String fullName) {
java.beans.Introspector.decapitalize(fullName.replaceAll(/^prefix/, ''))
It works nearly the same, but uses the built-in Java class for handling the decapitalization. This method handles uppercase characters a little differently, so that prefixUPPERCASETest returns UPPERCASETest.
